Russian scientific journal "Transfusiology"
Year of foundation: 2000
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year
Circulation: 1,500 copies
Journal subscription code in the Russian Publishing House (Rospechat) catalog - 14526
ISSN 2221-4593
The Journal was registered on December 19, 2014 in The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Infornation Technology, and Mass Media. The Mass Media Registration Certificate PI № FS 77-60259.
The founder and publisher of journal - The National fund for assistance to medical institutions .
Alexander Victorovich Chechetkin is the journal’s chief editor, professor, Doctor of medical science and the director of Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of St. Petersburg.
The Russian scientific journal "Transfusiology" covers actual problems of transfusiology, blood and blood components procurement, processing, storage and administration, laboratory research and donation. We are also focused on increasing safety in the process of procurement of blood and blood components.
Journal headings:
- Donorship
- Blood components
- Laboratory diagnostics
- Clinical transfusiology
- Blood derived products and substitutes
- Quality control
- Legislation
- Experience sharing
- Book reviews
- Letters to the editor
- Events, conferences, seminars
- Congratulations, announcements
The Journal would be interesting to the general public, transfusiologists, anesthetists, resuscitation specialists, surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, cardiologists, oncologists and others.
Peer review and article publication regulations in "Transfusion" journal.
of.16, 43g/8, Khoroshevsoe shosse, Moscow, Russia, 123308
The content of the third issue 2022
The content of the third issue 2022
Experience in organizing a specialized day hospital in the profile of «Transfusiology» in the Novosibirsk Clinical Blood Center
Y. V. Moor1, T. I. Pospelova2, K. V. Khalzov3
1 Novosibirsk clinical blood center
2 Novosibirsk state medical University
3 Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk region
The article presents the experience of organizing and operating the first day hospital in Russia, organized on the basis of a blood service institution in the state budgetary institution of the Novosibirsk region «Novosibirsk Clinical Blood Center». The assessment of the possibility of providing transfusiological care to comorbid patients with anemia and thrombocytopenia against the background of hematological diseases and malignant neoplasms in a specialized transfusiological day hospital was carried out. For the period 2017–2021. replacement therapy with blood components was performed in 963 patients in the day hospital, the clinical effectiveness of transfusion therapy was achieved in 99.3 % of hospitalizations. Based on the analysis of the 5-year experience of the department, the principal possibility of organizing a day hospital in the profile of transfusiology in a blood service institution as an option for providing planned specialized medical care to patients with oncological and hematological diseases is shown.
Key words: medical care, transfusiology, substitution transfusion therapy, day hospital, blood service institution.
Study of the effect of prolonged hypothermic storage on platelet concentrate
A. D. Kasyanov1, G. V. Grishina1, I. S. Golovanova1, L. R. Tarkovskaya1,
T. V. Glazanova1, E. A. Kiseleva1, C. V. Sidorkevich1, S. V. Abramovsky2
1 FSBI “Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of the Federal medical and biological agency of Russia”, St. Petersburg
2 FSBI “Clinical Hospital No 122 of the North-Western District Scientific and Clinical Center named after L. G. Sokolov of the Federal medical and biological agency of Russia”, St. Petersburg
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the quality indicators of apheresis platelet concentrate prepared on two additive solutions: experimental additive solution containing sodium fumarate and SSP+ solution. The parameters of the thrombogram, metabolism, hemostatic potential, markers of activation and apoptosis for prolonged periods (15 days) of storage at a temperature of 4 ± 2 °C were studied. The data obtained indicate the expediency of using additional solutions during cold storage of platelet concentrate. The cellular composition, sufficient level of metabolism and hemostatic ability of platelets were maintained throughout the observation period. The values of safety indicators corresponded to the requirements of regulatory documents. An additional solution with the inclusion of sodium fumarate is a promising development for prolonged cold storage of platelet concentrate.
Keywords: platelet concentrate, cold storage, quality control, additive solution, sodium fumarate.
Experience in development of additive solutions for decriopreserved erythrocytes
G. V. Grishina, G. U. Kiryanova, A. D. Kasyanov, I. V. Krasilshchikova, I. I. Krobinets
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency”, St. Petersburg, Russia
The article presents the data of own studies on the development of an additive solution for prolonged storage of washed defrosted red blood cells, cryopreserved by a non-apparatus method in a «closed» system. We provide justification of the ingredients of the new additive solution as well as the results of studying the morphofunctional properties of washed defrosted erythrocytes in individual experimental solutions during storage at 4 ± 2 °C. According to the results of in vitro studies, out of 10 developed, two variants of the solution (Э-4 and Э-10) of the optimal composition were selected, which in terms of the main indicators of the preservation of red blood cells in the suspension (the percentage of hemolysis, the content of free hemoglobin, ATP, osmotically unstable erythrocytes, p50, MCV, pH) are superior to SAG-M, which is widely used for deglycerolized red blood cells abroad. The efficacy of the solutions was confirmed in eight series of studies on hypothermic storage of suspensions. It was shown that after 1 week storage in the Э-10 solution at 4°C of the washed defrosted erythrocytes, cryopreserved at -40°C, the percentage of hemolysis was 0.29 ± 0.027, the content of osmotically unstable red blood cells was 2.6 ± 0.52 %, the morphological index was 87.0 ± 1.68, the ATP level was 5.5 ± 0.20 μmol/g Hb (92.0 % from the original). There was minimal decrease in pH (from 6.93 ± 0,017 to 6.90 ± 0,012) due to the optimal buffer system of the developed solution and no swelling of red blood cells (unlike SAG-M).
Key words: washed defrosted, decryopreserved erythrocytes, morphofunctional properties, additive solutions, preclinical study.
Аlloimmunization to neutrophil antigens in patients with hematology/oncology disorders
I. I. Krobinets, N. V. Mineeva, N. N. Bodrova, S. V. Gavrovskaya, E. A. Sisoeva
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency», Saint Petersburg
The analysis of the level of alloimmunization to neutrophil antigens (HNA) in hematological patients is presented. Different mechanisms and associated complications are discussed based on literature data. Frequency of detection of alloantibodies to HNA antigens in oncohematological patients was 3,17 %. Highest immunisation levels were detected in patients with aplastic anemia (16,7 %) and hemophilia (10,7 %). Anti-HNA antibodies in patients with hemoblastosis were detected in 1,8 %-4,6 %.
Key words: neutrophil antigens (HNA), alloimmunization, antibodies.
Transfusiological support of extensive liver resections
I.N. Solovyeva, G. E. Cherkasov
Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery, Moscow
The authors analysed the transfusion tactics for extensive liver resection. There were 374 patients with extensive liver resections: 282 were operated on in 2000–2012 (group 1), 92 — in 2013–2019 (group 2). The groups varied in the nature of dissection of the hepatic parenchyma. Clamps were used more often in the 1st group, and high-tech and combined dissection methods were used in the 2nd group. The average blood loss in group 1 was 1302 ± 80 ml, in group 2–600 ± 140 ml (p < 0.000). The requirement for red blood mass in the 2nd group decreased by 2.5 times, in the FFP by 1.7 times. Intraoperative tendency to hypocoagulation was more evident in group 1. The use of high-tech and combined dissection methods contributed to improving the quality of the postoperative period and reducing the length of hospital stay. Autoplasmа of the donor and intraoperative reinfusion of autoerythrocytes are the most actual for blood-save technologies.
Keywords: extensive liver resection, blood loss, high-tech and combined methods of parenchymal dissection, blood-save technology.
The contribution of a separate indigenous ethnic group of Siberia to the genetic diversity of potential hematopoietic stem cell donors pool of the registry of Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency
I.E. Pavlova, E. V. Kuzmich, M. A. Terentyeva, L. N. Bubnova
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency», Saint Petersburg
The genetic diversity of hematopoietic stem cell donors pool is a prerequisite for the registry efficiency. Currently the representatives of 49 nationalities are included in the registry of the Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology. The article is devoted to the analysis of immunogenetic characteristics of stem cells donors, self-identified as Buryats. The differences of the immunogenetic profiles of Buryats and donors from St. Petersburg prevailing in the registry of the Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology are demonstrated.
Key words: donor registry, hematopoietic stem cells, buryats, HLA-genes, HLA-haplotypes.
Is a single training in transfusiology enough?
R. G. Khamitov, A. S. Sukhareva, E. I. Kutefa, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican blood transfusion station, Ufa
Regional Clinical Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Blood transfusion requires continuing medical education. An original questionnaire (10 questions) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a 2-hour transfusiology class with 104 physicians in the treatment departments of a large general hospital. It was found that after the lesson the proportion of correct answers increased by 18.7 % (p < 0.001). The lesson allowed to significantly increase the proportion of correct answers in 6 out of 10 questions. Thus, issues needing further study were identified (in particular, blood transfusion in myocardial infarction and the importance of bedside tests to ensure the compatibility of the donor and recipient). It was found that the proportion of correct answers after the session increased mainly in the group of doctors who transfused blood more often (≥ 1 unit per week), compared with a similar increase in the group of doctors who rarely transfused blood (< 1 unit per week) — by 48.8 % and 23.4 %, respectively (p < 0.001). It can be assumed that forgetting the results of previous training in transfusiology is more typical for colleagues who rarely practice blood transfusion. Apparently, it is advisable to reconsider the existing procedure for the sufficiency of a single training in transfusiology.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, transfusiology, education.
Roul of V. N. Shamov in the formation of transfusiology in Russia
S. P. Kaleko, V. N. Vilyaninov, G. P. Ignatovich, J. I. Romashova
Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The presented materials are the analysis of the sources of literature of the staff of the Military Medical Academy, revealing the origins of the formation and development of transfusiology in our country. The introduction of safe blood transfusion into practice is associated with the name of the professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Academy (head-Professor S. P. Fedorov) Vladimir Nikolaevich Shamov, who performed the first blood transfusion of a donor to a recipient on June 20, 1919, taking into account AB0 compatibility. At its core, it was a case of transfusion of the «whole» blood of the donor. V. N. Shamov initiated the creation of the organizational foundations of the blood service, including the Ukrainian Institute of Blood Transfusion, autonomous front-line blood transfusion stations, the research laboratory of fibrinolysis of blood and tissues at the Military Medical Academy, as well as the pioneer of the clinical use of post-mortem tissues and organs.
Key words: blood transfusion, blood groups, compatibility, safety, formation of transfusiology, patients (wounded and sick), blood service.
The content of the second issue 2022
The content of the second issue 2022
Regulatory guillotine and donation deferrals
R. G. Khamitov, R. F. Ayupova, L. A. Absalyamova, A. K. Yulbarisova, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Ufa Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Screening for specific markers of bloodborne infections remains important in ensuring the infectious safety of blood transfusion: in 2021, due to the detection of laboratory markers of infection, products of 188 (29.33‰) donations of firsttime donors and 224 (3.16‰) donations of repeated donors were rejected. A change in the “regulatory guillotine” tactics for screening infection markers in donors (rejection of a confirmatory test and determination of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity, introduction of screening for antibodies to the core protein of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) (anti-HBc) resulted in 2021 compared to 2020 year to an increase in withdrawals by 3.74 ‰, including for HBV — in primary and repeated donors, for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and syphilis — in repeated donors. At the same time, the frequency of withdrawals for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), based on a confirmatory test at the AIDS Center, has not changed. Due to the detection of anti-HBc, 9.57‰ primary and 2.02‰ repeated donors were allocated.
When comparing the costs of ALT pre-screening and additional withdrawals of donations with specific infection markers, it was found that the work procedure introduced in 2021 saves more than 85 % of budget costs.
Key words: blood, donors, examination, deferral, infections.
Problems of identification and management of donors with iron deficiency
V. Krasilshchikova, S. V. Sidorkevich, A. D. Kasyanov, G. Yu. Kiryanova, G. V. Grishina, I. S. Golovanova
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical — Biological Agency», St. Petersburg, Russia
Despite the expressed interest in the problem of iron deficiency in blood donors and blood component donors, there is no international consensus on an appropriate policy for monitoring it, each blood center solves this problem independently. The literature review presents data on the identification and management of irondeficient donors in various blood centers of the member States of the European Union. The issues of laboratory diagnostics of iron deficiency, the influence of gender, age, type and frequency of donations, duration of donor experience and the interval between donations on the development of iron deficiency in blood donors and components are considered.
Key words: iron deficiency, blood donor, blood component donor, ferritin, donation, interval between donations.
Evaluation of factors influencing red blood cell transfusion effectiveness in children with cancer and hematological diseases
P. S. Kuga, D. E. Pevtcov, M. A. Kucher, M. A. Estrina, A. G. Gevorgian, O. V. Paina, A. A. Osipova, О. A. Slesarchuk, T. A. Bykova, L. S. Zubarovskaya, A. D. Kulagin
RM Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation, Pavlov University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract: RBC transfusions are an integral part of chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients with malignancy and hematological diseases. It is of high demand to determine the clinical factors which may influence the effectiveness and safety of RBC transfusions in children of different ages in different clinical setting. The aim of the study is to increase the effectiveness and safety of RBC transfusions in anemia caused by myelodepression in pediatric patients with malignancy and hematology diseases with weight less than 30 kg. A retrospective analysis of 753 RBC transfusions was performed in 175 pediatric patients in various clinical conditions. Statistical analysis was carried out to determine the factors affecting the effectiveness and safety of transfusions. The prospective part of the study continues, which is devoted to a clinical testing of a model for predicting the effectiveness of RBC transfusion. The factors influencing the effectiveness of RBC transfusion were identified: age, diagnosis, BMI, body temperature, type of organomegaly. A novel created model for predicting the effectiveness of RBC transfusion in children of different ages for anemia correction caused by bone marrow insufficiency will allow providing the most effective and safe transfusion therapy.
Key words: RBC components, pediatric oncology and hematology, transfusion effectiveness.
Thrombocytopenia associated with acute period of coronavirus infection
O. U. Matvienko, N. E. Korsakova, L. P. Papayan, O. G. Golovina, S. V. Sidorkevich
Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
There were determined parameters of hemostasis in 162 COVID-19 patients with and without thrombocytopenia under infusion, antibiotic therapy and antithrombotic prophylaxis. High hypercoagulability was observed in all patients, but more significance in patients with thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia was associated with higher risk of mortality.
Key words: COVID-19, hypercoagulability, thrombocytopenia, thrombotic complications.
Regional aspect of HIV detection in blood donors
S. I. Kuznetsov, D. A. Fedulenko, O. V. Evseenko, E. B. Zhiburt
Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, Samara
Blood Center of the Leningrad Region, Tosno
We studied the number of HIV-positive donations in serological and NAT tests in first-time and repeat donors in the Samara and Leningrad regions. Data from 2007 to 2016 were compared with those of 6 countries: Brazil, Italy, Spain, Japan, Norway, Australia. It has been established that the work of the blood service in the regions of Russia takes place in a more difficult epidemiological situation compared to other developed countries, which leads to an increased prevalence (by 2 or more times) and incience (by 3 or more times) of HIV infection in blood and blood components donors. The part of only-NAT-positive (NAT+/seronegative) donations does not correlate with the incidence of the population, but positively correlates with the number of seropositive donations (r = 0.893, p = 0.003). This indicator in the Russian regions is at least 5 times higher than similar indicators in foreign countries. Accordingly, additional measures are needed to prevent blood-transmitted infections. During the study period, the proper work of the blood service in two Russian regions, the examination of donors, the high level of sensitivity of serological and individual NAT tests, and the inactivation of pathogens in labile blood components made it possible to prevent transfusion infection of recipients with HIV and hepatitis viruses. For benchmarking the effectiveness of infectious safety in the blood service, 2 indicators are proposed: 1) the ratio of HIV prevalence among residents of the region to the prevalence of HIV among primary blood donors, 2) the ratio of the incidence of HIV among the inhabitants of the region to the incidence of HIV in repeated donors of blood and its components.
Key words: donor, donation, blood, region, HIV, NAT, epidemiology.
Influence of combined platelet and plasma apheresis on some indicators of humoral immunity in donors
T. V. Glazanova, E. A. Kiseleva, I. E. Pavlova, O. E. Rozanova, E. R. Shilova, L. N. Bubnova
Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology, saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. There is still no unequivocal opinion on the impact of repeated and prolonged exfusions of blood and its components on the donor’s immune system. Immunoglobulins and complement components are the main defense proteins, together with antibodies, carrying out adaptive immune protection, therefore, even a transient decrease in the level of serum immunoglobulins can lead to a violation of the donor’s immune defense and affect his health. The article is devoted to the study of the impact of single and repeated procedures of instrumental thrombocytoplasmapheresis on the humoral immunity parameters of donors — the content of classes G, A and M immunoglobulins in the blood serum, as well as medium and low molecular weight circulating immune complexes. Blood samples from 45 donors were evaluated over time over several donations. Combined harvesting of platelets and plasma from donors was performed on two blood cell separators: Trima Accel and Haemonetics MCS+. It was shown that single exfusions of platelet concentrate and plasma by automatic thrombocytoplasmapheresis using both Trima Accel and Haemonetics MCS+ do not cause significant changes in the studied parameters of humoral immunity in donors. Repeated donations (up to 5) of platelet concentrate and plasma are accompanied by some changes in the values of humoral immunity parameters, which do not go beyond the physiological range and are restored within 14 days to the pre-donation level.
Key words: donor, combined platelet and plasma apheresis, humoral immunity, immunoglobulins class G, A, M, circulating immune complexes.
Antibodies to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) in patients with planned transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells
E. G. Khamaganova, M. Yu. Drokov, S. P. Khizhinsiy, A. R. Abdrakhimova, E. A. Leonov, U. V. Maslikova, F. A. Omarova, O. S. Starikova, I. Yu. Urybin, L. A. Kuzmina, E. N. Parovichnikova
National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation
There has been an increase of the number of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations from haploidentical and partially compatible donors in recent years. The preformed anti-HLA alloimmunization of the patient may have a negative impact on the outcome of transplantation, due to the development of graft failure. The aim of the work was to study the frequency of anti-HLA antibodies, including donor-specific, in patients before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and the association of anti-HLA antibody detection with the development of graft failure. The study included 128 patients. HLA-typing was performed by next-generation sequencing with NGS Amplification Kits (One Lambda, USA). Detection of anti-HLA AT was done using the Luminex platform and LIFECODES kits (Immucore, USA). Specific anti-HLA antibodies were detected using antibodies against a single HLA antigen. We found that 20.3 % of patients had preformed antibodies to HLA specificities. Antibodies to HLA antigens of class I and II were determined with approximately the same frequency of 7–9 %; 3.1 % of patients had antibodies to HLA antigens of both classes. Antibodies were directed to antigens of all HLA loci, including those encoded by genes not typed in routine HLA typing (DRB3/4/5, DQA1, DPA1, and DPB1). Most of patients with anti-HLA antibodies were women (more than 84 %). Donor-specific antibodies to HLA antigens were established in 5 patients (4.2 % of 120 patients with haploidentical or partially compatible donor). One patient with a high level of donor-specific antibodies (MFI > 18000) had transplant rejection. In four patients with MFI < 4000, the graft failure was absent. Preformed anti-HLA antibodies that were not donorspecific, but had high MFI levels may have been involved in the development of graft failure due to possible cross-reactivity with graft HLA antigens. Preformed anti-HLA antibodies were not the only cause of graft failure.
Key words: donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, graft failure.
Development of the bone marrow donor registry of the Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of the FMBA of Russia
L. N. Bubnova, I. E. Pavlova, E. V. Kuzmich, M. A. Terentyeva, E. V. Belyaeva, T. V. Glazanova, S. V. Sidorkevich
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency», Saint Petersburg
The bone marrow donor registry of the Federal State Budgetary Institution RosNIIGT FMBA of Russia is the first bone marrow donor registry established in the Russian Federation. The article presents the demographic, immunogenetic characteristics of potential donors of the registry, the results of the registry for the period 1989-2021.
Key words: bone marrow donor registry, potential donor, hematopoietic stem cells, HLA typing, HLA haplotype frequency
The content of the first issue 2022
The content of the first issue 2022
Preparation and clinical application of antikovid plasma in the Russian Federation
O. V. Eichler1, A. A. Meleshkova1, I. V. Krasilshchikova2, S. V. Sidorkevich2
1 Department of medical support for conversion and extreme works and blood services of the Federal medical and biological agency, Moscow
2 FSBI «Russian research Institute of hematology and transfusiology of the Federal medical and biological agency», St. Petersburg
The work is devoted to the analysis of information on the procurement and clinical use of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (anticovid plasma) and plasma of non-sick donors, but having IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, for the period 2020–2021 in medical institutions in 85 regions of the Russian Federation. The information on the number of institutions engaged in the procurement of anticovid plasma, the number of donations, the average volume of one donation, the amount of harvested plasma, the amount of plasma subjected to pathogen reduction and issued for clinical use is analyzed. Data on patients who received anticovid plasma transfusion by gender, age, blood type, severity of the condition, number of transfused plasma doses, complications and reactions after transfusion were analyzed.
Key words: convalescent plasma, COVID-19, antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, clinical use of convalescent plasma.
Improvement of pooled pathogen-reduced platelets concentrate production
E. V. Rozhkov, O. V. Kozhemyako, I. A. Karaseva, M. A. Ponasenko, N. S. Rozhkova, S. R. Madzaev, E. B. Zhiburt Regional blood transfusion station, Khabarovsk Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
We studied the results of quality control of 81 concentrates of pooled pathogenreduced platelets: 38 in 2019 and 43 in 2020. If in 2019 buffy coat for the preparation of pooled platelets was isolated from any units of whole blood, then in 2020 it was decided to select blood units from regular donors who had previously been diagnosed with thrombocytopenia absense for pooling platelets. The average number of cells in the pooled platelet concentrate produced in 2020 is 27 % higher than the same indicator in 2019 (p < 0.001): 338.1 ± 16.5 and 266.4 ± 22.6 × 109/L, respectively.
Key words: blood, blood collection, donor, platelets, pooling, buffy coat.
Features phenotypic and functional of leukocyte-depleted pathogentreatment platelets obtained by automatic apheresis
E. V. Dashkevich, J. V. Peshnyak, N. V. Goncharova, L. А. Repina, N. A. Bukhvald
State Institution «Republican Scientifi c and Practical Center for Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnologies», Minsk, Republic of Belarus
А positive statistically significant correlation was revealed for platelets from whole blood and platelets obtained by the method of automatic apheresis, ОВ pathogen-reduced by INTERCEPT (amotosalen) on the 2nd day of storage between the indicative aggregation activities under this ADP at a dose of 5 mM and relative cells expressing P-selectin (CD62P). In order to standardize the indicators of platelet aggregation activity in samples of platelet blood components, a pool of AB(IV) citrated plasma from Rh (D)-negative male donors was added. The data obtained allow us to consider indicators for assessing platelet aggregation activity as one of the characteristics of quality control of platelet blood components.
Key words: platelet components of blood, aggregation activity of platelet, P-selectin, automatic apheresis.
Anti-HBc screening of blood donors in Russia as a tool of blood transfusion safety improving
T. V. Gaponova1, R. R. Abakarov1, A. V. Vorob’ev13, R. G. Gil’mutdinov3, O. A. Goreva10, L. E. Davydova5, M. V. Zarubin14, E. N. Ignatova1, O. V. Kozhemjako9, S. M. Kulikov1, O. G. Makedonskaja4, Ju. V. Moor12, A. M. Orlov15, H. S. Tankaeva6, Z. M. Tataeva8, D. S. Tihomirov1, L. L. Tkachenko2, T. A. Tupoleva1, N. G. Filina11, R. G. Hamitov7.
1 National Research Center for Hematology, Russia
2 Center of Blood of the Republic of Crimea
3 Orenburg Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station
4 Mordovian republican blood transfusion station
5 Blood transfusion station of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
6 Republican blood transfusion station of the Republic of Dagestan
7 Republican blood transfusion station of the Republic of Bashkortostan
8 Republican blood transfusion station of the Republic of Chechnya
9 Regional blood transfusion station of the Khabarovsk Territory
10 Regional blood transfusion station of the Perm Territory
11 Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center No. 1
12 Novosibirsk Clinical Blood Center
13 Regional blood transfusion station of the Sakhalin Region
14 Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station
15 Regional blood transfusion station of the Sverdlovsk Region
This article gives data obtained in cohort, screening, single-stage epidemiological study of donors’ blood testing for anti-HBcore. Depersonalysed electronic data and blood samples of 6964 donors from 14 different Russian Blood banks were analyzed. Anti-HBcore was detected in 746 of 6964 (10,71 %) blood samples. Frequency of anti-HBcore detection depended on region and fluctuated from 0.02 % in the Primorsky Krai to 26.51 % in The Republic of Dagestan. It also had correlation with donors’ age: 20 yrs. and younger were positive in 0.80 % of cases, 50 yrs. and older were positive in 26.39 % of cases (p < 0.005). The study was single-staged, but nevertheless there was significant difference between first-time and regular donors in anti-HBcore ratio. Data analysis and matching it with regional epidemiological situation proved correlation between frequency of anti-HBcore detection in blood donors and incidence of latent HBV.
Ways to improve the work of HLA-typing laboratories carrying out examination of hematopoietic stem cell donors I
I. E. Pavlova1, T. V. Glazanova1, E. V. Belyaeva1, O. E. Rozanova1, L. N. Bubnova1, 2
1 FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency», Saint Petersburg
2 First St. Petersburg State I. Pavlov Medical University, Saint Petersburg
The authors used the methods of scientific analysis of domestic and international regulatory and methodological documents concerning the work of laboratories performing immunogenetic studies (HLA-laboratories), literature data and our own data analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of HLA-typing laboratories. It has been shown that the work of most of the laboratories meets international standards, but to improve the quality of immunogenetic studies, it is necessary to develop a domestic system for external quality control of HLA typing in medical organizations.
Key words: HLA typing, laboratory.
Ferritin in patients of a multidiscipline clinic (at different lower threshold values of concentration)
R. G. Khamitov, N. S. Kuzmin, O. V. Fedyk, E. A. Shestakov, E. B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
We retrospectively evaluated the results of a study of ferritin concentration in hospital patients in 2019. A total of 1120 studies were performed, the ferritin concentration was 185.9 ± 23.8 ng/ml. In women (n = 616) a signifi cantly lower than in men (n = 504) — 178.6 ± 38.0 and 228.8 ± 30.0 ng/ml, respectively (p = 0.049). Ferritin levels less than 45 ng/ml were detected in 34.9 % of the examined patients of the Pirogov Center. Most often, hypoferritinemia occurs in the neurology department for patients with cerebrovascular accidents, signifi cantly more often than in other departments of the Center — 62.5 and 34.1 %, respectively (p < 0.003). The revealed high incidence of hypoferritinemia in patients of the Pirogov Center makes it possible to state the advisability of further studies of the role of iron defi ciency and the signifi cance of its correction in patients of a multidisciplinary clinic.
Key words: blood, ferritin, anemia, general hospital.
Influence of therapy on blood aggregate state in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms
N. Silina, N. Korsakova, O. Golovina, O. Matvienko, V. Kobilanskaya, E. Efremova, S. Voloshin, S. Sidorkevich, L. Papayan
Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are clonal diseases with abnormal myeloid proliferation. MPN are characterized by thrombotic complications. The common etiologic factor is JAK2V617F somatic mutation. This mutation occurs in 81–99 % patients with polycythemia vera (PV), 41–72 % with essential thrombocythemia (ET) and 39–57 % with primary myelofibrosis (PMF). JAK2V617F mutation is associated with high risk of venous and arterial thrombosis, intoxication, leukocytosis and elevated hemoglobin level. Currently there is not general diagnostic laboratory method for the development of thrombosis. Thus, it is important to introduce integral methods for studying hemostasis such as the thrombin generation test (TGT) that allows to obtain a quantitative characteristic of the thrombin generation process in individuals. Currently, TGT is the most promising test for monitoring both antithrombotic therapy and the patient’s hemostatic state, which makes it possible to exclude thromboembolic complications.
Key words: thrombin generation test, hemostasis, polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis, antiplatelet therapy, cytoreductive therapy, thrombosis.
Efferent therapy in chronic decompensated placental insufficiency in pregnant women (two clinical observations)
V. V. Vetrov, D. O. Ivanov, V. A. Reznik, L. A. Romanova, L. V. Kurdynko
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Perinatal Center
Two cases of pregnant women with chronic decompensated placental insufficiency are described. In both women the development of pathology was accompanied by a clinical picture of severe endotoxemia or syndrome of systemic effects of aggressive metabolites (SWAM), in fetuses — growth retardation on the background of severe placental disorders. Detoxification methods were started belatedly, but with good effect and prolongation of pregnancy, birth of live low birth weight babies, which did not require intensive therapy. Subsequent active rehabilitation measures contributed to the restoration of health of children who have caught up in the development of peers.
Key words: pregnancy, placental insufficiency, efferent therapy.
The content of the third issue 2021
The content of the third issue 2020
HLA-haplotypes in potential hematopoietic stem cell donors of National Research Center for Hematology
E. G. Khamaganova, E. A. Leonov, A. R. Abdrakhimova, S. P. Khizhinsiy, T. V. Gaponova, V. G. Savchenko
National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation
The distribution of two- and five-locus HLA-haplotypes in donors of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells of the registry of the National Research Center for Hematology with self-identification as the Russians, as well as the linkage disequilibrium of HLA genes in two-locus haplotypes, has been studied. The study included 1,510 donors. HLA-typing was performed using the AllType NGS Amplification Kits (One Lambda, USA). HLA-typing of Class I genes was carried out with full sequencing, including untranslated regions, typing of Class II genes at the 2- or 3-field level. The TypeStream Visual Software (TSV) (One Lambda, USA) program was used to analyze the sequences of HLA genes. Arlequin 3.5 was used to calculate the frequencies of HLA-haplotypes, as well as the standardized value of the linkage disequilibrium of HLA genes. It has been revealed that most of the donors of the registry are the carriers of the common HLA-haplotypes. However, the large variety of HLA-haplotypes was due to the presence of a long line of rare haplotypes. The probability to find a fully HLAmatched donor for the patients with these rare haplotypes is uncommon even with a large number of donors in registry. HLA alleles, which differ only by one nucleotide in untranslated region, were defined in different HLA-haplotypes with different linkage disequilibrium. The linkage disequilibrium between HLA alleles was the highest for haplotypes of the main HLA blocks, i.e., HLA-DRB1 — HLA-DQB1 and HLA-B — HLA-C. Specific pairs of HLA alleles in the blocks can vary significantly in the strength of the linkage disequilibrium. The fivelocus HLA-A-B-C-C-DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes were mainly formed from twolocus HLA-haplotypes with strong linkage disequilibrium in each pair of genes. The results of the study can be used for the verification of HLA-haplotypes in the selection of an optimally HLA-compatible donor for transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells.
Key words: HLA genes, HLA-haplotypes, linkage disequilibrium, donors of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells, registries.AntiCOVID antibodies conserved in crioprecipitate-depleted plasma
The seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 among convalescent donors
Yu. V. Mikhailova1, M. V. Kuvshinov1, L. Yu. Tukina2, A. M. Ishbuldina2, R. G. Gilmutdinov2, A. P. Obryadina1, E. B. Zhiburt3
1 RPC Diagnostic Systems, Ltd., 603024, N. Novgorod, Russia
2 Regional blood transfusion station, Orenburg, Russia 3 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia
To determine the seroprevalence to COVID-19 antibodies of SARSCoV-2 IgG (anti-SARS-CoV-2-G) titers in a cohort of 130 convalescent donors in age 14–82 years have been studied. The seroprevalence rate was 70.7 % in the initial examination of convalescent donors. The age of seropositive individuals was 8 years longer than the age of seronegative individuals (t = 3.2, p < 0.05). A direct correlation between the titer of anti-SARS-CoV-2-G, the age of the infected patients (rS = 0.94, p < 0.05), and between the severity of COVID-19 (rS = 1.0, p < 0.05) has been established.
Key words: COVID-19; anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG; convalescent donors, seroprevalence.
Platelet concentrate: trends in obtaining and storing
I. V. Krasilshchikova, A. V. Chechetkin, A. D. Kasyanov, N. N. Alekseeva, E. A. Kiseleva, G. U. Kiryanova
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency», St. Petersburg
In recent years, platelet concentrate has been one of the most popular blood components for the relief of massive blood loss and an obligatory part of the standards for the treatment of oncohematological diseases. Metabolic, biochemical and functional changes in the platelet concentrate begin from the moment of preparation and increase during their storage. The issues of maintaining functional activity, infectious and immunological safety with an increase in the shelf life of platelet concentrate are becoming increasingly relevant. The literature review examines the issues of platelet concentrate preparation by various methods, biochemical, structural and functional changes occurring in platelets during storage at room temperature (+20 °C...+24 °C) and during cold storage (+2 °C...+6 °C), advantages and disadvantages of storing platelet concentrate under various temperature conditions.
Keywords: platelet concentrate, methods of obtaining and storing, changes in platelets during storage, cold storage of platelet concentrate.
E. V. Butina, E. A. Poponina, A. V. Yovdiy, F. S. Sherstnev, I. V. Paramonov
FSFSI «Kirov research institute of hematology and blood transfusion under the Federal medical biological agency», Kirov
An algorithm for the selection of red blood cells for different groups of recipients is presented. The results of screening and identification of alloantibodies in blood donors and hematological patients have been analyzed.
Key words: red blood cells, alloimmunization, antigens, antibodies.
S. I. Kuznetsov, E. A. Shestakov, V. G. Gusarov, E. B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
We retrospectively studied the case histories of 49 patients who received (recipients) and 147 who did not receive (non-recipients, control group) red blood cells transfusions in a COVID-19 hospital. It was found that red blood cells transfusion helped to save most of the most severe patients:
• over 70 years old,
• anemia on admission,
• the period of D-dimer concentration over 1.5 mg / l — more than 20 days,
• concomitant oncological diseases — in 20 % of patients.
Among patients with new coronavirus infection and no indication for red blood cell transfusion, hemoglobin concentration negatively correlates with age and D-dimer level. The absence of such connections in red blood cells recipients indicates the importance of other factors (oncological process, bleeding) in the development of anemia that requires transfusion correction.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, COVID-19, red blood cells, anemia, hemoglobin
Modern methodological approaches to conducting immunohematological studies in blood donors and recipients and its components
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology Federal medical biological agency», St. Petersburg
N. V. Mineeva, I. I. Krobinets, S. V. Gavrovskaya, N. N. Bodrova, E. A. Sisoeva, A. V. Chechetkin, V. A. Strumentaleva
The analysis of methodological approaches to immunohematological studies is presented, as well as a comparative analysis of the determination of antigen D in samples of donors’ blood and its components and samples of blood from patients with hematological diseases, as well as antigens C, c, E, e in blood samples from patients with hematological diseases, from whom it was not possible to establish the Rh phenotype by serological methods.
Key words: erythrocyte antigen, blood group genotyping, hematological diseases, multiple transfusions of blood and its components, donor.
O. K. Kuzakbirdieva, V. E. Soldatenkov, Chechetkin A. V., L. P. Papayan, N. N. Silina, K. A. Komissarov
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology», Sant Petersburg, Russia
The article presents the results of evaluating the clinical effectiveness of the antihypoxic infusion solution Konfumin in the treatment of patients with chronic lower limb ischemia. It has been established that the use of a fumarate-containing solution «Konfumin» as a low-volume metabolic drug of antihypoxant action, in combination with modern combined antithrombotic therapy, is a promising method of treatment, its effect on the effectiveness of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy has been studied.
Key words: infusion therapy, hemostasis, Konfumin, sodium fumarate, chronic ischemia of the lower extremities.
S. I. Kuznetsov, D. A. Fedulenko, L. I. Medvedeva, N. S. Kuzmin, E. B. Zhiburt
Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, Samara Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
We assessed the prevalence of anemia among different groups of the Russian population and searched for a possible relationship between the incidence rates and the clinical activity of the blood service. It was found that, according to statistical observation, the prevalence of anemia among the population of Russia in 2019 was 1.1 %. 33 % of patients with anemia are pregnant women, 24 % are children, and 19 % are over working age (from 55 years for women and 60 years for men). The current federal statistical toolkit does not allow assessing both the proportion of red blood cells recipients among anemia patients and the number of transfused donor red blood cells units. The incidence rates of anemia in different subjects of the Russian Federation are very variable and require additional research.
Key words: anemia, pregnancy, childbirth, children, blood, transfusion.
Age and gender characteristics of the saturation rates of human venous blood erythrocytes with oxygen
M. N. Kirichenko1, G. V. Rybalchenko1, A. R. Zaritskii1, V. S. Pronin2, S. Yu. Gavrilkin1, G. V. Zaytceva, A. A. Moiseeva3, A. A. Ragimov4, N. G. Dashkova4
1 Р. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education
3 A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement compounds Russian Academy of Sciences
4 I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)
The paper presents the results of preclinical tests of the original device «KINOX Gamma 4», which allows us to record changes in the degree of saturation of red blood cells with oxygen during oxygenation and deoxygenation of a blood sample under special conditions in vitro and to assess the rate of such changes. During the tests, 98 samples of venous blood from healthy male and female primary blood donors from 18 up to 60 years old were examined and the saturation rates of each of the samples were obtained. The distribution of all saturation rates was close to normal with an average value of 3.9 ± 1.4 % / min. Cluster analysis of the data set containing the saturation rates of red blood cells, gender, age, blood groups, hematocrit, and time from collection to measurement revealed several significant correlations between the rate of saturation and other parameters. The oxygenation rates for male donors were by average 15 % lower than those of female donors (p ˂ 0.001). After dividing the array into 2 groups according to gender, within each of them a statistically significant correlation between the rate of oxygenation and the age of the donor was found. The correlation was positive for male donors (r = 0.26, p ˂ 0.05), and negative for female donors (r = -0.36, p ˂ 0.05). The automatic division of data sets for men and women into age subgroups within which the saturation rates are close in magnitude illustrates the possibility of developing reference ranges of normal values for blood sample oxygenation rates. A significant deviation of the saturation rate of the patient’s blood sample from the normal values can become a new marker indicating a violation of the morpho-functional state of red blood cells.
Key words: the rate of the blood sample saturation with oxygen, the permeability of the red blood cell membrane for oxygen, oxygen transport function.
The content of the thirst issue 2021
The content of the second issue 2021
Specific features of anticovid plasma collection in Nur-Sultan
S. A. Abdrakhmanova, T. N. Savchuk, J. J. Bibekov, A. Kh. Dosmukhamedova, S. R. Madzaev, E. B. Zhiburt
Research and Production Center for Transfusiology, Nur-Sultan
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
In the collection of anticovid plasma from convalescent donors, it is of interest to study specific antibodies of the IgG class in two aspects: 1) The dynamics of the level of antibodies in donors during the first and repeated donations and its relationship with age and post-donation period. 52 donors were examined. 2) The concentration of antibodies in the collected plasma before and after the procedure for pathogens inactivation using amotosalen and ultraviolet A (UVA). Number of studies is 20. For the study of antibodies, the methods of immunochemiluminescence analysis (IHLA) (SARS-CoV2-IgG, Abbott, USA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Generic Assays, Germany) with an assessment of the positivity coefficient (PC) were used. The donor’s age is directly correlated with PC upon repeated donation (r = 0.383, p = 0.013). The decrease in PC directly correlates with the number of days between donations (r = 0.515, p < 0.001). It was found that during the six-month follow-up, according to the results of IHLA, the level of anticovid antibodies in convalescent donors decreased by 60 %. Inactivation of pathogens with amotosalen and UVA does not affect the level of anticovid antibodies in the plasma of convalescent donors.
Keywords: donor, blood, donation, blood component, plasma, anticovid, apheresis, COVID-19.Effect of multicomponent platelet and red blood cells apheresis on donors.
AntiCOVID antibodies conserved in crioprecipitate-depleted plasma
M. V. Zarubin1, O. B. Karpova1, L. S. Trufanova1, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station, Irkutsk
2 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The dynamics of the level of anticovid antibodies in the plasma of donors before and after the isolation of cryoprecipitate was investigated. It was found that after the isolation of cryoprecipitate in cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma (CDP), there is no decrease in the level of both total antibodies and specific to the RBD domain of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It is advisable to include the anticovid CDP in the recommendations for etiotropic treatment of patients with new coronavirus infection, to conduct clinical studies of the thrombogenicity of 2 types of antiCOVID plasma: conventional and CDP.
Keywords: blood, blood transfusion, plasma, COVID-19,SARS-CoV-2, cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma.
Red blood cell transfusions in the COVID-19 hospital
S. I. Kuznetsov, E. A. Shestakov, V. G. Gusarov, S. A. Fateev, E. B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
We studied the features of red blood cells transfusions in the COVID-19 hospital. Among the 1,142 patients of the COVID-19 hospital, 49 (4.3 %) people received transfusion of 158 units of red blood cells (an average of 3.2 units per recipient). The leukodepleted red blood cells suspension was transfused into PAGGSM. Compared to the conventional departments of the Pirogov Center in the COVID-19 hospital, it was found that:
• the proportion of red blood cells recipients was 2.7 % higher (p < 0.01),
• the number of red blood cells units per 100 bed-days was 7.9 % higher (1.12 and 1.04 units, respectively). In the COVID-19 hospital, the mortality rate of red blood cells recipients was 47 %, while among patients who did not receive red blood cells — 2.1 %. In the group of recipients with a lethal outcome, the mean values of 2 indicators differ from the group of recipients with a successful outcome:
• treatment period — less by 32 %,
• the maximum concentration of D-dimer is 209 % higher. In the group of deceased patients, the number of red blood cells transfusions directly correlates with the proportion of treatment days in which the D-dimer concentration exceeded 1.5 mg/L (p < 0.05). The effectiveness of red blood cells transfusion is evidenced by the transfusion increase in hemoglobin concentration, which negatively correlates with the serial number of the transfusion and the maximum concentration of D-dimer. In 54 % of red blood cells recipients, transfusion therapy was completed with 1 unit transfusion. The residual shelf life of the transfused red blood cells (29.3 ± 5.3 days, about 60 % of the maximum possible) is not associated with the outcome of treatment and was sufficient for effective management of the supply of blood components. There were no transfusion reactions and outdated red blood cells units. Red blood cells transfusions helped to save most of the worst patients:
• over 70 years old; • the period of D-dimer concentration more than 1.5 mg/l is 19.5 ± 5.3 days;
• concomitant oncohematological diseases — in 20 % of patients. The data on red blood cells transfusions in the COVID-19 hospital can be used as a benchmark for the related work planning.
Keywords: blood, blood transfusion, COVID-19, red blood cells, anemia, hemoglobin.
Organization of production of washed leukoreduced erythrocytes with a shelf life of 7 days
K. A. Zaichenko, T. N. Skripnik
Nizhny Novgorod Regional Blood Center
The work is devoted to the description of the peculiarities of the approach to the process of organizing the production of washed leucoreduced erythrocytes with a shelf life of 7 days.
Keywords: washed erythrocytes, quality management, validation, automated cell processor.
Protein in the supernatant of red blood cells suspension and washed red blood cells
M. V. Zarubin1, O. E. Saratova1,
E. N. Taranenko1, E. S. Kapuza1, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station, Irkutsk
2 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The parameters of the quality of the buffy-coat depleted red blood cells suspension and washed red blood cells were compared. We investigated the amount of protein in the supernatant, the amount of total hemoglobin and free hemoglobin, hematocrit, the degree of hemolysis and the number of leukocytes in buffy-coat depleted red blood cells (n = 10) and washed erythrocytes (n = 4). Protein content in a container with buffy-coat depleted red blood cells:
• more than in a container with washed red blood cells, but
• less than 0.5 g per unit (quality criterion for washed erythrocytes). Washed erythrocyte problems:
• for their production it is necessary to remove a separate operator from the production process,
• short shelf life, not defined by domestic standards, • there is no regulated method for the determination of residual protein.
Effect of the duration of cryopreservation on the viability and proliferative potential of hematopoietic stem cells of autograft patients with multiple myeloma
V. A. Balashova, N. Yu. Semenova, Zh. V. Chubukina, I. I. Kostroma, Z. E. Artyukhina, A. A. Zhernyakova, S. S. Bessmeltsev, A. V. Chechetkin, S. V. Gritsaev
Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg
The article presents data on the dependence of the viability and proliferative potential of hematopoietic stem cells on the timing of their cryopreservation in the range from 1 to 18 months. The results obtained indicate that there is no significant damaging effect of cryopreservation on the proliferative potential of autograft in multiple myeloma patients. Also, the infusion of the cell suspension, which was thawed at different time intervals after its preparation, was not accompanied by a significant change in the graft engraftment time and the need for transfusions of donor red blood cells. However, there was a tendency to decrease the percentage of CFU-GM, CFU-general, and CD34+cells in combination with a significant decrease in the number of BFU with an increase in the cryopreservation period. It is possible that the trend may acquire significance as the shelf life increases.
Keywords: multiple myeloma, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, cryopreservation, CD34+cells, colony-forming capacity, viability, proliferative potential.
The modern approaches to laboratory support of infusion treatment of hemophilia
O. A. Smirnova, L. R. Tarkovskaya, V. E. Soldatenkov, V. V. Burakov, K. A. Komissarov, L. P. Papayan.
Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg
The field of novel therapeutics for hemophilia has seen significant advances in recent years. Several extended half-life products and nonfactor therapies, such as a bispecific antibody mimicking activated factor VIII, small interfering RNA to antithrombin and antibodies to tissue factor pathway inhibitor, are available. Gene therapy trials also inspire restrained optimism. However, new treatment needs new laboratory testing.
Keywords: hemophilia, coagulation factor concentrates, laboratory testing.
Possibilities of blood service in recruiting hematopoetic stem cell donors on the example of the Irkutsk Region
M. V. Zarubin1, N. A. Malysheva2, E. B. Zhiburt3
1 Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station, Irkutsk
2 Kirov Research Institite of Hematology and Transfusion of the Federal Medical Agency of Russia, Kirov 3 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The results of the activities of the Blood Service Irkutsk’s Region were analyzed according to the Register of Potential Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) Donors for the periods from 18.06.2019 to 17.06.2020, from 18.06.2020 to 17.10.2020. Also the institution’s potential for recruiting HSC Donors from the blood donor contingent was identified. For the period from 18.06.2019 to 17.10.2020 7937 donors were recruited to the Register of potential HSC Donors, including 6409 donors for the period from 18.07.2019 to 17.06.2020. The Blood Service of the Irkutsk Region has the potential to annually recruit 2000–3000 donors of blood and its components to the Register of Potential Donors of HSC. The functioning algorithm of Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station on recruiting potential donors of HSC can be used in any organization of the Russian Blood Service.
Keywords: hematopoietic stem cells, donor, register, recruitment, blood service.
Distribution profile of HLA alleles and haplotypes the Russian donors of the Irkutsk Region
M. A. Loginova, O. A. Makhova, S. S. Kutyavina, D. N. Smirnova, I. P. Obukhov, I. V. Paramonov
Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Russian Federation
HLA typing of 1260 potential hematopoietic stem cell donors identifying themselves as Russians living in the Irkutsk region by HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1 loci was performed using Next Generation Sequence technology. The study identified 41 alleles for the HLA-A locus, 71 for the HLA-B locus, 39 for the HLA-C locus, 47 for the HLA-DRB1 locus, and 19 for the HLA-DQB1 locus. The most common haplotype is HLA — A*01:01– B*08:01–C*07:01–DRB1*03:01–DQB1*02:01 (3,4 %). When studying the population, three new alleles was identified that was not previously registered by the international Committee on the nomenclature of HLA-system factors. It is necessary to continue studying the population of the Irkutsk region, which will help increase the genetic diversity of the registry of potential hematopoietic stem cell donors.
Keywords: HLA-allele, NGS, haplotype, frequency, Irkutsk region.
Controversial and indisputable in the recommendations for cryosupernatant plasma transfusion
S. I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, L. E. Davydova, O. V. Martyushicheva, N. P. Misharina, L. I. Medvedeva, N. S. Kuzmin, E. A. Shestakov, I. G. Chemodanov, E. B. Zhiburt
Working Group of the Russian Transfusionist Association
In order to improve the Recommendations for the transfusion of cryosupernatant plasma, a professional examination of the document was carried out by the Delphi method (52 experts at the first stage and 40 at the second). 2 important new positive, 9 controversial and 11 erroneous provisions have been identified, as well as 4 provisions that need to be supplemented with the recommendations. For the first time, the Recommendations introduce three directions for the use of cryosupernatant plasma into the regulatory framework of the blood service. When preparing a new version of the Recommendations, it is advisable to correct controversial ones, remove erroneous provisions and make the additions specified in this article.
Keywords: blood, blood component, cryosupernatant plasma, collection, transfusion, freezing.
The content of the fourth issue 2020
The content of the fourth issue 2020
Characteristics of transfusion reactions and complications in medical organizations of the Russian Federation in 2019
O. V. Eihler1, A. V. Chechetkin2, E. V. Ajigitova1, V. V. Danilchenko2, N. V. Mineeva2, I. I. Krobinets2, V. E. Soldatenkov2
1 Federal medical biological agency, Moscow
2 FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of Federal medical biological agency», St.-Petersburg
The article provides information on the frequency and structure of reactions and complications that occurred in recipients due to transfusion of donor blood and its components in medical organizations of the Russian Federation in 2019. It was found, that the non-hemolytic hyperthermic reactions (43.8 %) and allergic reactions and complications (32.8 %) are the most common. The characteristics of transfusion complications are given depending on the conditions of medical care, gender and age of recipients, severity of the condition, and type of blood components.
Keywords: transfusion reactions and complications, acute hemolysis, transfusion of donor blood and its components, non-hemolytic hyperthermic reaction.
Effect of multicomponent platelet and red blood cells apheresis on donors
E. A. Kiseleva, V. V. Danilchenko, A. V. Chechetkin, L. R. Tarkovskaya, R. A. Plotsky, A. D. Kasyanov
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
The evaluation on the donors simultaneous platelet and red blood cells exfusion by apheresis was carried out. It was found that the combined collection of a therapeutic dose of platelet concentrate (more than 300 × 109 cells) and red blood cells (up to 250 ml) in donors did not have a negative impact on the status of the donors health.
Keywords: donation, platelet concentrate, multicomponent plasma and red blood cells apheresis.
Red blood cells storage lesion and its prevention
S. I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, E. A. Shestakov, E. B. Zhiburt
Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, Samara Saratov Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Saratov Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The literature review data on red blood cells storage lesion and measures to combat them are presented. 2 causes of damage to stored red blood cells: 1) released metabolites, 2) oxidative stress and loss of antioxidants. Hypothermic storage of red blood cells in the blood bag causes damage to cells. An important element in the fight against this damage is the plasmareplacing additive solution, the composition of which is constantly being improved. The modern additive PAGGSM solution to the maximum extent reduces red blood cells storage lesion, ensures the preservation of red blood cells up to 49 days, thereby expanding the capabilities of production and clinical transfusion medicine.
Key words: red blood cells, storage, lesion, metabolism, oxidation, additive solution.
Correction of anemia by red blood cells transfusion, intravenous iron and erythropoietin agents in patients with colorectal cancer with metastatic foci in the liver in preoperative period
N. A. Romanenko1, A. E. Alborov1, 2*, E. Y. Yuriev1, S. S. Bessmeltsev1
1 Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, SaintPetersburg
2 Saint-Petersburg state healthcare institution «City clinical oncological dispensary», Saint-Petersburg
The article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of correction of anemia in the preoperative period for patients (n = 90) with colorectal cancer with liver metastases. Patients were divided into 2 groups: in the first group of patients (n = 48) in the preoperative period, anemia was corrected using intravenous iron agents and recombinant erythropoietin, and the 2nd group (n = 42) included patients with correction of anemia by red blood cells transfusions (RBCT). The groups of patients were compared by gender (male/female 17:31 — for the 1st group and 16:26 — for the 2nd group), age (Me = 64 years — for the 1st, Me = 60 years — for the 2nd), hemoglobin concentration (8.76 ± 0.10 g/dl — for the1st group and 8.63 ± 0.09 g/dl — for the 2nd). In the preoperative period, against the background of anemia correction, a significant increase in hemoglobin was obtained in patients who received both intravenous iron and erythropoietin agents (the hemoglobin level increased from 8.76 ± 0.10 g/dl to 10.81 ± 0.09 g/dl) and RBCT (from 8.63 ± 0.09 g/dl to 11.46 ± 0.06 g/dl). However, the rate of postoperative complications (mainly of a non-surgical nature) in the first group of patients was 1.6 times lower than in the second (39.2 % versus 64.2 %, respectively). Also, in the group receiving iron and erythropoietin agents, RBCT were prescribed to only 6.3 % of patients. In this study has been shown a high efficiency of preoperative correction of anemia in patients with colorectal cancer with metastatic foci in the liver using intravenous iron and erythropoietin agents, which makes it possible to reduce the rate of postoperative complications and the need for erythrocyte transfusions.
Key words: anemia, hemoglobin, hemihepatectomy, colorectal cancer, metastases, intravenous iron agents, red blood cells transfusions, RBCT, erythropoietin.
The use of non-cryopreserved hematopoietic stem cells for autologous transplantation
S. V. Voloshin1, 2, 3, A. D. Garifullin1, 4, A. A. Kuzyaeva1, A. V. Schmidt1, G. A. Rysev1, S. U. Linnikov1, V. A. Shuvaev1, 5, A.Yu. Kuvshinov1, A. V. Seltcer1, V. A. Balashova1, Z. V. Chebukina1, M. N. Zenina1, 3, A. N. Bogdanov4, 6, A. V. Chechetkin
1 FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology», Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
2 FSBMEI of HE «Military Medical Academy n. a. S. M. Kirov» Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
3 FSBEI of HE «North-West State Medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
4 Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg
5 City Clinical Hospital n. a. V. V. Veresaev of the Moscow Department of Healthcare, Moscow
6 City Hospital № 40 of the Saint-Petersburg Committee of Healthcare, SaintPetersburg
A prospective study of the efficacy and safety of using non-cryopreserved PBSCs in patients who underwent autologous transplantation was conducted. The number of PBSCs apheresis procedures was 1 day in 29 (82.9 %) patients and 2 days in 6 patients (17.1 %). After apheresis, PBSCs were stored at a temperature of +4–6°C in a blood bank refrigerator for up to 72 hours. For 4 years, autologous transplantation using non-cryopreserved PBSCs was performed in 35 patients. The number of days of stem cell harvest was 1 in 29 patients (82.9 %) and 2 in 6 patients (17.1 %). The median CD34 cell dose was 2.63 × 106/kg. The median time to neutrophil engraftment was 11 days (range, 9 to 14). The median time to platelet engraftment was 12 days (range, 8 to 19). There were no significant differences in the viability of PBSCs, the frequency of complications, the time of hematopoietic engraftment, the need for platelet and red blood cells transfusion therapy and time of hospitalization when comparing the safety of transplantation in groups with non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved PBSCs. Therefore, the method of short-term storage of noncryopreserved PBSCs is not inferior to the traditional method with Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) controlled freezing and can be used in hospital that do not have a Cryobank in their composition.
Key words: hematopoietic stem cells, donation, collection, transplantation.
Ophthalmic contraindications for bone marrow, blood and its products donation: dispelling myths and misconceptions
E. V. Gurova1, N. S. Semenova1, I. B. Kumukova2, 3, V. S. Akopyan1, P. E. Trakhtman2
1 Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University
2 National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, Immunology Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
3 Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation
The article reviews the current regulatory framework of blood and hematopoietic blood and bone marrow stem cells donation from the point of view of an ophthalmologist. Currently, absolute contraindications to donation are high myopia, trachoma, legal blindness and signs of past uveitis. The related literature and world recommendations review indicates that myopia cannot be a contraindication for any type of donation. Trachoma, like any other inflammatory eye diseases, excludes donation only in the acute phase and does not prohibit the donation during remission. The chronic uveitis history requires an individual decision by an ophthalmologist, and should not become a reason for refusal at the stage of the donor's profile registration. Legal blindness itself does not contradict the participation in stem cell and marrow donation, however, it requires the particularly careful procedure of explanations to a potential donor, clarifying risks and obtaining informed consent, maybe in a presence of a legal representative. Given the importance of forming the national bone marrow registry, updating of the regulatory framework and the elimination of irrelevant contraindications will increase the number of potential donors.
Key words: hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, ophthalmic contraindications for blood donation, uveitis, trachoma, high myopia.
The content of the third issue 2020
Analysis of actvity indicators of the blood service of the Russian Federation in 2019
V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, M. S. Grigorjan, L. G. Vorobey, R. A. Plotskiy FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of the Federal medical biological agency», St. Petersburg
The article presents the results of analysis of statistical indicators of the blood service of the Russian Federation in 2019. Information is given about the number and structure of donors, donations, the amount of blood and its components, the use of technologies that ensure the safety and quality of blood components. The values of the frequency of detection of markers of transfusion-transmitted infections at donors were established, and the volume of manufacture of plasma substitutes in blood service establishments was analyzed.
Keywords: blood service establishments, blood donation, components of donor blood, blood plasma substitutes.
Change of work of the Dagestan blood service in the conditions of a COVID-19 pandemia
S. Tankaeva, M. K. Lachueva, I. A. Abdulaev, N. S. Khizbulaeva, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican blood transfusion station, Makhachkala Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
In order to identify patterns of procurement and distribution of blood and its components in the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the monthly indicators of procurement and distribution of blood and its components in Dagestan in January — April 2019 and 2020 were evaluated. that the need of medical institutions for erythrocytes in January — March 2020 increased by 7.8 %, in platelets — by 12.5 %, in cryoprecipitate — by 10.1 %, and in plasma — decreased by 6.4 %. In April 2020, the need for clinics decreased: in erythrocytes by 18.1 %, in cryoprecipitate by 8.0 %, in plasma by 19.7 %, and in platelets increased by 16.1 %. RSPK managed to meet the need of clinics for blood components without attracting help from other regions due to: • enhancing and personalizing donor recruitment, • the conversion of plasmapheresis to platelet donation and whole blood, • a significant, from 39.8 % to 71.7 % (p <0.001) increase in the proportion of platelets isolated from whole blood.
Key words: donor, blood, donation, blood component, apheresis, COVID-19.
Blood donor questionnaires in Russia and the USA
I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, E. A. Shestakov, E. B. Zhiburt
Samara Regional Clinical Transfusion Station, Samara Saratov Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Saratov Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The Russian “Donor Questionnaire” (2008) and the American “Blood Donor History Questionnaire” (2020) were studied using the documentation analysis method. Since 2008, the AIST information system has been introduced in Russia, the importance of the heterosexual transmission of HIV has increased. The Russian donor questionnaire is 47.6 % (20 questions) more concise than the American counterpart. When improving the donor questionnaire, it is advisable to provide questions: 1) additional, relevant at the local level, 2) about piercing, 3) determine the parameters of contact with patients with hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, 4) about a history of pregnancy — for the prevention of TRALI. Automated management of donor information allows us to propose excluding questions about the history of donations from the questionnaire. It seems useful: 1) obligatory knowledge of the donor with information materials, 2) the official list of drugs, the use of which is a contraindication to donation.
Key words: donor, blood, risk, questionnaire, collection, contraindications, transfusion, infections. donor, blood, risk, questionnaire, collection, contraindications, transfusion, infections.
Production activity development of Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University blood bank
E. Pevtsov, B. B. Bakhovadinov, B. A. Barishev, M. A. Estrina, I. I. Kulagina, P. S. Kuga, M. A. Kucher, A. D. Kulagin, S. F. Bagnenko
Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Russian Federation
Medical institutions, which provide high-tech treatment services, impose increased needs for blood components provision and superior requirements level to their quality and safety. Regular analysis of blood service allows maintaining and developing the production potential, based on each hospital needs. In this study we provide operational results of Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University blood bank for 2015–2019 years to supply clinical departments with blood components, including Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation. In dynamics, there was an increase of whole blood donations, blood components processing and their clinical management. The achieved results are due to improved popularization of blood donation, strict donor recruitment policy — from the population with low risk of transfusion-transmitted infections, equipment promotion and blood components processing, well-educated and experienced medical staff, implementation to clinical practice of modern transfusion guidelines based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Taking into account the acute need for anti-COVID-19 convalescent plasma to treat patients with severe and extremely severe forms of SARS-CoV-2 disease, we set up COVID-19 convalescent pathogen-reduced plasma preparation.
Key words: blood bank, blood donation, blood components, HSCT.
Increasing the activity of alaninamine transferase as a reason for the regular donors deferral
I. Kuznetsov, E. V. Kudinova, E. B. Zhiburt
Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, Samara Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
To study the commitment to donation of regular donors deferred due to increased ALT activity. Of 4149 regular donors, an increase in ALT was detected in 342 people. For re-examination during the year 157 (45.9 %) donors returned. Upon repeated examination of returning donors, normalization of ALT activity was recorded in 106 people, in 11 people, ALT activity increased. None of the returning donors revealed specific markers of infections. Thus, the positive predictive value of ALT activity for HIV, viral hepatitis B and C, and also syphilis is zero. Hygienic recommendations led to the normalization of ALT in 67.5 % of the donors who returned for re-examination within a calendar year.
Key words: donor, deferral, alanine aminotransferase, donation.
Introduction of anticovid plasma preparation and transfusion in the Sverdlovsk region
M. Orlov, N. G. Popkova, M. L. Galimov, T. V. Verkhoturova, E. I. Taskaeva, O. O. Danilenko, E. B. Zhiburt Sverdlovsk regional blood transfusion station, Ekaterinburg Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
In order to identify patterns of collection, delivery and use of anticovid plasma in the Middle Urals, 28 donations of plasma from 25 donors-convalescents were evaluated. It has been established that the special recruitment of convalescents for COVID-19 infection in the conditions of Ekaterinburg allows the selection of donors of anticovid plasma in an amount sufficient to satisfy the need for this new product for passive immunotherapy. Among convalescent donors, altruistic motivation is combined with the absence of HIV and syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C markers. Donation of 3 therapeutic units of plasma is satisfactorily tolerated by convalescence donors. The post-donation protein concentration in all donors was above 67 g/l. There are no differences in the distribution of the phenotypes of the ABO blood group system and RhD between convalescent donors and healthy donors. There are no differences in the distribution of phenotypes of the ABO blood group system in the units of anticovid plasma collected and claimed by the clinic. Significant discrepancies between the results of two diagnostic kits for the presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were revealed. 13 (46 %) results have been coincided — 8 (29 %) positive and 5 (18 %) negative. 12 (43 %) samples were positive only in ELISA, 3 (11 %) — only in immunochemical assay. IgM antibodies were not detected in any donor. According to the results of transfusion of the first 40 units of plasma, no transfusion reactions were observed. The collection and use of anticovid plasma require further study.
Key words: donor, blood, donation, blood component, plasma, anticovid, apheresis, COVID-19.
Use of cytochemical indicators for determining the efficiency of cryoprotectors
A. Perfilova, K. A. Vetoshkin, F. S. Sherstnev, A. A. Kostyaev
The Federal Stat-Financed Scientific Institution Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion under the Federal Medical Biological Agency, 610027, Kirov
The work is aimed at studying the effect of various cryoprotectants on leukocyte enzymes using cytochemical analysis. Studies were performed on samples of donated blood. We studied the effect of 5 cryoprotectants on leukocytes: 15 % hexamethylenebistetraoxyethylurea (GMBTOEM) solution, 3 % glycerol solution, Thrombocryodmac (TCD) (5 % dimethylacetamide — DMAC + 5 % glucose), 10 % dimethyl sulfoxide solution (DMCO combined) (DMCO) 6 % dimethylacetamide — DMAC + 6 % hydroxyethyl starch — HES). An aliquot of blood served without the addition of a cryoprotectant. The study revealed that in leukocytes under the influence of a 15 % solution of GMBTOEM, an increase in the average cytochemical coefficient (SCC) for glycogen, acid phosphatase and succinate dehydrogenase was noted compared with the control sample. When assessing the effect of TCD on granulocytes, an increase in the average cytochemical coefficient of alkaline phosphatase and a decrease in the activity of succinate dehydrogenase were revealed in comparison with the control sample. A comparison of the SCC values оf leukocyte enzymes allows us to determine the level of enzymes contained in blood cells at the stage prior to cryopreservation. And taking into account the activity of intracellular enzymes, it is possible to choose the optimal cryoprotectant for long-term storage of leukocytes. All this will create the conditions for the use of cryoprotective media with minimal negative impact on blood cells.
Key words: cytochemical parameters, cryoprotectors, cryopreservant, cell enzymes.
Plasma transfusion in severe injury
I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, E. A. Shestakov, S. R. Madzaev, E. B. Zhiburt Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station, Samara Saratov Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Saratov Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
A significant number of adverse outcomes of traumatic blood loss are associated with coagulopathy, which necessitates the appropriate clinical studies. The article reviews 4 modern studies of transfusion correction of traumatic coagulopathy: TRAUCC, COMBAT, PAMPer and RETIC.The current trends of transfusion therapy of post-traumatic coagulopathy were identified: • early onset, with long-term transportation — at the prehospital stage; • at the prehospital stage — a combination of plasma and red blood cells, possibly whole blood; • concentrated pathogen-reduced products; • priority replenishment of fibrinogen; • blood preparation therapy; • monitoring using viscoelastic tests.
Key words: plasma, transfusion, trauma, bleeding, coagulopathy, coagulation factors, cryoprecipitate.
Controversial and indisputable in recommendations for the cryoprecipitate transfusion
I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, L. E. Davydova, E. I. Zeiler, N. A. Kabanchuk, L. I. Kayumova, N. S. Kuzmin, L. G. Medyantseva, O. A. Stetsenko, E. V. Fanaskova, M. I. Samusenko, E. I. Taskaeva, E. A. Shestakov, E. B. Zhiburt
Working Group of the Russian Transfusionist Association
In order to improve the Recommendations for cryoprecipitate transfusion (hereinafter Recommendations), a professional examination was conducted by the Delphi method (43 experts at the first stage and 27 at the second) of the document. Identified 2 important new positive, 11 in need of clarification and 7 provisions that need to be supplemented by recommendations. The recommendations are introduced for the first time into the normative base of the blood service for the preparation of target indicators of fibrinogen concentration, to restore the content and activity of which cryoprecipitate is transfused. When preparing a new edition of the Recommendations, it is advisable to correct the disputed provisions and make additions specified in this article.
Key words: blood, blood component, cryoprecipitate, preparation, transfusion, fibrinogen.
Reperfusion injury: pathogenesis and method of treatment in infusion therapy of shock
I. Remizova
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency”, St. Petersburg, Russia
A review of the literature concerning the mechanism of the reperfusion injury in the infusion therapy of the haemorrhagic shock. In virtue of literature data and own investigations were shown that after infusion therapy develops oxygen paradox, activates peroxidation, damages of cells membranes. The biochemical mechanism of the reperfusion injure was described. Antihypoxants, antioxidants, inhibitors of xanthineoxidase-catalyzed production of superoxide radical, inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis are effective for treatment of the reperfusion injury in the infusion therapy of shock.
Key words: shock, infusion therapy, ischemia, reperfusion, antihypoxants, antioxidants, inhibitors of xanthine oxidase, inhibitors of nitric oxide.
Features of anti-Jka alloantibodies in the selection of red blood cell donors (clinical case)
V. Yovdiy, E. V. Butina, E. A. Poponina, N. V. Minaeva, F. S. Sherstnev
When conducting mandatory pre-transfusion antibody screening, one may encounter difficulties due to the characteristics of some alloantibodies. A clinical example of the interaction of anti-Jka alloantibodies with a test of red blood cells and red blood cells of donors with a «dose effect» is presented. The tactics of individual selection of blood donors are described.
Key words: red blood cells, antigens, alloantibodies, Kidd, individual selection of donors.
The content of the second issue 2020
The content of the second issue 2020
The content of the second issue 2020
The content of the second issue 2020
Efficacy and safety of combined platelet and red blood cell apheresis in donors
A. V. Chechetkin, S. S. Bessmeltsev, E. A. Kiseleva, V. V. Danilchenko, R. A. Plotsky, A. B. Makeev, A. D. Kasyanov Russian research institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medical-biological Agency, St. Petersburg, Russia
The article presents research data on the effectiveness and safety of the procedure for simultaneous collection of platelets and red blood cells in therapeutic doses from blood cell donors. It is established that the use of modern programs for automatic platelet and red blood cell apheresis is a safe procedure for donors, allowing to obtaine up to 3.1 x 1011 platelets and up to 250 ml of red blood cells during a single donation.
Key words: combined donation, platelet and red blood cell apheresis, platelet concentrate, red blood cells obtained by apheresis.
Pooled platelets obtaining from whole blood
S. I. Kuznetsov, S. A. Abdrakhmanova, E. M. Burlaeva, I. A. Vafin, R. G. Gilmutdinov, L. E. Davydova, M. V. Zarubin, N. E. Kisnyashkina, O. V. Kozhemyako, E. A. Tarannikova, E. I. Taskaeva, A.Yu. Tatarinova, N. G. Filina, R. G. Khamitov, E. M. Khusanova, I. G. Chemodanov, E. B. Zhiburt
Working Group of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists
We studied methods for pooled whole blood platelet concentrates producing in 16 organizations. It was established that among the study participants there are no two absolutely identical technologies, all the complexes of procedures for pooled whole blood platelet concentrates are unique. This circumstance is combined with the satisfaction of consumer clinics and the minimum number of transfusion reactions during platelet transfusion. To obtain a pooled platelet concentratesin a blood service organization, a technology is needed that includes:
1) blood preparation in the system of containers «top and bottom»,
2) hard centrifugation of whole blood,
3) automatic separation of whole blood into red blood cells, plasma and buffy-coat,
4) a sterile compound of at least 4 buffy-coats and a container with an additional solution,
5) soft centrifugation of the pooled buffy-coats,
6) automatic separation of the buffy-coats pool into a platelet concentrate and other cells sedimented.
The choice of modes of these processes should be aimed at obtaining the final product with a maximum platelet output, compliance with other quality parameters.
Key words: platelet concentrate, collection, buffy-coat, pooling, centrifugation, additive solution, quality control.
Improved non-apparatus method of erythrocyte cryopreservation
G. U. Kiryanova, A. V. Chechetkin, G. V. Grishina, A. D. Kasyanov, I. V. Krasilshchikova
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency”, St. Petersburg, Russia
A significant disadvantage of the non-apparatus method of erythrocyte cryopreservation, which makes it difficult to sell and transport washed defrosted cells, is the short permissible shelf life of them at 4°C when using an «open system» of washing. We have improved the containers for solutions (cryoprotective, washing, resuspending) used in cryopreservation kits. Using the apparatus for sterile connection, the modification provides possibility of connecting magistrals of containers with erythrocytes and containers with solutions at all stages of cryopreservation. Thus, a closed system is created without the risk of bacterial contamination, and the shelf life of washed defrosted erythrocytes is determined only by the efficiency of the resuspending solution.
Key words: cryopreservation, deglycerolization, washed defrosted erythrocytes, morphofunctional properties, additive solution.
The problem of iron deficiency in blood donors and ways to solve it
A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, R. A. Plotskiy Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medical and biological Agency, Saint Petersburg
A review of large-scale foreign studies and works of domestic authors on the problem of iron deficiency in blood donors is conducted. High prevalence rates of iron deficiency are observed in young donors (women), with an increase in the frequency of blood donations, and a decrease in the interval since the last donation. Iron deficiency can be associated with side effects that can affect the health of the donor. The analysis of recommendations for the prevention of iron deficiency in blood donors and its components was carried out.
Key words: blood donor, iron deficiency, ferritin, blood donations, prevention of iron deficiency
Perioperative hemostatic therapy with application of various fibrinolysis inhibitors
M. V. Kochetkova, D. V. Khabarov, A. A. Smagin, I. P. Siutkina, F. A. Rakitin
Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymрhology — Branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of specific hemostatic substances that affect fibrinolytic activity in conservative myomectomy. The study was conducted in 79 patients with a diagnosis of symptomatic uterine body myoma of gigantic size. All operations were performed under laparoscopy. The patients were divided into 2 groups; in the first group of patients, tranexamic acid was administered 30 minutes before surgery (protocol 1, the number of patients was 40). The second group of patients was injected with aminomethylbenzoic acid, also 30 minutes before surgery (protocol 2, number of patients39). In the framework of this work, the efficacy of tranexamic acid and aminomethylbenzoic acid in organpreserving operations in gynecological practice was evaluated. It was found that tranexamic acid has a more specific effect on the course of pathological fibrinolysis in comparison with aminomethylbenzoic acid.
Key words: aminomethylbenzoicacid, tranexamicacid, uterine leiomyoma, myomectomy, hemostasis.
Transfusion of platelets of various phenotypes of the ABO blood group system
H. S. Tankaeva, E. A. Shestakov, V. Y. Melnichenko, E. B. Zhiburt Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
We studied the clinical effectiveness of platelet transfusions, identical and non-identical in the ABO blood group system with the recipient. 310 patients received 674 platelet transfusions, including 139 (20.6 %) platelet transfusions differed in recipient ABO phenotype. Platelet transfusion allows to safely, without bleeding, overcome the period of cytopenia for oncohematological patients, recipients of hematopoietic stem cells. Post-transfusion platelet concentration increment after transfusion of ABO-incompatible cells is on average 31–39 % lower than in the control group. However, this, as well as the shortened transfusion interval, does not allow to state the reduced therapeutic efficacy of transfusion of ABO-incompatible platelets, since they: a) are a second-line therapy, are issued in the absence of ABO-identical platelets; b) more often used to stop bleeding, in critical patients. The absence of transfusion reactions and an increase in the transfusion interval during transfusion of ABO-incompatible platelets (suspended in an additional solution) allows recommending their transfusion in the absence of ABOidentical platelets.
Key words: platelet concentrate, transfusion, efficacy, recipients, oncohematology, ABO blood group system, compatibility.
Controversial and indisputable in the recommendations for the red blood cell transfusion
S. I. Kuznetsov, E. G. Averyanov, R. G. Khamitov, L. E. Davydova, H. S. Tankaeva, L. I. Kayumova, N. S. Kuzmin, E. M. Khusanova, E. A. Shestakov, I. G. Chemodanov, E. B. Zhiburt
Working Group of the Russian Transfusionist Association
In order to improve the Recommendations for red blood cell transfusion (hereinafter Recommendations), the Delphi method conducted a professional examination (53 experts at the first stage and 38 at the second) of the document. 6 important new positive, 17 controversial and 14 false provisions, as well as 10 provisions that need to be supplemented by recommendations have been identified. The recommendations are first introduced into the regulatory framework of the blood service for the preparation of children’s units of red blood cells, mandatory leukodepletion, the possibility of blood transfusion with laboratory signs of incompatibility. When preparing a new edition of the Recommendations, it is advisable to correct the disputed, remove false provisions and make additions specified in this article.
Key words: blood, blood component, red blood cells, collection, transfusion, leukodepletion.
Analysis of the results of the external quality control of HLA typing (CET 2019) by Russian laboratories performing immunogenetic examination of hematopoietic stem cell donors
I. E. Pavlova, T. V. Glazanova, L. N. Bubnova
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal medico-biological Agency», Saint Petersburg
The article presents the results of international external professional testing of HLA typing in Russian laboratories in 2019. It is established that 75 % of the laboratories successfully completed this test. Most of the discrepancies (61.5 % when typing at the high resolution level and 97.5 % at the basic resolution level) are due to the incorrect presentation of the results of HLA typing of homozygotes. Discrepancies due to wrong result is identified in 4.4 % on the base resolution level and 38.5 % on the high resolution level among the total number of discrepancies. The introduction in our country of uniform standards for immunogenetic testing of donors and recipients of organs and tissues, as well as an external quality control system for HLA typing, is likely to improve the efficiency of laboratories and the comparability of the results of HLA typing obtained in different laboratories.
Key words: HLA typing, external quality control, Register of bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells donors.
Whole blood is coming back (based on the 12th conference of the Blood Service of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic “Whole Blood Is Coming Back”)
E. B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The content of the international conference “Whole blood is coming back” is presented. Interest in whole blood is due to the development of the paradigm of remote damage control resuscitation. Trauma and hemorrhagic shock lead to organ failure of the blood, leading to death in a few minutes. Accordingly, it is the whole blood that needs to be restored. Compared with the use of several blood components, attention is paid to the benefits of whole blood: a higher concentration of hemoglobin and coagulation factors, a long-lasting function of cooled platelets, simplicity of logistics, a smaller amount of anticoagulants and additional solutions. Transfusion of whole blood was successfully introduced into the practice of military and civil health care of the United States, France, Canada, Norway, Israel and the Czech Republic. For many decades, whole blood saved the wounded, contributed to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The use of whole blood is provided for by Russian regulatory documents. Given the domestic experience and global trends, it is advisable to return whole blood to the arsenal of extreme medicine.
Key words: blood, transfusion, whole blood, donor, recipient, hemorrage, bleeding, emergency care, hemorrhagic shock.
The content of the second issue 2019
The content of the second issue 2019
The content of the second issue 2019
Knowledge and practice of the patient's blood management
I. G. Chemodanov1, D. V. Kamelsky1, E. A. Shestakov1, S. R. Madzayev1, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The knowledge of physicians on the principles and practice of patient blood management in the perioperative period was evaluated. Knowledge of the 79 survey participants: a) corresponds to the knowledge of colleagues from other developed countries of Europe; b) needs in constant improvement.
Identified reserves to improve the efficiency of clinical transfusiology:
• in preparation for planned operations for at least a month, conduct a preliminary examination of the patient for anemia and iron deficiency, followed by treatment;
• introduction of the principle of «single dose and examination» in the practice of red blood cell transfusion to stable patients without bleeding;
• ensuring perioperative patient normothermia.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, patient blood management, anemia, reinfusion.
Opportunities for delivery of platelets from remote supplier
I. G. Chemodanov1, E. G. Averyanov2, O. G. Makedonskaya2, N. S. Kuzmin2, E. A. Shestakov2, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
We studied the effectiveness of transfusions in a Moscow clinic of platelet concentrates prepared in Moscow (27 units) and in a region remote from the clinic by 650 km (38 units). Differences in the efficiency of transfusion of these two types of platelets were not identified. The fixed delivery of platelets from a remote provider requires the planning of prophylactic platelet transfusion in patients with programmed cytopenia. For the transfusion of platelets for urgent reasons, the clinic requires an additional provider capable of delivering platelets within 2–3 hours.
Key words: platelet concentrate, delivery, transfusion, effectiveness.
Red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with hematology/oncology disorders
E. V. Butina1, N. V. Meneeva2, G. A. Zaitseva1, E. A. Poponina1, A. V. Yovdiy1
1 FSFSI «Kirov research institute of hematology and blood transfusion under the Federal medical biological agence», Kirov
2 FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of Federal medical biological agence», St.-Peterburg
The analysis of the level of alloimmunization to erythrocyte antigens in hematological patients is presented. The effectiveness of phenotypic (C / C E / e, CW, K / k) selection of donors to prevent antibody production in recipients was evaluated.
Key words: red blood cells, alloimmunization, antigens, antibodies.
Serological characteristic of partial RhD — antigens RhDNB and RhDVII
R. S. Kalandarov, L. L. Golovkina, A. G. Stremoukhova, T. D. Pushkina, B. B. Khasigova
National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow
The article describes two cases of detection partial RhD — antigens RhDNB and RhDVII. Serological characteristic of these partial RhD was studied. It is shown that the most effective serological method of the antigen variants detection is the combination of direct agglutination with monoclonal antibody and in gel. Red blood cells with partial RhD antigens (RhDVII, RhDNB) can be recognized by weakening of agglutination with monoclonal antibody anti-D if gel agglutination strength is 3+ ... 4+. Specific partial RhD antigen variants can be established only by genetic investigation.
Key words: gene RHD, gene RHD*DVII.1, gene RHD*DNB, genotyping, partial antigens, indirect antiglobulin test, gel metod.
HIV, viral hepatitis B and C markers in the first-time and repeate blood donors
R. F. Aiupova1, U. S. Sultanbaev1, L. A. Absalyamova1, I. E. Timofeeva1, Y. R. Rakipova1, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Republican blood transfusion station, Ufa
2 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Detection of infection rate has been evaluated in the 4098 first-time and 16809 repeate donors (the last donated 23280 times). Results of the screening: a) 2.03 % discarded units, harvested from first-time and 0.42 % — by re-donors; b) 1.08 % first-time and 0.48 % repeate donors are temporarily deferred;
c) 0.95 % first-time and 0.11 % repeate donors are permanently deferred. Optimally change The interaction with the regional AIDS center is necessary to change in terms of understanding the reasons for the continuing status of the donor for PCR-positive donors and qualifications as HIV-positive PCR-negative donor. Within 6 months of 2017 detection of HCV, HIV, HBV (per 100,000 donors) were as follows: a) in the first-time donor — 512.4, 219.6 and 219.6; b) repeate donors — 77.3, 29.7 and 0, respectively. Detectability of virus genomes in the ELISA-positive sample for HCV, HIV, HBV is: a) firsttime donors — 33.3, 87.5 and 23.3 %; b) repeate donor — 42.5, 0 and 6.0 %, respectively.
Key words: donor, infection, HIV, hepatitis, ELISA, PCR.
The effect of temperature on the hemolysis degree of the donor’s erythrocyte mass
Z. M. Chanchiev1, A. V. Chechetkin2, A. F. Romanchishen1, N. K. Pastukhova1
1 Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical University, St. Petersburg
2 Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medical-biological Agency, St. Petersburg
The article presents data on the influence of different heating temperatures on the degree of hemolysis of donor erythrocyte mass. It was found that as the temperature increased, the level of free hemoglobin significantly increased. It is shown the importance of compliance with the temperature regime of heating donor erythrocyte components in the prevention of complications associated with blood transfusion and its components in recipients.
Key words: erythrocyte mass, blood warming, hemolysis, prevention of post-transfusion complications.
Blood transfusion to wounded in a terrorist attack in Kerch on October 17, 2018
A. I. Golenko1, I. G. Chemodanov2, Е. B. Zhiburt3, L. G. Gorelikova2,
I. M. Fadeeva2, V. A. Starykh2, K. V. Radzivil3, M. A. Enikeev3, V. N. Azizov3, A. V. Oleinik3
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
There was studied the work of the blood service and transfusion assistance in the medical establishments of the Republic of Crimea after the terrorist attack at the Kerch Polytechnic College. The blood service of the Republic of Crimea fully and timely provided transfusiological assistance to the victims.19 (32.8 %) hospitalized patients received blood transfusions. The consumption of blood components amounted to 3.3 units of red blood cells and 2.8 units of plasma per recipient or 1.1 units of red blood cells and 0.9 units of plasma per hospitalized patient. For the treatment of the wounded, 7.2 % of the current supply of red blood cells and 6.8 % of the plasma supply were used. After a catastrophe with a large number of casualties, mass arrival of potential donors should be expected. Our experience allows us to recommend: a) analysis of the need for blood components and quick access to the media about the real need for donors; b) attracting
regular donors of rare phenotypes to the donation; c) delicate handling of potential donors who applied, their registration for future recruitment.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, mass flow of wounded, red blood cells, plasma, blood donor.
Establishing centers of excellence in blood service
A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, N. N. Alekseeva, V. E. Soldatenkov
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
Information on the establishing of centers of excellence in the blood service based on the materials of the 5th Asia-Pacific economic cooperation forum on the formalization of blood safety policy «Raising and convergence of standards through the organization of centers of excellence» is presented. Based on the analysis of experts' opinions, the advantages and opportunities of the activity of centers of excellence in the blood service of APEC countries are presented, the need for their establishing is justified. The experience of different countries on centralization of collection and laboratory testing of donor’s blood and its components, consolidating the production of blood substitutes, the implementation of the principles of GMP in the blood service establishments.
Key words: blood service, collection of blood components, production of blood plasma substitutes, center of excellence.
The content of the first issue 2019
The content of the fourth issue 2018
The content of the first issue 2019
Indicators of iron metabolism in whole blood and blood components donors
I. N. Danilova, G. A. Zaytseva, E. E. Sukhorukova, M. E. Kovtunova, E. L. Nazarova, F. S. Sherstnev
FSBI “Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and blood transfusions of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency", Kirov
Complex research of blood and blood components donor’s iron metabolism is based on the definition of transport and spare iron indicators. It is established that the highest risk of iron deficiency susceptible to blood donors and donors of mixed donations. Donors who are actively involved in the procedures
platelet- and plasmapheresis, also revealed violations of iron metabolism. Analysis of the data showed that changes of iron metabolism parameters more pronounced in men than in women. The conclusion about the need to study iron metabolism with clinical and laboratory examination of blood donors and blood components was done.
Key words: donors of blood and blood components, iron metabolism, ferritin, transport iron.
Tobacco smoking increases concentration of hemoglobin in donors
I. G. Chemodanov, E. B. Protopopova, O. V. Kozhemyako, E. B. Zhiburt
Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
Krasnoyarsk Territory Blood Center № 1, Krasnoyarsk
Khabarovsk Territory Blood Transfusion Station, Khabarovsk
National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
In addition to the standard evaluation, the attitude to tobacco smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked daily are found in 977 donors in Simferopol (n = 347), Krasnoyarsk (n = 500) and Khabarovsk (n = 130). The concentration of hemoglobin in donor tobacco smokers:
• an average of 4.5 g / l higher than that of non-smoking donors;
• does not depend on the length of tobacco smoking, but directly correlates with the number of cigarettes smoked daily;
• does not decrease with age, unlike non-smoking donors.
It is expedient to investigate:
• the proportion of modified forms of hemoglobin in the blood of donor-smokers;
• efficiency of:
a) quitting smoking for a long period (several days) before donation;
b) increasing the lower hemoglobin concentration limit for admission to donation of smokers;
c) refusal to recruit tobacco smoking donors.
Key words: donor, blood, donation, tobacco smoking, hemoglobin.
Research of the possibility of using pinanylsulfoxide for the stabilization of human platelets concentrates and plasma
A. A. Rakhmatullina2, S. V. Kiselev1, L. E. Nikitina1, S. V. Boichuk1,
R. G. Turaev2, A. V. Khaliullina3
1 Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, 420012, Russian Federation;
2 Republican Blood Center of Tatarstan, Kazan, 420140, Russian Federation;
3 Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation
The possibility of using a synthesized sulfur-containing pinene derivative (pinanylsulfoxide) to stabilize platelet concentrate (PC) and human blood plasma has been investigated. The cytotoxicity of pinanylsulfoxide, its influence onto functional activity of platelets and coagulation properties of human blood plasma have been studied. Hemocoagulation activity of pinanylsulfoxide has been determined by the platelet aggregation rates changing, thrombodynamic data and surface-dependent standard coagulation tests. The functional state of the stored platelets was estimated using microscopy and flow cytometry by counting the number of microvesicles in platelet concentrate. The interaction of pinanylsulfoxide with model micelles was determined by the methods of classical molecular dynamics and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Pinanylsulfoxide inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen, arachidonic acid, and adrenaline, reduced the number of microvesicles and their thrombogenic properties by binding the pinane
fragment of the molecule with the hydrocarbon chains of the membrane phospholipids. In view of the low toxicity of thioterpenoids they can be considered as potential substances, the use of which will increase the safety and quality of blood preparations.
Key words: pinanylsulfoxide; platelet concentrate; microvesicles; antiaggregating and anticoagulant activity.
Coagulopathy in patients with severe burns. (review)
V. S. Borisov, A. S. Ermolov
Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, PublicHealthcare Institution of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia
Severe burn injury is accompanied by significant changes in the state of the hemostatic system, which can manifest as thromboembolic or hemorrhagic complications. It has been proven that developing coagulopathy in patients with severe burn injury is characterized by a high percentage of mortality,
therefore, prevention of its development is one of the priority goals of modern study of burns. Currently, the pathogenesis of coagulopathy in burn patients and the time frame for its development are not fully understood. The review presents modern views on the main types of coagulopathies, the possible
causes of their development and the dependence of the frequency of its occurrence on the burn size, full-thickness burns, the patient's age, features of treatment.
Key words: burns, coagulopathy, blood coagulation, thrombosis, hypercoagulation syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), fibrinolysis.
Cryoprecipitate in acute massive blood loss
I. G. Chemodanov1, P. A. Fedotov2, E. A. Shestakov2, D. M. Mamadaliev2, E. B. Zhiburt2
1 Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
2 Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center, Moscow
A clinical example of massive transfusion for a cardiac patient is given. 15 units of red blood cells, 6 units of plasma and 9 units of cryoprecipitate have been transfused. Cryoprecipitate makes it possible to effectively correct hypofibrinogenemia without causing circulatory overload. Considering the effective therapeutic potential of 5 units of cryoprecipitate, it is optimal to introduce into practice its pooling, or preparation from pooled pathogen-reduced plasma.
Key words: blood, bleeding, coagulopathy, transfusion, cryoprecipitate, thromboelas-togram.
Babesiosis — «new» blood-transmitted infection
E. B. Zhiburt, E. G. Averyanov, O. V. Kozhemyako, H. S. Tankayeva, A. Yu. Tatarinova, I. G. Chemodanov
Working Party of the Russian Transfusionists
Information on babesiosis, a new blood-transmistted parasitic disease is presented. More often, this infection is registered in the United States, but its range is expanding. Blood transfusion babesiosis develops in a wide range of patients. Basically, babesia is transmitted with donor erythrocytes, but cases of transmission with platelets do not exclude the risk of transmission of extracellular parasites. It is advisable to include babesiosis in the list of reasons for the donor deferral in Russia and the CIS. In the absence
of specific diagnostics, the selection of donors, inactivation of pathogens and rational transfusion therapy tactics remain the tools for the prevention of blood transmitted babesiosis.
Key words: babesia, babesiosis, blood, donor, transfusion.
Definitions of transfusion reactions
E. B. Zhiburt, E. B. Protopopova, I. G. Chemodanov, E. G. Averyanov, Zh. K. Burkitbaev, M. N. Gubanova, M. V. Zarubin, O. V. Klimovich, O. V. Kozhemyako, T. V. Kokoreva, S. R. Madzayev, A. E. Skuditsky, R. G. Khamitov, E. A. Shestakov
Working Group of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists
The lack of clear diagnostic criteria may be the cause of the underdiagnosis of transfusion reactions. From the definitions adopted by the three organizations (International Society of Blood Transfusion, UK and US hemovigilance systems), according to the results of the voting, 150 experts selected 10 transfusion reactions: 1) transfusion circulatory overload, 2) transfusion-associated acute lung injury, 3) transfusion associated dyspnea, 4) allergic reaction, 5) hypotensive reaction, 6) febrile non-hemolytic reaction,
7) acute hemolytic reaction, 8) delayed hemolytic reaction, 9) delayed serological reaction,
10) transfusion-associated «graft versus host» disease.
Key words: transfusion reaction, definition, blood service, hemovigilance, diagnosis, symptom.
The number of HLA-loci for donor registry genotyping: necessity and sufficiency
M. Loginova, N. Malysheva, I. Paramonov
A retrospective analysis of the typing results locus HLA-DQB1 192 potential unrelated donors for 127 patients Russian transplant clinics. It was found that 91.7 % of patients with a compatibility grade of 8/8 in low resolution after typed HLA-DQB1 give 10/10 compatibility in low resolution: 71.3 % of them 10/10 in high resolution, 3.0 % — 9/10, and 61 donors for 19 patients remained unclaimed. Theoretically and experimentally substantiated possibility for genotyping donor register by four HLA-loci — A, B, C and
Key words: HLA-typing, HLA-loci, hematopoietic stem cells donors.
The content of the fourth issue 2018
The content of the fourth issue 2018
Rate and structure of complications occurring after transfusion of donor blood and its components, in medical esteblishments of the Russian Federation in 2014–2017
O. V. Eihler, A. V. Chechetkin, E. A. Burdinskaya, I. B. Vlasov, V. V. Danilchenko, N. V. Mineeva, V. E. Soldatenkov, I. I. Krobinets
Federal medical biological agency, Moscow
FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of Federal medical biological agency», St.-Petersburg
The article presents the frequency and structure of complications arising after transfusion of donor blood and its components in medical organizations of the Russian Federation in 2014–2017. It is shown that the most frequently observed cases of allergic post-transfusion reactions and complications. The most frequent errors that led to the emergence of acute immune hemolysis in recipients are presented.
Key words: blood service, reactions and complications during transfusion of blood and its components, recipient.
Centralization of operational transfusiology in the Republic of Crimea
I. G. Chemodanov, L. G. Gorelikova, E. B. Zhiburt
Blood Center of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow
We studied the number and structure of donors and donations of blood and blood components in 2011–2017 in the blood service of the Republic of Crimea, consisting of the Blood Center, 2 of its branches and 17 blood transfusion departments. During this period, the part of donations of blood and blood components performed at the Blood Center significantly increased by 7.5 % (p < 0.001) and reached 51.6 % of the total number of donations performed in the Republic of Crimea. It is advisable to continue the work on centralizing the procurement of blood and blood components, to evaluate the possibility of collection of platelets isolated from whole blood in a single center of its processing.
Key words: donor, donation, blood, platelets, plasma, centralization.
The value of the human neutrophil antigens typing of blood donors for the activity of the blood service
I. I. Krobinets, N. V. Mineeva, I. O. Bogdanova, E. A. Sysoeva, I. V. Poedinenko, N. N. Bodrova, S. V. Gavrovskaya, A. V. Chechetkin
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the FMBA of Russia», St. Petersburg
The distribution of human neutrophil antigens (HNA) among donors in St. Petersburg was studied. HNA-1, -3, -4, -5 genotyping of 200 healthy blood donors was performed using an in-house EVAGreen-based real-time polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). It was shown that the frequencies of HNA alleles were as follows: 0,408 for HNA-1а, 0,560 for HNA-1bd, 0,032 for HNA-1bc; 0,81 for HNA-3а, 0,19 for HNA-3b; 0,905 for HNA-4а, 0,095 for HNA-4b; 0,725 for HNA-5а, 0,275 for HNA-5b. Our results are comparable with those reported in European Caucasoid population, but the allele frequencies in our population are significantly different from those reported in Chinese population (HNA-1, -4, -5 alleles), Southeast Asia populations (HNA-1, -4 alleles), Japanese and African populations (HNA-1, -3, -4, -5 alleles). The HNA genotyping technique used in our study can be used in blood services to create a panel of HNA-typed neutrophils for detection and identification of HNA alloantibodies in donors, as well as to assess the risk of alloimmune neutropenia and reactions associated with transfusions of blood components.
Key words: donor, neutrophils antigens, genotyping, PCR-SSP.
Autodonation of blood in cardiovasculary surgery (for example of Ross operation)
S. I. Minaev, L. G. Medyanceva, I. I. Chernov, A. P. Ivchenko, D. G. Tarasov
Federal Centre for Cardiovascular surgery (Astrakhan), Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
The application of acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) in patients over 18 years of age who underwent an isolated Ross operation (autologous transplantation of the pulmonary valve into the aortic position) in the period from 2009 to 2017 was studied. The study shows a significantly lower requirement for transfusion of allogeneic erythrocytes in patients who underwent intraoperative autologous blood reservation, as well as reduction in the length of hospital admission for these patients.
Key words: Ross operation, autologous blood donation, donor blood components, acute normovolemic hemodilution.
Features of allosensibilization to the antigens of erythrocytes in donors Astana city
D. G. Sadvakasova, Zh. K. Burkitbayev, S. A. Abdrakhmanova, A. M. Zhunusova, D. N. Turlubekova, K. Kh. Zhangaziyeva
Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management «Scientific-Production Center of Transfusiology», Astana, Kazakhstan
The article analyzes the results of the study of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in 352 donors in Astana who applied to the RGP on PHV «Scientific and Production Transfusiology» during 2016–2017.
It was established that antibodies to erythrocyte antigens are determined in 0.54 % of donors.
They predominate in blood group A; the same number in groups O, B; the least among the people of the AB group, which does not correspond to the prevalence of group data among donors in Astana.
In the structure of the detected anti-erythrocyte antibodies, antibodies to the antigen D of the Rhesus system, the levis antigen Le (A), the Kell antigen Kp (A), and the antigen M of the MNS system predominate.
Key words: blood donors, erythrocyte antigens, anti-erythrocyte antibodies, alloimmunization
Experience of the sequencing method application for the immunogenetic testing of the potential donors in the Bone Marrow Donor Registry of I. P. Pavlov SPbSMU
E. V. Kuzmich, A. L. Alyanskiy, V. V. Ermolina, S. V. Merzlyakova, S. S. Tyapushkina, A. A. Nasredinova, N. E. Ivanova, L. S. Zubarovskaya, B. V. Afanasyev
Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation, FSBEI HE I. P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia
The aim of our study was to investigate the immunogenetic characteristics of the potential donors in the Bone Marrow Donor Registry of I. P. Pavlov SPbSMU. High-resolution HLA typing for 1000 volunteers was carried out by monoallelic Sanger-sequencing. As a result of the study, three new HLA alleles have been identified: HLA-B*44:02:45, HLA-DQB1*02:85, HLA-DRB1*01:01:30. The alleles that are considered to be very rare or rare have been determined: HLA-A*02:460, HLA-A*31:66, HLA-B*08:138. The most frequent HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQB1 alleles and HLA~A*~B*~C*~DRB1*~DQB1* haplotypes have been revealed in the examined cohort. The comparative analysis of our study results with the international data has been carried out. The results of our study demonstrate that the HLA alleles and haplotypes distribution in Russian Bone Marrow Donor Registries has the characteristic features. The expansion of the registries network in Russian Federation will increase the likelihood of the optimal unrelated donor selecting for Russian patients who need allogeneic stem cells transplantation.
Key words: HLA alleles, haplotypes, high-resolution HLA typing, bone marrow donor registry.
Technical and organizational aspects of prophylaxis of HLA-alloimmunization and platelet refractoriness in hematological patients
E. V. Butina, F. S. Sherstnev, O. D. Maximov, G. A. Zaitseva, E. A. Poponina, A. V. Yovdiy, I. V. Paramonov
Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Russian Federation
The efficiency of leukoreduction and tactics of limiting the number of transfusions of blood components as factors of prophylaxis of HLA-alloimmunization and platelet refractoriness in hematological patients for the period 2007–2017 is analyzed.
Key words: HLA-alloimmunization, platelet refractoriness, leukoreduced.
The production and use of lyophilized plasma: historical aspects and current status
A. V. Chechetkin, N. N. Alekseeva, N. N. Staritsyna, D. A. Kas'yanov, I. S. Golovanova
FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology of Federal medical biological agency», St.-Petersburg
The article presents the issues of production, safety and clinical use of lyophilized plasma. It is shown that the use of lyophilized plasma is necessary for medical care in extreme situations, in armed conflicts, in the impossibility of creating stocks of fresh frozen plasma and compliance with the requirements of the «cold chain».
Key words: blood plasma preparations, freeze-dried plasma, lyophilization, clinical application of lyophilized plasma.
The content of the third issue 2018
The main indicators of activity of the blood service in the Russian Federation in 2017
A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, M. S. Grigorjan, L. G. Vorobey, R. A. Plotskiy
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article, the statistical parameters of activity of blood service establishments in Russian Federation in 2017 are analyzed. Data about donors and donations of blood and its components, blood, frequency of markers transfusiontransmitted infections at donors, manufacture of plasma substitutes are submitted.
Key words: blood service, blood and its components donation, blood substitutes.
Donor platelets machine aferesis: characteristics of donors, procedures and collected products
R. G. Khamitov, R. F. Ayupova, F. M. Khalilova, A. K. Yulbarisova, E. B. Zhiburt
Republic blood transfusion station, Ufa
National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow
The donors, procedures and products collected as a result of 585 procedures of platelet apheresis were investigated. It was found that the group of donors of platelets apheresis is expedient to be completed from men with phenotypes O, AB, RhD-negative. Individual differences in the duration of apheresis and the rate of platelet collection among different operators have been identified, which encourages in-depth study and introduction of best practices. To increase the rate of platelet collection, it is preferable to select regular
donors older than 24 years, with a platelet concentration of more than 250 × 109/l and a hemoglobin concentration less than 154 g/l.
Key words: blood, apheresis, donor, platelet, blood type.
Immunogenetic characteristics of potential donors of hematopoietic stem cells in the Volga region
I. E. Pavlova1, Т. V. Glazanova1, Yu. E. Ryzhevnina1, K. V. Kuznetsov2, M. N. Petrovskaya2, A. I. Kuznetsov3, I. V. Voronova3, E. V. Belyaeva1, O. E. Rozanova1, A. S. Berkos1, L. M. Moiseeva1, L. V. Erokhina1, V. V. Bakay1, A. V. Chechetkin1, L. N. Bubnova1
1 Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”, St. Petersburg
2 The State Budget Health Care institution “Nizhny Novgorod Regional Blood Center. N.Ya. Klimovoi”, Nizhny Novgorod
3 The State Budget Health Care Institution “Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station”, Samara.
The distribution of allele groups of the HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 HLA-haplotype and HLA phenotypes in two groups (from Samara and Nizhny Novgorod) of potential hematopoietic stem cell donors was studied. It was found that the frequency distributions of the HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1, HLA-A-B-DRB1-haplotype and HLA-A-B-DRB1 phenotype in these groups have similarities and some differences. The frequency of allele groups is typical for residents of the North-Eastern and Central Europe.The frequency of 8 most common HLA haplotypes are the same in both groups, but in the group of donors from Samara, two HLA-haplotype (HLA-A* 30; B* 13; DRB1* 07 and HLA-A* 02; B* 41; DRB1* 13), not included in the 10 most common in Nizhny Novgorod. However, haplotypes HLA-A* 02; B* 40; DRB1* 04 and HLA-A* 24; B* 07; DRB1* 15 are among the ten most common only in Nizhny Novgorod. The majority of HLA phenotypes in both groups were determined once and only a small part of
the phenotypes were determined more than once (98.2 and 1.8 % in Samara, 99.06 and 0.94 % in the Nizhny Novgorod). Identified immunogenetic features indicate a fairly pronounced genetic diversity of potential hemopoietic stem cell donors: from Samara and Nizhny Novgorod. The single determination of the majority of HLA phenotypes in both groups indicates the need to continue working to expand the cohort of HSC donors with the involvement of donors from different regions of the country.
Key words: hematopoietic stem cell donors, register, HLA-genes, HLA-haplotype, HLA-phenotype.
Evaluation of donor selection compatibility in Russia for patients who need the hematopoietic stem cells transplantation
M. Loginova, S. Kutyavina, D. Smirnova, V. Cheranev, N. Zorina, N. Minaeva, I. Paramonov
A retrospective analysis of the efficiency of selection of compatible related, unrelated, haploidentical donors in Russia for 102 patients of Kirov Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, who need the hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. The study found that only 19.6 % of patients have a fully compatible related donor, and only 14.7 % of patients required haploidentical transplantation. Using the search in the joint database of Russian donors BMDS allowed to find a fully compatible potential unrelated donor for 37.0 % of patients partially compatible (9/10) — for 48 %, for 15 % of patients — the search yielded no results.
Key words: human leukocyte antigens, HLA-typing, compatible donor, allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells.
Clinical case of transformation of patient's ABO-accessory in the course of treatment of ematological malignancy
E. A. Poponina, E. V. Butina, I. P. Tataurova, F. S. Sherstnev, N. A. Zorina, G. A. Zaitseva, M. N. Khorobrykh, N. V. Minaeva, I. V. Paramonov
Determining the ABO-group in oncohematological patients may be associated with difficulties due to the weak expression of antigens on red blood cells, the presence of polyspecific antibodies in the blood, and the presence of several erythrocyte populations (mixed field reaction). In this study, a clinical example of the patient’s ABO-transformation in the course of treatment of oncohematological disease and subsequent transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells is present. The tactics of transfusion therapy are described.
Key words: red blood cells, antigens, ABO, oncohematological diseases, antigen expression, mixed field reaction.
Survey of the infected donor
I. G. Chemodanov, L. G. Gorelikova, O. V. Chos, E. B. Zhiburt
Crimea Regional Blood Center, Simferopol
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
We conducted an in-depth survey of 20 donors who had HBsAg or antibodies to the hepatitis C virus (HCV) at the previous donation. It is considered expedient: a) to develop a system of measures (re-examination and counseling) to work with donors who have received a positive or false positive result when tested for infection; b) add piercing and endoscopy to the list of factors of infection with blood-borne diseases, which are temporary contraindications to donation; c) study the importance of the questionnaire about risky sexual behavior in order to prevent the transmission of infections from the donor to the recipient.
Key words: donor, blood, donation, infection, risk, questionnaire.
Donor blood as a factor of transmission of hepatitis B virus to the formation of chronic HBV infection: issues of verification, control and prevention» (review)
Zh. G. Eremeeva1, 2, V. H. Fazylov1
1 The State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Kazan State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan
2 The State Autonomous Healthcare Institution «Republican Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary», Kazan
The aim of the work was to analyze the risks of infection of the donor blood with hepatitis B virus on the basis of a review of the scientific data of domestic and foreign authors, as well as own research on erification, epidemiological control and prevention of HBV infection at the present stage of donation. A long-term dynamics of the incidence of acute and chronic viral hepatitis B in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan for 2001–2016 is presented. Diagnostic standards used in blood transfusion centers for detecting the virus among blood donors and its components are described, including the
definition of anti-HBcor and the level of activity of alanine aminotransferase and their significance in the diagnosis of latent hepatitis B. Numerous studies have been analyzed in which cases of latent form of chronic hepatitis B are revealed. Preventive and anti-epidemic measures are carried out when a source of hepatitis B virus is detected among donors.
Key words: morbidity, donor, blood, hepatitis, examination, screening, alanine aminotransferase, prevention.
New in Transfusiology (at the Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion in Toronto)
E. B. Zhiburt, M. N. Gubanova, I. G. Chemodanov, R. F. Ayupova,
Z. K. Burkitbaev, O. V. Kozhemyako
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The paper summarizes the materials of 35th International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. The data on the organization of donations and blood service, blood-transmitted infections, ensuring of the quality of blood components, pathogen inactivation, immunohaematology, effectiveness and safety of blood transfusions, patient blood management have been analysed.
Key words: transfusiology, the International Society of Blood Transfusion, blood donation, blood infection, immunohaematology.
Information on V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Actual Issues of Immunogenetics and Tissue Typing"
L. N. Bubnova, I. E. Pavlova, A. V. Chechetkin
FGBU "Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency", St. Petersburg
The article presents information on traditional fifth all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation dedicated to current immunological aspects of transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell, donor registries, HLA and diseases, new methods of tissue typing and relevant research in the field of immunogenetics, which took place on 30–31 May 2018 in St. Petersburg, Pushkin.
Key words: immunogenetics, tissue typing, transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, donor registers, sequencing, NGS.
The content of the second issue 2018
The efficacy and safety of combined donation of platelets and plasma
E. A. Kiseleva, A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, R. A. Plotsky, A. B. Makeev
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», St.-Petersburg
The combined donation of therapeutic doses of platelets and plasma were no negative effects on the donors health at various modes of apheresis. The intensification of plasma and platelet apheresis by increasing the proportion of donor’s processed blood and increasing the blood flow rate allows to increase the number of collected platelets without significant rise in the duration of the procedure and the risk of adverse transfusion reactions.
Key words: platelet and plasma donation, platelet concentrate, automatic thrombocytoplasmatheresis.
Development of professional standard for blood donor recruiter
I. G. Chemodanov, E. B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The article summarizes the materials of the international conference on the status and activities of blood donor recruiters. These materials can be useful in developing a professional standard «Manager for the promotion of donation».
Key words: donor, blood, recruitment, manager, propaganda, donation.
Improvement order of blood donor re-entry
I. G. Chemodanov, E. G. Averyanov, R. F. Ayupova, A. E. Belyaev, I. A. Vafin, M. V. Zarubin, I. V. Kabalin, A. P. Kovalev, О. V. Kozhemyako, E. V. Kudinova, S. R. Madzaev, O. A. Pavlyukova, A. S. Podymova, G. A. Rudakova, A. G. Tkachenko, T. A. Tupoleva, R. G. Turaev, N. G. Filina, R. G. Khamitov, M. E. Hapman, L. M. Yakovleva, E. B. Zhiburt
Working group of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists
With the purpose of proposing an order of blood donor re-entry the Delphi method was used. In the first stage of the study, 65 experts took part, in the second — 34. It is recognized useful in the text of the developed rules for blood preparation that it is advisable to make provision on the possibility of of blood donor re-entry. The need for such re-entry will reduce the introduction of the donor’s deferral only after a re-evaluation.
Key words: blood, donor, deferral, re-entry, false positive.
Problems of donor’s platelets delivery and storage
O. V. Kozhemyako, Т. А. Shikhmirzaev, E. B. Zhiburt
Khabarovsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Khabarovsk
National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogova, Moscow
We studied modern data on the storage of donor platelets, assessed the compliance of the order of transportation and storage of platelet concentrates established in Russia and other developed countries. In the Khabarovsk Region, more than 50 % of clinics providing transfusional care do not transfuse platelets. From 35–38 clinics with transfusion service, more than 500 units of platelets per year are transfused only by 3 clinics. They optimally should create conditions for the storage of platelets in order to provide
planned preventive platelet transfusions. Proposals have been formulated to change the text of the rules for blood transfusion and the standard for equipping hospitals.
Key words: platelet concentrate, storage, stirring, costs.
Actual questions and perspectives of red blood cells cold storage and cryopreservation
S. D. Volkova, G. V. Grishina, G. U. Kiryanova, A. V. Chechetkin
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medico-biological Agency”, St. Petersburg
The article presents an analysis of literature data on new methods of hypothermic storage and cryopreservation of red blood cells. It notes the tendency to preferential use of the cryopreservation method at moderately low and low temperatures (– 40… – 80 °С). The paper presents experimental data on the search for new cryoprotectants in place of glycerol. There are arguments for the need to develop domestic additive solutions for the storage of decryopreserved erythrocytes.
Key words: red blood cells, cold storage, cryopreservation.
Correction of anemia in the surgical treatment of patients with gastric cancer, with concomitant cardiovascular pathology
E. Yu. Yuryev, M. D. Khanevich, M. A. Giparovich, A. E. Alborov, A. A. Bezverkhiy
FGBU «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency», St. Petersburg
Review of literature data on the features of correction of anemia in patients with gastric cancer, burdened with cardiovascular pathology in the perioperative period. Characteristics and analysis of various methods of correction of anemia, and possible adverse effects associated with their use are given.
Key words: stomach cancer, correction of anemia, blood transfusion, cardiovascular pathology, iron preparations.
Analysis of coagulation hemostasis in normal pregnancy in the practice of a transfusiologist
N. Silina1, O. Golovina1, O. Matvienko1, O. Smirnova1, I. Geltser1, L. Papayan1, A. Nikolaeva2
1 Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medico-biological Agency, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 Antenatal clinic № 22, Saint Petersburg, Russia
It is shown that normal pregnancy is associated with hypercoagulable state, which is most pronounced in the 3rd trimester. In this regard, the correct interpretation of the study results during pregnancy is possible only at presence of the reference intervals for different gestational ages.
Key words: normal pregnancy, coagulation parameters.
The Conference on blood service immunohaematology
D. G. Sadvakasova, E. A. Butina, E. A. Khegai, A. S. Shulga, N. G. Dashkova, G. M. Markevich, N. А. Popova, E. B. Zhiburt
Russian Transfusionists Association
The article presents the materials of the international conference on blood service immunohaematology.
Key words: immunohaematology, blood group, antigen, antibody, compatibility, genotype.
The content of the first issue 2018
Peculiarities of blood transfusion in subjects of the Russian Federation
E. B. Zhiburt, I. G. Chemodanov, E. G. Averyanov, O. V. Kozhemyako
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
Center of Blood of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol
Saratov Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Saratov, Russia,
Khabarovsk Territory Blood Transfusion Station, Khabarovsk
The clinical performance of transfusiologists of the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2016 has been determined to assess the degree of heterogeneity of the clinical activity of the blood service. Among 146804372 Russian
residents in 2016, 1166633 people (0.82 %) received blood components transfusions. 3,2 million transfusions of blood and its components in a total volume of about 1 million liters have been performed. Among 541023 Russian
doctors in 2016, 2157 transfusiologists worked (0.40 %). Decile coefficients of clinical transfusiology indicators in the regions vary from 2,29 to 6,50.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, transfusiologist, unit, recipient, statistics.
Genetic distance between the hematopoietic stem cell donors of Registry of National Research Center for Hematology and other Russian and worldwide populations based on HLA-gene frequencies
E. G. Khamaganova, E. P. Kuzminova, A. R. Abdrakhimova, R. S. Chapova, T. V. Gaponova, V. G. Savchenko
National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation
The study included unrelated hematopoietic stem cell donors of Registry of National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, who according to their self-assessments were the Russians by ethnicity. We calculated maximum-likelihood estimates for HLA-A*, -B*, -C*, -DRB1* allele group frequencies. Genetic distances between the Russians from Moscow and other 37 worldwide populations (5 of them were the Russian populations) were calculated by Nei’s method. Phylogenetic trees were constructed for estimation of evolutionary relationship between the studied population and other worldwide populations. Conclusion was made that the donors of Registry of National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, who according to their self-assessments were the Russians by ethnicity, are one of the European population but the Moscow Russians have some peculiarities. The Muscovites have greater diversity of HLA-allele groups than most other Russian populations. Genetic distances between the Russians from Moscow and other Russian and some Slavic populations included in our study are very insignificant. The Moscow Russians are very closely related to the Russians from Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk and the Poles. The greater distance between the Moscow Russians and the Northwestern Russians, Bashkortostan population, Tatars points to the need for recruiting of donors from different regions of Russian Federation to the National Registry. The immunogenetic relationship between the included in the study Russian populations and other worldwide populations indicates that the probability to find of HLA-compatible donor for the Russian patients in the National Registry may be higher than to find donor in international registry of the same size.
Key words: HLA-genes, hematopoietic stem cell donors, genetic distances, phylogenetic tree.
HLA-genotypes of marrow donors from Karelian Registry of unrelated donors of hematopoietic stem cells: relative frequencies of allele groups and haplotypes
Yu. G. Ioffe, A. H. Schmidt, J. Sauter, M. Yu. Veselovskaya, A. M. Krassilchtchikov
Karelian Registry of unrelated donors of hematopoietic stem cells, Petrozavodsk, Russia
DKMS-Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany Republican Hospital, Petrozavodsk, Russia
A. F. Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Statistics of HLA-genotypes and HLA-haplotypes of donors from Karelian Registry of unrelated donors of hematopoietic stem cells is analyzed. Frequencies of most common and most rare genotypes, as well as most common haplotypes of class I and class II are presented and confronted with data of similar quality from geographically adjacent populations adopted from the AlleleFrequencies database. A conclusion can be drawn
that a match for a rare-genotype patient from the North-Western Russia is likely to be found in Samara Region and Germany, as well as in Karelia or Leningrad Region.
Key words: statistics of genotypes and haplotypes, HLA-genotype, HLA-haplotype.
Transfusions of the filtered and washed erythrocytes in complex treatment of multiple organ insufficiency in an urgent abdominal surgery
Z. M. Chanchiyev, A. V. Chechetkin, N. K. Pastukhova
St. Petersburg state pediatric medical university of the Russian Ministry of Health
FSBI “Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia”, Saint-Petersburg
427 abdominal surgical patients with a syndrome of multiple organ insufficiency are investigated. The comparative assessment of efficiency of a transfusion of usual erythrocytes mass, the filtered and washed erythrocytes at treatment of anemia at these patients is carried out. Reliable advantages of the transfusions filtered (leukocytes depleted) and washed erythrocytes which led to improvement of the treatment results without post-transfusion
reactions are established. In control group there were temperature increase, cold fit and much less expressed medical effect. It is convincingly proved that the erythrocytes suspension that is grown poor by leukocytes is the optimum
transfusion environment at treatment of anemia at surgical patients with multiply organ insufficiency.
Key words: the erythrocytes mass, the filtered and washed erythrocytes, urgent surgery, multiply organ insufficiency, anemia, blood transfusion.
Results of plasmapheresis for rhesus incompatible pregnancy and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
M. A. Vjugov1, V. V. Vetrov2, V. A. Voinov3, D. O. Ivanov2, A. V. Zikov2
1 Maternity hospital, Taganrog Rostov region, Russia
2 Saint-Petersburg state medical pediatric university
3 I. P. Pavlov first Saint-Petersburg medical University
The purpose of this study waere are the possibility of plasmapheresis in pregnant women to prevent hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) and the effectiveness of plasmapheresis as detoxication means in
newborn are determineted. Subsequent clinical and laboratory investigation confirm that plasmapheresis with lazer blood irradiation were in pregnant women effectively to prevent HDFN and more effective and safe then bloodexchange thansfusion by fetus HDFN are treated.
Key words: hemolytic disease, newborn, plasmapheresis.
Results of screening and identification of red blood cells antibodies in patients of the hematological clinic
E. V. Butina, T. A. Koryakovtseva, O. D. Maximov, F. S. Sherstnev, A. V. Karavaeva, G. A. Zaitseva
Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Russian Federation
Prevention of hemolytic transfusion complications is based on the results of screening and identification of red blood cells alloantibodies in recipients. The article presents an analysis of the frequency of occurrence of specific and nonspecific antibodies in patients of the hematological clinic. The effectiveness of selection of compatible donors
for alloimmunized patients is evaluated.
Key words: red blood cells, alloimmunization, antibodies, antigens, hematology, transfusiology.
Features of oxygen exchange depending on the antigen composition of red blood cells of the blood donors and patients in Minsk
O. N. Bondaruk1, E. V. Dashkevich1, J. V. Peshnyak1, E. P. Titovets2, E. M. Dvorina1, E. V. Basiakova2
1 Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnologies, Minsk, Republic Belarus
2 Republican Scientific and Practical Center of neurology and neurosurgery, Minsk, Republic Belarus
The rate of gas exchange in red blood cells depending on its antigenic composition given the system Сolton has been examined in two groups: blood donors and patients at risk for the development of transfusion reactions and post-transfusion complications.
Key words: antigenic composition of red blood cells, red blood cells oxygen exchange.
The content of the fourth issue 2017
Centralized management of blood service
O. V. Eikhler, E. I. Neminushchaya, O. I. Rozanova
Federal Medical Biologocal Agency, Moscow
Further development of blood service in Russian Federation implies first of all structural changes which affect all the system and it’s management. Centralization tendency and reorganization in regional blood services comes in different ways due to special aspects and finance. Сentralization allows to realize a concerted strategy of blood components safety, achieve a common standard of transfusion medicine, optimization of equipment and resource consuming and also leads to sensible blood donor management.
Key words: blood donation, blood service structure, centralized management, federalization, safety assurance of blood components.
Multicomponent collection of donor platelets for poolling
R. F. Ayupova, U. S. Sultanbaev, A. K. Yulbarisova, F. M. Khalilova, L. I. Kayumova, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Ufa
National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
There was assessed the experience of the pooled donor platelets collection at the blood transfusion station, practicing the buffy-coat (BC) selection from donations of whole blood, plasma and red blood cells. 31,326 donations have been made during 2016 year, 11275 BC were isolated and 1656 therapeutic platelets units were collected.
The number of BC pools produced is determined by the changing needs of the clinics and does not depend on a fixed working time. Pools of platelets were received during the year in 78.1 % of calendar work days. 99.4 % of the pools were received within 4 working days. The maximum number of pools (32.8 %) was received on Tuesday, the minimum (16.6 %) – on Thursday. The reserve for the growth of production of platelet pools is the regulation of the
pooling of BC, single-group according to the ABO system, independently of other systems of blood groups.
At the implementation stage of multicomponent collection of donor platelets for pooling, the unproductive costs of ВС were 14 %.
Key words: donor, platelet, pool, pooling, plasma, red blood cells, apheresis, phenotype.
Prolonged storage at 4 °С of defrozen red blood cells in cryoprotective solution before their washing
G. U. Kiryanova, S. D. Volkova, G. V. Grishina, A. D. Kasyanov, I. S. Golovanova, A. V. Chechetkin
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medico-biological Agency”, St. Petersburg, Russia
The objects of a research were cryopreserved at a temperature -40°C donor’s erythrocytes washed either immediately after defrosting or after hypothermal storage (4°C) in cryoprotective solution within 1–2 weeks. The high safety and morfofunctional full value was shown by the red blood cells washed later.
Key words: cryopreservation, defrosting, erythrocytes washed later, morfofunctional properties.
Evaluation of gas transport function of blood in patients with anemia on the background of the red blood cells transfusions
N. A. Romanenko1, G. V. Grishina1, S. S. Bessmeltsev1, S. V. Bondarchuk2, A. V. Kovalev2, N. A. Potikhonova1, A. V. Chechetkin1
1 Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology FMBA of Russia
2 Medical Military Academy named after S. M. Kirov of Ministry of Defense of Russia
In the article is presented the analysis of the results correction of anemia with red blood cells transfusions (RBCTs). The first group included patients with hematological malignancies (n = 28), aged 65 years, in the second group –
patients with massive hemorrhage of traumatic genesis (n = 12) at the age of 36 years. The indication for RBCTs was anemia with a hemoglobin level < 8.0 g/dl, hematocrit < 25 %. The efficiency of RBCTs was estimated as reduce clinical symptoms of anemia, increase concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit, as well as to increase the saturation of venous blood (SvO2). After transfusions (Me = 2 units) in both groups were revealed increasing of
hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit: in the 1st group the hemoglobin concentration increased from 6.41 ± 0.27 g/dl to 9.02 ± 0.17 g/dl, Ht – from 20.1 ± 0.8 % to 28.9 ± 0.7 %; in the second group the Hb concentration increased from 6.59 ± 0.30 g/dl to 8.83 ± 0.32 g/dl, Ht increased from 19.6 ± 0.9 % to 26.7 ± 1.4 %. Also observed an increasing of SvO2: in the first group – from 42.0 ± 3.3 % to 57.6 ± 4.1 %; in the second group – from 51.3 ± 1.9 % to 69.0 ± 1.3 %. However, to compare of the frequency ofachieving SvO2 ≥ 60 % in the 1st group was observed in 67.9 % of patients after RBCTs, in the second group was in all (100 %) patients. These data indicate that after RBCTs 32.1 % of patients with hematological malignancies may persist tissue’s hypoxia, despite the achievement of Hb > 8.0 g/dl, Ht > 25 %. Therefore, in patients with a low SvO2 (< 60 %) should be continued RBCTs to increase of Hb concentrations to 10.0 g/dl, Ht to 33 %.
Key words: anemia, donor red blood cell, red blood cell transfusions, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, hematologic malignancies, blood saturation, transport of blood gases.
Assessment of the probability of «donor – recipient» pairs selection based on phenotypes of RBC antigens
N. V. Mineeva, S. V. Gavrovskaya, I. I. Krobinets, N. N. Bodrova, E. A. Sysoeva, I. V. Poedinenko, I. O. Bogdanova
FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medico-biological Agency”, St. Petersburg, Russia
In our study, we performed the analysis of red blood cells (RBCs) phenotyping results for donors and recipients of FSBI “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal medico-biological Agency” over 2012–2013 and RBC alloantibodies frequency in patients with various hematologic diseases that were
transfused with antigen-matched blood in 2015–2016. According to the occurence of phenotypes of RBC antigens, 4511 patients were devided into 3 groups, and probability of selection of donor blood identical in AB0 blood
group RBC phenotype existed only for 1 group of patients in case of single transfusions. For 2 and 3 groups of patients with rarer RBC phenotypes, as well as for patients of the first group in case of repeated multiple transfusions, it was possible to select only compatible donors. It was found that the incidence of alloantibodies in patients who received identical in RBC phenotype and compatible donor blood during transfusions in 2015–2016
decreased to 0.05 % compared to 0.9 % in previous years (data obtained prior to the introduction of the selection of phenotype-mutched donors).
Key words: transfusion, antigen, phenotyping, sensitization, specificity of alloantibodies, frequency of occurrence.
False-positive results of the infections screening in blood donors
R. F. Ayupova, U. S. Sultanbaev, L. A. Absalyamova, I. E. Timofeeva, Yu. R. Rakipova, L. I. Kayumova, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Ufa
National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The effect of repeated centrifugation on the specificity of serological screening of infection markers in blood donors was evaluated. From 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2017, 27,378 blood samples were examined from 4,098 first-time and 16,809 regular donors (the latter performed 23280 donations). Repeated centrifugation of test tubes with blood
samples reveals false positive results of primary serological testing of HIV markers, HBs-antigen and antibodies to HCV in 51.2 %, 43.7 % and 47.1 %, respectively. In the study of HIV and HBsAg markers, the proportion of amples with the effect of repeated centrifugation among first-time and regular donors is not different (p> 0.05),
which indicates a pre-analytic nature of the problem related to the quality of sample preparation, and not to the donor contingent. In the study of HCV markers, the proportion of samples with the effect of repeated centrifugation among first-time donors is 149.0 % higher than among the regular ones (p <0.05). It is obvious that other preanalytical factors (operator’s person, stationary or mobile conditions, etc.) can lead to false-positive results of the research.
The recommendation not to re-centrifuge a sample of donor blood for infection screening should be replaced by the opposite.
Key words: donor, examination, infection, screening, false positive, centrifugation.
Screening of syphilis in blood donors
R. F. Ayupova, U. S. Sultanbaev, L. A. Absalyamova, I. E. Khabibullina, I. R. Zakirova, S. R. Mudzaev, E. B. Zhiburt
Republican station of blood transfusion, Ufa
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
A survey of 27,378 donations evaluated a) the detection of serological markers of syphilis in first-time and repeat blood donors; b) the diagnostic significance of the micro-reaction with cardiolipin antigen (MR) in the donor survey; c) the results of a reexamination of donors with a doubtful initial result of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA). Detection of syphilis markers (the share of positive and doubtful results) in first-time donors was 6.10 ‰, which is 253.6 % higher than in repeat donors (1.73 ‰) (p < 0.01). The difference in detectability of only positive results is even higher – 310.2 %: 5.12 ‰ for first-time donors and 1.25 ‰ for repeat donors (p <0.01). MR, which remains the only non-automated screening test for infections in blood donors, was positive in 11.9 % of samples with positive ELISA results and in all samples with questionable ELISA results. No samples with a positive MR and a negative ELISA result were observed, which leads to the question of excluding MR from the blood donor survey. In order to find the causes of infection, it is advisable to develop a special procedure for interviewing a donor who, in a laboratory examination, identified specific markers of infection.
News at the immunohaematology seminar
E. V. Chulkova, Z. R. Garipova, T. B. Kolotvina, N. А.,Popova A. S. Varakin, E. B. Zhiburt
Russian Transfusionists Association
The article presents the materials of the international conference on blood service immunohaematology.
Key words: immunohaematology, blood group, antigen, antibody, compatibility, genotype.
The content of the third issue 2017
The activity of the blood service in the Russian Federation in 2016
A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, M. S. Grigorjan, L. G. Vorobey, R. A. Plotskiy, A. B. Makeev
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», St.-Petersburg
In article statistical parameters of activity of blood service establishments in Russian Federation for blood and its components organization and donation in 2016 are analyzed. Data about amount of donors of blood and its components, blood, plasma and blood cells donation, frequency of revealing of markers transfusion-transmitted infections at donors are submitted. Data about manufacture of plasma substitutes in blood service establishments are stated.
Key words: blood donation, blood service, preparation of blood components,blood substitutes.
Pathogens inactivation in the cellular blood components
Gubanova M. N., Chemodanov I. G., Ayupova R. F., Kozhemyako O. V., Averyanov E. G., Madzaev S. R., Zhiburt E. B.
National Medical and Surgical Center named after Pirogov, Moscow
The article summarizes recent data on the inactivation (reduction) of pathogens in donor platelets and red blood cells concentrates. Patogenreduced donor platelets are increasingly successfully used in medical practice. Several pathogen inactivation methods in the labile blood components are developed and tested in clinical trials.
Along with blood grouping and plastic blood bags inactivation of pathogens can be attributed to ≪disruptive technologies≫ that change the established processes of the preparation of blood components.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, donor, blood infection, virus, pathogen inactivation.
Bruccellosis: blood donor examination
M. N. Gubanova, T. G. Kopchenko, O. M. Reznikova, S. R. Madzaev, E. B. Zhiburt
Stavropol Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Stavropol
National Medical and Surgical Center. N. I. Pirogova, Moscow
51,781 donors who donated blood in the Stavropol region in 2014–2016 have been screened on brucellosis. In 252 samples, the positive result of Heddleson’s reaction was revealed, and in 41 – Wright’s reaction. In 2016, the part of seropositive donors in Heddleson’s reaction increased by 152.2% in comparison with 2014, and according to the results of Wright’s reaction, by 359.7% (p <0.01). Detectability of brucellosis markers does not depend on age, but depends on sex – in women it is 66.8% more often than in men (p <0.01). Accordingly, a protective measure is the recruitment of male donors (their part in the donor pool increased by 2.6% compared to the same period of 2014 (p <0.01). Brucellosis markers among donors at 86.4% being more frequent in donors with A-positive phenotype (p <0.01), but with the same frequency in RhD-positive and RhD-negative donors. The introduction of DNA screening of brucella in the donor blood is promising, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of brucella in methods of pathogen inactivation in blood components.
Key words: blood, donor, brucellosis, safety, blood group, pathogen inactivation.
The role of the Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in developing blood substitutes problem
A. V. Chechetkin, G. V. Grishina, K. A. Gerbout, M. I. Remizova
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», St. Petersburg
The article gives a brief overview of the history of the Leningrad Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Historical aspects of creating blood substitutes. The role of the Institute was reflected in the establishment of colloids, crystalloids, polyfunctional solution.
Key words: transfusion, blood substitutes, colloid solutions, crystalloid solutions, polyfunctional solutions.
News in transfusiology (at the congress of International Society of Blood Transfusion in Kopenhagen)
Zhiburt E. B., Gubanova M. N., Burkitbaev Z. K., Chemodanov I. G., Ayupova R. F., Kozhemyako O. V., Madzaev S. R.
National Medical Surgical Center named after Pirogov, Moscow
The paper summarizes the materials of 27th Regional Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. The data on the organization of donations and blood service, blood-transmitted infections, ensuring of the quality of blood components, pathogen inactivation, immunohaematology, effectiveness and safety of blood transfusions, patient blood management have been analysed.
Key words: transfusiology, the International Society of Blood Transfusion, blood donation,blood infection, mmunohaematology.
Investigation of erythrocyte survival for optimizing erythrocyte selection for cryopreservation
V. S. Chistyakov, S. V. Sidorkevich
FSBI «Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre», St.Petersburg
The authors analyzed the experience of erythrocyte cryopreservation technology application. Hemoglobin and erythrocyte losses were estimated using standardized methods of freezing. Functional connections between hemoglobin amount in the erythrocyte dose before freezing and the percentage of stored hemoglobin as well as
between hemoglobin amount in the erythrocyte dose before freezing and the amount of free hemoglobin supernatant in a dose were found. The formulation determining the optimal amount of hemoglobin, which should be in a cryopreserved dose is proposed, and a program to reduce hemoglobin losses is offered.
Key words: blood components, cryopreservation, hemoglobin loss, erythrocytes selection.
USA blood service development
Zhiburt E. B., Gubanova M. N., Chemodanov I. G., Auypova R. F., Madzaev S. R.
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
An analysis of data on the work of the US blood service in 2015 has been done. In 2015, 12,591,000 units of red blood cells were collected and 11,349,000 doses were transfused, which is 11.6% and 13.9% less than in 2013, respectively. The number of prepared (2 436 000) and transfused (1 983 000) platelet doses decreased by 0.5%
and 13.1% compared to 2013. During the same period, plasma transfusion decreased by 24.8%. Ensuring quality and maintaining a sufficient blood supply to meet the need for daily and emergency situations will require further monitoring and understanding of these trends.
Key words: blood, donor, blood component, apheresis, red blood cells, platelets, plasma, transfusion.
The content of the second issue 2017
Plasma products manufacturing in blood service establishments of the Russian Federation
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigoryan, R.A. Plotskiy, N. N. Alekseeva
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», Saint-Petersburg
The article presents the results of activities of blood service establishments for the manufacturing of plasma products. It is established that blood service establishments of the Russian Federation in the period of 2007-2015 annually was processed into proteins from 143.2 thousand liters to 185.5 thousand liters of plasma. During this period the production of albumin and intravenous immunoglobulin was increased, the production of immunoglobulin human normal, antistaphylococcal and anti-Rhesus was decreased. The significant variability of the volume plasma, transferred for fractionation, in different regions of the country is stated.
Key words: blood service, plasma products, albumin, immunoglobulins.
Regional features of blood donation in Kazakhstan: primary and mobile donations
Zh. Burkitbaev, S. Abdrahmanova, S. Skorikova, E. Zhiburt
Research-production center of transfusiology of the Ministry of Healthcare and social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
National medical-surgical center named after N. Pirogov, Moscow
In order to determine regional specificities donation of blood and blood components in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) have studied the records of the blood service regions for 2010 - 2015. The number of donations per 1000 people in the 16 surveyed regions of Kazakhstan differs by 730%.
The number and typology of blood donations in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are significantly different and highly flexible in responding to:
- Clinics requests for blood components,
- Requests from plasma fractionation plants,
- Modernization of apheresis technologies.
Key words: donor, donation, primary, drive, apheresis.
The problem of ensuring the quality of platelet concentrate during storage
N. N. Alekseeva, A.V. Chechetkin, N. N. Staritsyna, E. A. Kiseleva
FSBI «Russian research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», Saint-Petersburg
The article presents data of research for the preservation of platelets in media of different composition and at different temperatures of storage. Details the influence of the components that are widely used for making additive solutions, on the metabolism and functional activity of platelets in vitro. The data the relationship between changes in the content of metabolites and platelet post-transfusion viability and performance in vivo are presented.
Key words: platelet concentrate, storage conditions, quality, additive solution.
Immunogenetic characteristics of blood donors in St.-Petersburg, who expressed their agreement to become hematopoietic stem cells donors
Pavlova I.E., Glazanova T.V., Ryzhevnina U.E., Belyaeva E.V., Berkos A. S., Moiseeva L. M., Erochina L.V., Bakay V.V., Chechetkin A.V., Bubnova L.N.
Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusiology, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article presents the features of distribution of allele groups of HLA-genes, HLA-haplotype and HLA genotype in potential donors of hematopoietic stem cells from the blood donors of St. Petersburg.
Key words: donors, bone marrow, hematopoietic cells, register.
Costs of intralaboratory quality control of immunohematology testing
M.N. Gubanova, V.N. Ivanova, T.G. Kopchenko, E.B. Zhiburt
Stavropol regional blood transfusion station, Stavropol, Russian Federation National Pirogov medical and surgical Center, Moscow, Russian Federation
Labor and material costs for the quality control of immunohematology testing have been evaluated research. It was concluded that effort on quality control of testing does not exceed the rate of 0.25 full time employee. On the purchase of reagents for quality control (in prices of 2016) 310 thousand roubles should be provided annually in the budget. The procedure for the validation of reagents and methods for internal quality control of immunohematology testing optimally should be regulated by federal regulations.
Key words: immunohaematology, test, quality, reagent, quality control, costs, expenses.
Case report Features of diagnosis and treatment of factor XII deficiency in pregnant women
D.O. Ivanov, Y.S. Aleksandrovich, V.A. Reznik, K.A. Papayan, I.A. Lisitsa, N.N. Silina, S.I. Kapustin, L.P. Papayan
The article presents clinical observation of a pregnant woman with late diagnosed coagulopathy due to a congenital deficiency of factor XII and thromboembolic complications. Treatment with anticoagulant drugs without transfusion of plasma – source factor
XII did not allow to achieve antithrombotic effect.
Key words: increased APTT, factor XII deficiency, pregnancy, thrombosis.
Standards and individual approaches in clinical transfusion medicine
S.K. Sidorov, I.G. Chemodanov, R.F.Aiupova, O.V. Kozhemyako, T.A. Shihmirzaev, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The article summarizes the materials of 21st Conference «Standards and Individual Approaches in Clinical Transfusion Medicine». It was decided to: a) recommend the approval of the standard of validation and control reagents; b) to thank Roszdravnadzor for the letter dated December 29, 2015 N 01I-2329/15 «About the labeling of medical devices «Containers for Blood»; c) to request the Russian Ministry of Health to make addition in the Order 183n about the biological probe with a total incompatibility of donor red blood cells; d) to request the FMBA of Russia to publish analysis of the causes of post-transfusion complications; e) recognize the need for correction of immunohematology provisions in the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health N 572n «About Approval of the Provision of Medical Care in the Field of Obstetrics and Gynecology»; f) to recognize the appropriate collection of plasma and plasma-suspended platelets from male donors (for TRALI prevention); g) to recognize the appropriate dose division of donor blood components for transfusion to children; h) state that washing of red blood cell can be performed in a medical organization as a step of transfusion preparation; i) it is advisable to hold the 22nd Conference «New in Transfusion: Regulations and Technologies» on 17–19th of May 2017 in the Republic of Crimea.
Key words: transfusiology, blood transfusion, blood donation, blood infections, immunohaematology
To the 350th anniversary of the first blood transfusion. Main stages of development of transfusiology
I.G. Dutkevich, St.-Petersburg
The article outlines the main stages in the development of transfusiology as an independent branch of medicine and the main events in the history of transfusiology in each of them.
The content of the first issue 2017
The use of apheresis methods for blood components donation in the blood service of the russian federation
A. V. Chechetkin, V. V. Danilchenko, M. S. Grigoryan, E. A. Kiseleva, E. V. Soldatenkov, A. G. Gudkov, A. B. Makeev
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
The article presents data on the use of apheresis methods for donation of blood components in the organizations of service of blood of Russia. It is established that in organizations of service of blood by the method of plasmapheresis for 2007-2015 was obtained 40,8% donor plasma, automatic plasmapheresis – 18.6%. The percentage of platelet concentrate prepared by apheresis, in recent years, the average was 62.5%, erythrocyte components using apheresis was donated in the average of 0.57% of the total volume. The significant variability of the degree of implementation of apheresis in the activities of organizations of service of blood in different regions of the country is stated.
Key words: blood service, blood donation, blood components, apheresis.
Restructuring of blood and blood components donors and donations in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Burkitbaev Z.K., Abdrahmanova S.A., Skorikova S.V., Zhiburt E.B.
Scientific-Production Center Transfusion Health Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
In order to determine trends in the evolution of the structure of blood and its components donations in the Republic of Kazakhstan there were studied the reports of the regional blood service regions for 2010 - 2015 years.
In 2010 - 2014 years the number of blood donors in Kazakhstan increased by 14.5% and in 2015 - decreased by 3.0%. Management of the patient’s blood, the development of diagnostic monitoring for coagulopathies and implementation of drug alternatives to plasma transfusion led to a gradual reduction of its harvesting in 2010 - 2015 years at 38.9%. Expansion of oncohematological and cardiac care is accompanied by the growing need for transfusion of platelet concentrates. Accordingly, harvesting these cells in in 2010 - 2015 years has been increased by 855.7%. It is concluded that the development of donor centers increases the share of donations in stationary conditions and reduces the number of paid donations.
Keywords: donor, donation, red cells, platelets, plasma.
Blood service of Сhina
E.B. Protopopova, I.G. Chemodanov, M.N. Gubanova, M.V. Zarubin, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Blood center of Crymea Republic, Simferopol
Stavropol Regional blood transfusion station, Stavropol
Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station, Irkutsk
We reviewed data and information regarding policy, blood collection, service system, and clinical transfusion practice in China, which were the most representative indicators on a national level from 1978 to 2015. Blood donation in China has successfully transitioned from paid donation to voluntary nonremunerated donation. The volume of blood collection has steadily increased from 4,000,000 red blood cell (RBC; 200 mL/ unit) units in 1998 to 22,000,000 RBC units in 2014. The percentage of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transfusion-transmitted infections in newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS has reduced from 29.6% in 2005 to less than 0.15% in 2013. The use of component therapy has increased from 18% in 1989 to 99% in 2014. Involvement of the government through enforcement of new statutes and regulations helped to improve blood safety and clinical transfusion practice in China.
Key words: blood, donor, collection, transfusion, management, risk.
Mathematic study of the use of autologous plasma donation and automatic blood reinfusion in the stablishment of maternity
I.D. Sablin, S.А. Klygina
Regional state budgetary healthcare institution "Perinatal Center", Ministry of Healthcare of the Khabarovsk Territory
The presented data reflect the specifics of the maternity level III institution in a territory with a low population density in the example of Khabarovsk territory. In recent years, the work of transfusion service is characterized by the rejection of allogeneic transfusion when blood loss is not accompanied by a deficiency of red blood cells and clotting factors, as well as the stabilization of the number of employed of blood-preservation technologies. At the same time, the data show that it is possible to reduce the number of massive allogeneic transfusions involving transfusion of allogeneic blood components, by increasing the volume of autologous plasma donation and reinfusion of blood.
Key words: transfusiology, reinfusion of blood, autologous plasma donation.
Nonsurgical blood loss management technique in patients with total knee arthroplasty (Literature review)
D.V. Chugaev, V.А. Koryachkin, N.N. Kornilov, S.А. Lasunsky, Е.P. Sorokin
State Organization "Russian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R.R. Vreden" of Russian Ministry of Health, St.-Petersburg
This study presents an analysis of the current literature on non-surgical methods of blood loss management during total knee arthroplasty.
Orthopaedic procedure are characterized by a large perioperative blood loss, which may be accompanied with postoperative anemia.
Despite the improvement of technologies in orthopedics, hemorrhage remains a serious problem when performing knee arthroplasty, but the conventional algorithm blood loss management currently available.
Key words: knee replacement, arthroplasty, blood loss management, blood loss, tranexamic acid, blood transfusion.
Infusion therapy in patients with multiple organ insufficiency in urgent abdominal surgery
Z.M. Chanchiyev1, N. K. Pastukhova1, A.V. Chechetkin2, A.F. Romanchishen1
1 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg
2 The Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusiology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg
The analysis of results of infusion therapy at 757 patients with multiple organ insufficiency in urgent abdominal surgery is carried out. Quality of treatment of these patients in many respects depended also on the choice of infusion solutions. The greatest need for them was at a stage of the postoperative period. As choice medicines among colloidal solutions served medicines gelatin and hydroxyethylstarches.
Key words: multiple organ insufficiency, abdominal surgery, infusion solutions, crystalloids, colloids.
Direct Coombs test in laboratory diagnostics of immunopathological states
Turaev R.G., Belskaya E.E.
Republican Blood Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Ministry of Health, Kazan
A retrospective analysis of the results of blood tests in recipients of red blood cells containing medium and children with hemolytic disease of newborns in the direct Coombs test. This type of research is needed in the diagnosis of hemolytic disease of the newborn, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and some other pathological conditions. Availability of fixed erythrocytes erythrocytic antibodies leads to difficulties in conducting tests on individual compatibility before transfusion of blood components.
Key words: Coombs test, sensitization by erythrocytes, antiglobulin serum hemolytic disease of the newborn, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, transfusion therapy.
News in transfusiology (at the congress of international society of blood transfusion in Dubai)
E.B. Zhiburt, M.N. Gubanova, Z.K. Burkitbaev, N.D. Grechanyuk, L.I. Kayumova, M.V. Zarubin, N.S. Kuzmin
National Medical Surgical Center named after Pirogov, Moscow
The paper summarizes the materials of 34th Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. The data on the organization of donations and blood service, blood-transmitted infections, ensuring of the quality of blood components, pathogen inactivation, immunohaematology, effectiveness and safety of blood transfusions, patient blood management have been analysed.
Key words: transfusiology, the International Society of Blood Transfusion, blood donation, blood infection, immunohaematology.
The content of the fourth issue 2016
The organization of the blood component donation in blood service establishments
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, V.Е Soldatenkov, M.S. Grigorjan, L.G. Vorobey, R.A. Plotskiy
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
During 2007–2015 the share of donors of blood cells has increased in 3,1 times, a share platelets concentrates, obtained by automatic apheresis – up to 70,4%, a share of the plasma, obtained by automatic apheresis – in 1,9 times, plasma volume donation – in 1,2 times. Parameters of the blood component donation in subjects of the Russian Federation is variable, that is caused by features of the regional organization of medical care.
Key words: blood component donation, blood cell donor, plasma donor, plasma collection, platelets collection.
Irkutsk Region: From Paid donation to donation for free
M.V. Zarubin1, M.E. Zaznobov1, O.S. Babushkin1, E.B. Zhiburt2
1 SBHI "Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station, Irkutsk
2 FSBI Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
The article analyzes the dynamics of payments for blood donation and its components, the cost of providing food donor blood and its components, the main indicators of blood donations and its components, the main indicators of blood donation and its components in state budgetary healthcare institution "Irkutsk regional blood transfusion
station" after the entry into force of the Federal act of 20 July 2012 No. 125-FZ "About donorship of blood and its components". Payments to food unpaid donors increased by 1,5 times. It was realized the transfusion to a gratuitous donation. As a result of transfusion to unpaid donation of blood and its components, the number of donors has not
decreased; volume storage of donor blood and its components increased by 23,9%; the number of blood donations increased by 8,7%; decreased the number of blood donations made by the primary donor and the donor's relatives; with the increase in donor activity at the station of blood transfusion reduced the number of visiting donor activity
in 2,4 times and the number of blood donations on the road in 2,1 times; the number of plasma's donations increased by 27,8%; the number of platelets' donations is stable and is determined by the demand for platelets concentrates; there is potential for an increasing in the blood in 2 times.
Keywords: blood, blood donor, non-remunerated blood donation.
Contribution of regular donors to regional blood donations uantity
Shihmirzaev T.A., Davydova L.E., Kozhemyako O.V., Ermolaev A.R., Zhiburt E.B.
Khabarovsk regional blood transfusion station, Khabarovsk Republican blood transfusion station, Yakutsk
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
We examine the contribution of regular donors in the number of units of blood, harvested in two Russian regions. Regular donors, accounting for less than half of the donor contingent, provide up to 70.7% of donations. At the same time, donors made more than 3 donations, amounting to 24.0% of the donor contingent, provide up to 47.1% of donations, and made more than 4 donations, amounting to 11.6% of the donor contingent, provide up to 27.0% of donations. It is interesting to explore: - the experience of other regions in terms of recruitment “superdonors”, - culling the frequency and quality of blood components primary and regular donors, - health status and motivation of “superdonors”.
Key words: blood, donor, donation, regular, superdonor.
Methodical approaches to obtain of donor’s hyperimmune antiherpes plasma of the Republic of Belarus
E.V. Dashkevich, S.V. Soshko, О.L. Maevskaya, J.V. Peshnyak, T.S. Korzhel, F.N. Karpenko
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnologies, Minsk, Republic Belarus
Herpes infection is one of the social problem in the world. For the first time in transfusion practice of the Republic of Belarus methodical approaches are developed for donor hyperimmune anti-herpes plasma for the prevention and the treatment of herpesvirus of complications at various pathological the immunosuppressive states. For this
serum of 1067 donors was examined by ELISA for the presence of IgG antibodies to clinically significant types of herpes virus. About 40% of the surveyed donors with high antiherpes antibody titers have been included in the database of donors of hyperimmune antiherpes plasma.
Key words: herpesvirus infection, blood and its component donors, antiherpes antibody titers, hyperimmune antiherpes plasma.
Self-sufficiency in blood products: how much plasma for fractionation does it take?
I.V. Paramonov A.V. Rylov
FSBIS “Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”, Kirov
The work carried out to assess the needs of national health care in albumin, normal immunoglobulin and plasma coagulation factors. The amount of the raw material needed to achieve the Russian Federation the level of self-sufficiency in blood products was determined. It is established that in order to achieve the average European level of consumption of blood products in Russia should annually to harvest and process not less than 2.2 million litres of plasma for fractionation.
Key words: plasma for fractionation, blood products, level of consumption of blood products
Transfusion haemocorrection of metabolic disorders in patiens with haemophilia
V.D. Kargin, V.V. Soldatenkov, S.I. Kapustin, V.M. Shmeleva, L.R. Aleksanyan, O. А. Smirnova, L.P. Papayan, A.V. Chechetkin, S.S. Bessmeltsev, V.V. Burakov
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of Federal Medico-biological Agency», Saint-Petersburg
The article presents possibilities of application of methods of transfusiology hemocorrection in the treatment of patients with metabolic disorders in hemophilia. It is shown that in 30% of patients with severe hemophilia, polyarthropathies large joints there is an activation reactions with oxidative imbalance of the antioxidant system. The role of metabolic disturbances in the progression of clinical manifestations in patients with hemophilia A and B is stated.
Key words: hemophilia, metabolic disorders, hyperhomocysteinemia, haemocorrection.
Colonyforming capacity (CFC) of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) of mobilized peripheral blood in patients with multiple myeloma before and after cryopreservation
V.A. Balashova, V.I. Rugal, S.V. Gritsaev, A.A. Kuzjaeva, I.M. Zapreeva, S.V. Voloshin, K.M. Abdulkadirov, N.Yu. Semenova, S.S. Bessmeltsev, A.V. Chechetkin
Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Date about colonyforming capacity of hematopoietic stem cells of mobilized peripheral blood in patients with multiple myeloma before cryopreservation and after thawing of cell suspension and following transplantation have been shown. Colonies number of hematopoietic stem cells prior cryopreservation veraciously exceedes one after thawing of suspension. It is possible there is negative apheresis and cryopreservation effect on stem cells.
Key words: hematopoietic stem cells of peripheral blood, colonyforming capacity, cryopreservation, apheresis.
Plasma for fractionation essay for RNA of hepatitis A virus algorithm
I.V. Paramonov1, A.L. Poptsov2, E.Yu. Kudasheva3
1 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”, Kirov
2 Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Medical Research and Production Center “Rosplazma” of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”, Kirov
3 Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Health Ministry of Russia Scientific Center for Expertise of Medical Products”, Moscow
Assess the need for the study of plasma for fractionation, harvested from Russian donors, for the presence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA. During the period 2012–2015 incidence of HAV RNA in study population Russian donors plasma for fractionation average for the year amounted to 0.003% (95% CI 0 – 0.006%). Over the four-year
observation period, this indicator per 100 thousand plasma donations for fractionation was set at 0.55, which is consistent with previous studies. Using the test cobas TaqScreen DPX Test for research plasma for fractionation in the format of mini-pools, consisting of 96 individual samples allows detection of plasma doses contaminated
with HAV and can be recommended as a preventive measure aimed at improving infectious raw material security for the production of blood products.
Key words: plasma for fractionation, donors, hepatitis A.
Interlaboratory comparisons for specificity of blood donor infection screening abroad
Burkitbaev Z.K., Abdrahmanova S.A., Savchuk T.N., Zhiburt E.B.
Scientific-Production Center Transfusion Health Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow
Quality of detection of blood-borne infection markers in blood donors of Scientific-Production Transfusion Center of Health Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NPTST) has been studied by interlaboratory comparisons. In 2013 - 2015 there were 6 interlaboratory comparisons cycles in foreign world-class laboratories. In a study of 2326 samples in 5 leading European centers using 3 types of equipment no discrepancies with the results of studies in NPTST have been found. Negative results of additional testing of two markers of infections (West Nile virus and parvovirus
B19) indicate on the good health and the proper selection of donors. The quality of the NPTST laboratory allows to schedule the creation on its base the production of reference materials for the external evaluation of the quality of the blood service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Key words: donor, blood, infection, screening, quality control.
Federal state information system «Unified information base for blood donations» as a communication tool
D.S. Malysheva, A.I. Vnuk, A.A. Fisher, A.V. Brants
Federal state institution of public health «Blood Center of the Federal Medical Biological Agency», Moscow, Russian Federation
The article summers up the information about automated transfusion system features implemented in the framework of the federal program for the Blood Service in the direction «Formation of a common information base for the development of the Blood Service institution». This allows to carry out all functions of the work for medical units and the blood service institutions’ PR-departments.
Key words: unified information base for blood donations, donors list,, donor notification, donor medical check.
The structure of donor deferral in Blood service establishments of the Kaliningrad region
E.M. Ivanova, N.A. Kabanchuk, O.N. Kostikova, I.E. Drozhzhina, O.A. Gjunesh, O.A. Gizatulina, I.G.Dnestrjanskaya.
SBHA (State Budgetary Health-care Agency) “Blood Transfusion Station of Kaliningrad Region”
An article presents the structure of donor deferral at examination, and also the detection rate of blood-borne infection markers among donors in Bloodserviceestablishments institutions of the Kaliningrad region in 2014-2015.
Key words: blood donation, donor, donor degerral, transfusion-transmitted infections markers, blood servise.
New of the use of clotting factors and platelets (information about European symposium «Optimal use of
clotting factors and platelets»)
A.V. Chechetkin, Z.S. Thorzhevskaya, N.N. Alekseeva
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article the information about European Symposium on optimal use of clotting factors and platelets is submitted. New data of the quality of platelets concentrates, obtained by different methods, clinical efficacy of platelets transfusion, and the incidence of reactions after transfusion of platelets concentrates are presented. The information about new clotting factors products are stated.
Key words: platelets concentrate, clinical use, clotting factors, pathogen reduction.
The content of the fourth issue 2015
Transfusion transmitted infections in regular and first-time donors of blood and blood components
L.N. Bubnova, T.A. Matveeva, M.V. Chechetkin
FSBI “Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion”, St.-PetersburgWe studied the dynamics of transfusion infections markers detected in regular and first-time donors for the past 15 years. It was found that the frequency of markers of transfusion transmitted infections in regular and first-time donors as a whole tends to decrease. Incidence of transfusion transmitted infections in regular donors is much lower those who for the first time decided to become a donor.
Key words: donor, transfusion transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV infection.
V.K. Krasnjakov, A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, L.V. Shchelkunova, V.E. Soldatenkov, M.S. Grigorjan
St.-Petersburg SKHI “City blood transfusion station”, Saint Petersburg, FSBI “Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion”, St.-PetersburgIn article results of activity of blood service establishments of Northwest federal district of Russia on a safety of donor blood and its components are analyzed during 2011-2014. The data on use of technologies pathogen reduction, plasma quarantine, leukoreduction in blood service establishments are submitted; data on frequency of revealing of markers transfusion-transmitted infections at donors are stated.
Key words: Northwest federal district, blood service, blood donation, blood components, pathogen reduction.
Blood transfusion in solid organ transplantation
E.B. Zhiburt, N.S. Kuzmin, A.A. Vergopulo
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, MoscowThe article summarizes the information about transfusion provision of solid organ transplantation. Transfusion risks and general provisions for all transplantations are highlighted. Passenger lymphocyte syndrome, the use of autologous blood and apheresis techniques, including extracorporeal photochemotherapy are described. Specific features of blood transfusion during transplantation of the liver, kidneys and heart, as well as the use of technologies alternative to hemotransfusions are emphasized.
Key words: organ transplantation, blood transfusion, immunohematology, kidney. liver, heart.
A.V. Chechetkin, N.N. Alekseeva, Z.S. Thorzhevskaya
FSBI “Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of Federal Medico-biological Agency”, St. PetersbusgThe article tells about the Symposium about plasma dedicated for direct clinical application. New data on the quality of fresh frozen plasma obtained by different methods, on clinical efficiency of plasma transfusions, on the incidence of post-transfusion reactions after plasma transfusion are presented. The information on new products of plasma and other methods of their quality control is provided.
Key words:plasma, clinical application, quality control, pathogen inactivation.
The content of the third issue 2015
Blood service of Russian Federation in 2014: results of activity
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, L.G. Vorobey, R.A. Plotskiy
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion FMBA of Russia», St. PetersburgIn article parameters of activity of blood service establishments in Russia for blood and its components donation in 2014 are analyzed. Materials about amount of donors of blood, plasma and blood cells, blood and plasma donation, the frequency of revealing of markers of transfusion-transmitted infections at donors, the volume of preparation of blood components are submitted. Data on manufacture of plasma substitutes in blood service establishments are stated.
Key words: blood donation, blood service, blood components, blood substitutes, transfusion-transmitted infections.
Problems of bacterial safety of blood transfusion
V.N. Chebotkevich, E.I. Kaytandzhan, E.E. Kiseleva, V.V. Burylev, A.V. Chechetkin
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion FMBA of Russia», St. PetersburgReview of literature and our own data on the problem of bacterial safety of blood transfusions. Described various methods of indication bacteria in blood. Currently, for this purpose almost exclusively used culture methods employing automatic cultivators. Other approaches developed such as NAT based technology, flow cytometry, etc. It is indicated that for the bacterial safety of blood transfusions must be used a set of methods, including an indication of bacteria in the blood and measures to ensure the bacterial safety at all stages of blood preparetion until its transfusion.
Key words: transfusion safety, bacterial contamination of blood.
Improvement of immunohematologic researches at republic blood transfusion station
U.S. Sultanbayev, E.V. Strelnikova, R.F. Ayupova, R.F. Iksanova, E.A. Imelbaeva, V.T. Stepanova, E.B. Zhiburt
Republic Blood Transfusion Station, Bashkir state medical university, UfaThe analysis of activity of immunohematologic researches group in clinical laboratory of kliniko-diagnostic department of Bashkir Republic Blood Transfusion Station (GBUZ RSPK RB) for an assessment of efficiency of centralization the immunohematologic researches of the region is carried out. According to the annual reporting the quantity of the studied samples of blood and number of donors in Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) decreases, but the level of their increases. Phenotype definition of erythrocytes at donors of RB is carried out on 10 clinically significant anti-genes of erythrocytes with use of modern highly sensitive methods and reagents that allows to receive reliable results of analyses, reduces number of mistakes and repeated researches. The analysis of activities of laboratory for individual selection of blood for recipients testifies also about decrease of number of individual and advisory researches due to possibility of a choice of an identical component in RSPK according to demands from medical institutions and performance immunohematologic analyses in clinic diagnostic laboratories of medical institutions. All above testifies about increase of efficiency of activity of group of immunohematologic researches GBUZ RSPK RB as a result of centralization of laboratory researches in service of blood of the region, the improvement of immunohematologic researches connected with application of modern methods and reagents. The held events allow to lower material expenses on researches, to improve terms of delivery of components of blood in medical institutions of RB, to increase quality of researches, to reduce blood marriage, to lower a share of the erythrocytes unclaimed by clinics and more rationally use the work of employees.
Key words: service of blood, erythrocytes, immunohematologic researches, centralization.
The complex estimate of some functional indexes of donors having status «Honorary Donor of Russia»
O.I. Matrokhina, G.A. Zaitseva, G.K. Platonova, E.P. Ivashkina, I.N. Danilova
Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Russian FederationObject of this research work were indexes of interchange of iron, functional ability of platelets, hemostasis indexes of donors (males and females) having status «Honorary Donor of Russia». Comparative analysis was made according to the type of donation (blood, plasma, platelets and mixed donations). The changes of analyses of interchange of iron were noted in group of mixed donations more often. The aggregation of platelets is very different, but the increase of aggregation activity of platelets is more often. Measurement variations were found in defining: fibrinolytic activity, soluble fibrin monomer complexes, and antithrombin III. Variations were observed regardless of type of donations. Conclusion was made that monitoring of interchange of iron of donor is necessary to preserve donor potential and their health. Also it is important to conduct extra investigations of donors’ hemostasis system – it is necessary in order to determine acquired hypercoagulation or hereditary thrombophilia.
Key words:donor, interchange of iron, serum ferritin, functional ability of platelets, aggregation of platelets, hemostasis indexes.
A.V. Chechetkin, R.A. Plotskiy
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article the information about 25-th regional Congress of the International society for blood transfusion is submitted. Materials of the Congress about safety of donor’s blood and its components are analyzed. New data on strategy revealing of markers of transfusion-transmitted infections, frequency of transfusion complications, new opportunities of use of technologies pathogen reduction of biological agents in blood service are stated.
Key words:donors, blood service, donor’s blood components, pathogen reduction, transfusion-transmitted infections.
Blood transfusion: new possibilities
E.B. Zhiburt
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow Sufficient quantity of experimental data have been collected about young blood circulation can prolong the life. Blood of young mice restores the ability of stem cells of the liver and muscles of old mice, young blood promotes remyelinization processes of restoring spinal cord of mice, factors in young blood induce vascular remodeling, leading to an increase in neurogenesis, regression of age-related cardiac hypertrophy. Not only the transfusion of whole blood but plasma young mice improves age-related changes in cognitive level as the contextual fear conditioning and spatial learning and memory. A study of safety and efficiency of young plasma (men up to 30 years) of donors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is conducted. There are good preconditions for the search of possible new therapeutic effects of plasma and its preparations.Key words: blood transfusion, donor plasma, aging, rejuvenation, neurogenesis, Alzheimer's disease.
The content of the second issue 2015
The content of the second issue 2015
Erythrocytes inventory managenent in the regional blood service
M.V. Zarubin1, N.V. Kurnosov1, M.E. Zaznobov1, E.B. Zhiburt2
1 «Irkutsk regional blood transfusion station», Irkutsk; 2 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Centre, MoscowThe article analyses the modern practices of blood components inventory management, inventory management of erythrocytes-containing blood components supplies in Irkutsk region; the regional principles of erythrocytes inventory management are developed.
Key words: erythrocytes, supplies, management, blood service.
Collection and safety of donor platelets in the Republic of Bashkortostan
U.S. Sultanbaev, R.F. Aupova, E.V. Strelnikova, A.K. Salikhova, G.A. Baturina, A.G. Musin, E.B. Zhiburt
Republic Blood Transfusion Station, Ufa National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, MoscowThe analysis of preparation of the platelets’ concentrate by the various methods during the period from 2008 till 2013 years carried out in this article. The increase in production of platelets’ concentrate by an automatic method (automatic plateletpheresis) is traced during this period. Information about transferring of the platelet’s concentrate to pathogen-inactivation are submitted.
Key words: blood, blood collection, platelets, apheresis, quality, pathogen inactivation.
Results of donors’ blood platelets concentrates cryopreservation at low and ultra-low temperatures
K.A. Vetoshkin, S.V. Utemov, Ph.S. Sherstnev, M.G. Knyazev, A.A. Kostyaev
FSBIS «Kirov research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, Federal medical-biological Agency», KirovResults of donors’ blood platelets concentrates freezing with combined cryopreservative at low and ultra-low temperatures are studied. Determined high functional properties and osmotic resistance of blood platelets cryopreserved up to 1 year at temperatures –80 °C and –196 °C. Feasibility of blood platelets’ long-term storage with new cryopreservative at low and ultra-low temperatures is shown.
Key words: combined cryopreservative, blood platelet concentrate, quantity and functional safety, low and ultra-low temperatures.
Efficacy of donor’s red blood cell transfusions in anemic patients with hematological malignancies
N.A. Romanenko, R.A. Golovchenko, S.S. Bessmeltsev, N.A. Potikhonova, A.V. Chechetkin, K.M. Abdulkadyrov
FSBI «Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St.-PetersburgIn the article is presented the efficacy analysis of anemia correction using red blood cell transfusions (RBCT) in 190 patients with different hematologic malignancies. The complete response to RBCT as increasing of hemoglobin concentration 10 g/l (11.4 ± 0.6 g/l) was exposed in 57 (30%) patients. Their level of Hb was increased from 70.4 ± 1.7 g/l to 103.4 ± 0.9 g/l; there was transfused 2.9 ± 0.2 units of red blood cells. The overall survival (OS) within 4 months was 94.7%. The partial response to RBCT as increasing of hemoglobin concentration 5–9.9 g/l (6.6 ± 0.2 g/l) per unit of red blood cells was revealed in 71 (37.4%) patients. Their level of hemoglobin was increased from 68.7 ± 1.4 g/l to 97.6 ± 1.2 g/l; they were transfused 4.5 ± 0.3 red blood cell units. OS within 4 months completed up 84.5%. The minimal response as increasing of hemoglobin less than 5 g/l (2.6 ± 0.2 g/l) per every unit of red blood cells was found in 61 (32.6%) patients. Their total hemoglobin concentration was increased from 72.5 ± 1.6 g/l to 89.2 ± 1.8 g/l, and they were transfused 6.4 ± 0.8 red blood cell units. OS within 4 months completed up 66.1%, it was less than in complete or partial groups of patients. The minimal efficacy of RBCT were lead to red blood cell hemolysis and severe depression of erythropoiesis, related to disease progression and toxic effect of chemotherapy. The stratification of patients into subgroups depending on RBCT efficacy allows to predict of the course of underlying disease and differential approach to treatment of anemia in patients with hematologic malignancies.
Key words: anemia, red blood cell, red blood cell transfusions, hemoglobin level, hematocrit, hematologic malignancies, donor’s red blood cell.
Modern technology of blood saving at arthroplasty
M.V. Kochetkova, М.S. Lubarskii, А.А. Smagin, D.V. Khabarov
Institution of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Research Institute for clinical and experimental lymphology, NovosibirskUsage of preoperatively autodonation, reinfusion drains (drain blood) and drug therapy of fibrinolysis inhibitors in patients after total hip replacement. It is found that a combination of techniques reduce blood loss and intraoperative administration of inhibitors of fibrinolysis allowed to refuse homologous blood transfusion, and significantly decrease the amount of postoperative blood loss at 28.6% (p < 0.05) compared with the group without reinfusion drains.
Key words: preoperatively autodonation, total hip replacement, reinfusion drains, inhibitors of fibrinolysis.
The use of gravitational plasmapheresis for newborns
I.I. Afukov, I.O. Cvetkov, P.E. Biryukov, A.D. Kulaev, N.V. Eliseeva
Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital № 13 named after N.F. Filatov, Moscow Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowThe article shows the possibility of using therapeutic gravitational plasmapheresis on «SpectraOptia» system. The decrease of lymphocytes, platelets, red blood cells was not observed after this procedure. The gravitational plasmapheresis can be performed to neonates and premature infants if the catheter of required diameter is possible to be installed.
Key words: gravitational plasmapheresis, filtration plasmapheresis, hyperbilirubinemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn.
I.J. Golousikov1, V.V. Danilets1, O.G. Panasenkova1, T.A. Pravova1, N.G. Dashkova2
1 «City Hospital № 3 of Moscow Healthcare Department», Moscow 2 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, MoscowImmunohematology testing of samples of donors and recepients are to be done using methods with high specificity and high sensitivity, this will provide high level of immunohematology safety of blood components therapy and minimize risk of posttransfusion reactions. Results of investigation of different immunohematology methods based on testing of 20 326 samples of donors and recipients are submitted. Comparison of hemagglutination method on microplates and solid phase technology «Capture-R» Immucor (USA) with gel technologies of different manufacturers. Investigation identified certain benefit of solid phase technology «Capture-R» on determination of weak antigen Rhesus – Dw, as well as extraagglutinins anti A1 on patients having A2B blood groups.
Key words: AB0 blood groups, Rhesus-phenotype, donor, recipient.
The content of the first issue 2015
Improvement of blood components supply of medical organization in Russian Federation
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, A.B. Makeev, M.S. Grigorjan, L.G. Vorobey, R.A. Plotskijt
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgThe dynamic of amount of blood components, given by blood service establishments (in calculation on 1000 stationary bed) in 2009–2013 are investigated. It is established, that in comparison with 2009 the volume given for transfusion in the medical organizations red blood cells has increased on 27,5%. Thus the percent of red blood cells in additive solution has increased in 2,1 times. Volume fresh frozen plasma has grown on 3%, the amount platelets concentrate given in the medical organizations of Russia (on 1000 bed), in comparison with 2009 has grown on 43,0%.
Key words: medical organizations, blood service, blood components supply.
Methods of gemapheresis in the treatment of severe hyperlipidemia in pregnancy
T.A. Fedorova, E.V. Strelnikova, N.E. Kan, M.V. Melnikov, R.M. Esayan
«Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology named acad. V.I. Kulakov» of Ministry Health of Russia, MoscowThe article presents the evaluation of the effectiveness of methods of therapeutic apheresis (plasmapheresis and cascade plasma filtration) in pregnant women with severe metabolic disturbances, in the form of hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia. There have been two pregnant women in terms of 33–34 weeks gestation with chronic placental insufficiency, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia. The second pregnanthad acute fatty pancreatitis. Before and after delivery by cesarean section (the second patient also produced the opening and drainage of stuffing bags, decapsulate the pancreas, drainage of the abdominal cavity) was performed plasmapheresis procedure on the device РСS-2 («Haemonetics» USA) and procedures cascade plasma filtration in apparatus Kobe Spectra («Fresenius» Germany) with filter Evaflux 5a (Kuraray, Japan). To evaluate the effectiveness we used clinical, biochemical, hemostasiological and ultrasonic methods. Results: After the course of therapeutic plasmapheresis and cascade plasma filtration a significant improvement of the clinical picture of the disease, quick significant decrease in the levels of lipid spectrum: cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, amylase, LDH, decreasing trombotic potential of blood were identified. Both the patients were discharged with newborn children in satisfactory condition. Conclusion: methods of hemapheresis should be considered the methods of choice in the timely treatment of pregnant women with severe metabolic disorders to prevent fatal pancreatitis and prevention of severe obstetric complications.
Key words: pregnancy, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes, pancreatitis, plasmapheresis, cascade filtration of plasma, the newborn.
Algorithm to ensure the risk group patients with CMV-seronegative blood components
S.D. Volkova, V.N. Chebotkevich, G.U. Kiry anova, E.I. Kaytandzhan, V.V. Burylev, T.A. Matveeva, M.V. Berkos, A.V. Chechetkin
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgWe studied the prevalence and activity of herpesvirus infections in 570 donors, 580 patients with hematological malignancies and 41 infants with somatic diseases. The frequency of CMV seronegative donors and the clinical needs in CMV-negative blood components were determined. The algorithms of donors and patients examinations to reduce the risk of transmission of CMV were developed.
Key words: donors, immunosuppressed patients, cytomegalovirus, blood components, transmission of CMV.
Blood Service in South Korea: Past and Present
S.V. Krupina, O.A. Kostin
The National fund for assistance to medical institutionsExchange of international best practices, contacts of transfusiologists from different countries contribute to the development of the theory and practice of Russian blood Service. In the summer of 2014, thanks to the program of National fund for assistance to medical institutions a group of transfusiologists got acquainted with the experience of the blood service in South Korea. The article describes the history of the development of blood transfusion services in South Korea, the establishment of service under the leadership of the Red Cross organization. Here are the facts about the current state of service, qualitative and quantitative indicators. The organizational chart and technologies used for laboratory research are described.
<> Key words: Korean Red Cross, blood service, organizational structure.
The content of the fourth issue 2014
Blood transfusion in Stavropol region
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, E.B. Zhiburt
Stavropol regional blood transfusion station, Stavropol Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowThere have been compared the practice of blood components transfusion in the clinics of the Stavropol Region, overall mortality of patients receiving and not receiving transfusions. There were found that transfusion therapy is used on the strict and limited. Transfusion activity reaches 7%. Apparently, it is necessary to reconsider the approach, in which an increase in the staff hospital transfusion is possible with transfusiological activity more than 10%, excluding the absolute amount of work performed.
Mortality of recipients of blood components by more than 900%, and higher than in patients who did not receive allogeneic transfusions, which is incentive for the development of technologies of patient blood management. When auditing transfusion should be focused on identifying the causes of plasma overtransfusion.
Key words: blood, red blood cells, plasma, transfusions, mortality, recipient.
J.K. Burkitbaev1, S.A. Abdrakhmanova11, S.D. Raisov1, A.A. Turganbekova1, E.B. Zhiburt2
1 RGP on PKHV «The Transfusiology Research and Production Center», Astana 2 Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowThis paper presents an overview of the Register of donors of hematopoietic stem cells in the Republic of Kazakhstan over the period 2011–2013. In the paper, a sex and age structure as well as an ethnic structure of potential donors is shown. The conclusions have been drawn about the need to campaign for the donation of hematopoietic stem cells in regions, to bring in a young contingent to the Register for them to stay longer in the database and to bring in donors of different ethnic groups.
Key words: bone marrow register of donors, donation of hematopoietic stem cells.
Improvement of preparation technologies and plasma safety in establishments of blood service
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey, V.E. Soldatenkov
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article results of the analysis of preparation structure of donor’s plasma and use transfusiological technologies of maintenance of its safety in the Russian Federation in 2009–2013 are submitted. Changes of preparation of quarantine, leucoreduced and pathogen inactivated plasmas is shown, the degree of application of new technologies in blood service establishments activity in federal districts of Russia is determined.
Key words: plasma, plasma donation, plasmapheresis, leucoreduction, pathogen inactivation.
Benefits of pooled pathogen-inactivated plasma
S.R. Madzaev, U.S. Sultanbaev, S.A. Trofimova, R.F. Ayupova, O.P. Kilimchuk, F.F. Farkhutdinov, E.A. Shestakov
Bashkir Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Ufa City Clinical Hospital № 31, St. Petersburg Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowWith the introduction of evidence-based transfusion guidelines part of 1 unit plasma is reduced to less than 5%. The plasma is pooled in the recipient body. There is a technical solution for pathogen inactivation in the pool of donor plasma. Intercept technology for pathogen inactivation in the pooled units of donor plasma reduces the cost of blood bank: within two units at 114.7–189.8%, and within three units at 383.2–552.0%. Regulation for pooling of blood products is necessary to provide for adjusting the technical regulations on the safety of blood.
Key words: blood, plasma, transfusion, safety, pathogen inactivation, pooling, economic efficiency.
New laboratory abilities in monitoring of antithrombotic treatment
V.M. Shmeleva1, O.A. Smirnova1, O.Yu. Matvienko1, O.G. Golovina1, Yu.A. Namestnikov1, V.E. Soldatenkov1, N.B. Saltykova1, G.A. Berezovskaya2, L.P. Papayan1
1 FGBU «The Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia», Saint Petersburg 2 FGBU «The Federal Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov», Saint PetersburgIn the article results in monitoring of antithrombotic treatment using the possibilities of Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (CAT) are assumed. Our data support the position that CAT may allow individualized approach when assessing the balance between bleeding and thrombotic risk and its modification by antithrombotic treatment.
Key words: thrombin generation test, calibrated automated thrombogram, venous thromboembolism, antiplatelet therapy.
Evolution of the blood transfusion in haemorragic fever
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, E.B. Zhiburt
Stavropol Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Stavropol Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowThere have been compared transfusion therapy in patients with hemorrhagic fever before and after the implementation of the national project «Health» (233 and 57 patients, respectively). Introduction of apheresis platelet concentrates significantly improved logistics recruiting donors and reduced the donor explosure per recipient by 76.0%. Transfusion if is necessary for correction of bleeding in patient with hemorrhagic fever it is needs to reserve the blood components:
– red blood cells – 5 units;
– FFP – 20 units;
– apheresis platelets – 4 units.
Key words: hemorrhagic fever, platelets, transfusion, bleeding, red blood cells, plasma, recipient.
Blood donor deferral due to infections in Kabardino-Balkaria
F.M. Lyauzheva, R.S. Tlenko pachev, E.B. Zhiburt
Kabardino-Balkaria Republic Blood Transfusion Station Pirogov national medical surgical center, MoscowThere have been estimated frequency of revealing of HIV, virus hepatitises В and С and the syphilis markers at screening and confirming tests. It is established that the part of donors with blood-transmitted infections markers has decreased. Thus percent of revealing from total of donors essentially is above indicators across the Russian Federation as a whole.
Key words: blood donor, screening, infections, HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.
А.V. Ovsiankin, N.D. Grechaniuk, A.V. Zverkov
FSBI «Federal Center of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Endoprosthesis» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, SmolenskThe aim of the study was to determine possibility and practicability of postoperative drainage blood reinfusion in patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty in Federal Center Of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Endoprosthesis of The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Smolensk. Eighty-nine patients were included in prospective observational cohort study. Loss levels of some clinical and laboratory characteristics of postoperative drainage blood (the volume, the Hb level) and low demanded of allogeneic blood transfusions in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty were identified. Drainage blood should not be applied for postoperative reinfusion in routine practice.
Key words: reinfusion, drainage blood, total hip and knee arthroplasty.
The content of the third issue 2014
Activity of blood service establishments of Russian Federation in 2013
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article results of activity of blood service establishments of Russia for blood and blood component donation, manufactures of blood substitutes and blood donor organization in 2013 are analyzed. Materials about methods of donor blood components preparation, frequency of revealing of markers transfusion-transmitted infections at donors are submitted. The data on number and structure of blood donors and blood components donors are stated, proceeding from zone division of blood service of Russia.
Key words:blood service, blood donation, donor’s blood components, blood substitutes..
Donor plasma collection and platelet apheresis in Stavropol region
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, M.Y. Lilyak, E.B Zhiburt
Stavropol regional blood center, Stavropol, Russia; National Medical Surgical Center of N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
There were evaluated the number and structure of donor plasma collection and platelet apheresis proceeded in the Stavropol region in 2001-2012. The current stage of development of medicine in Stavropol characterized by the achievement of sustainable harvesting of plasma is 1.23 - 1.41% of the total Russian market. Practice in 2009 revealed a possible 15% increase in the volume of plasma collection if necessary. Supply of equipment by the National Programme for the Development of the Blood Service have enabled increasing the share of apheresis donations by 38%.
Key words: blood, plasma, platelets, donor, collection.
Metabolic changes in various prepared platelet concentrates during storage
О.V. Karpova, E.V. Roitman, I.M. Kolesnikova, P.E. Trakhman, M.Y. Andrianova, A.M. Isaeva, S.A.Roumiantsev
Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev, Health Ministry of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Background. Storage conditions for platelets might be improved when plasma is changed to 60-70% platelet additive solutions. It is considered that this method allow to support pH and glucose concentration long time.
Aim. The aim was to study platelet metabolic changes during 5 days storage in autologous plasma and in another medium.
Methods. Platelet concentrates (PCs) were suspended in autologous plasma or platelet additive solution SSP+ (MacoPharma, France). We used Trima Accel (Terumo BCT, USA) for the proceeding of platelets apheresis. Twenty-six PCs in autologous plasma and 24 PCs in SSP+ (70 vol.%) were analized for main ions concentrations, glucose, lactate, pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3-, SBE using iSTAT (Abbot Lab Inc., USA). The testing were carried out at the day of proceeding, after 24 hours, and at 3 and 5 days of storage.
Results. In PCs in autologous plasma the glucose had decreasing trend, and lactate raised, but pH was low stable during full time of the study. In PCs in SSP+ pH was decreased during first 24 hours, then pH increased despite intensive glycolysis and lactate production. On the day of proceeding all parameters were higher In PCs in autologous plasma than in PCs in SSP+. Later these differences had been disappeared. However we found the anaerobic glucose consumption prevailed in PCs in SSP+.
Conclusions. Platelets survives for at least 5 days of storage regardless of the storage medium. Under additive solution SSP+ platelets metabolism does not deteriorate and has stable acid-base balance in PCs. Anaerobic glycolysis prevails in PCs in the SSP+ within 1-3 days of storage.
Key words:platelets, platelet concentrate, plasma, platelet additive solution, storage, glucose, lactate, metabolism.
Transfusion reactions: what Haemovigilance begins with
M.V. Appalup, O.A. Maiorova
Moscow City Blood BankArticle touches on an issue of the account and the analysis of transfusion complications and reactions on the basis of the review of some materials of the 24th regional congress of International Society of Blood Transfusion (December 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Relevance of introduction of continuous control system for clinical transfusions within the quality management system uniting the producer and the consumer of donor blood components is shown.In article results of activity of blood service establishments of Russia for blood and blood component donation, manufactures of blood substitutes and blood donor organization in 2013 are analyzed. Materials about methods of donor blood components preparation, frequency of revealing of markers transfusion-transmitted infections at donors are submitted. The data on number and structure of blood donors and blood components donors are stated, proceeding from zone division of blood service of Russia.
N.G. Filina, S.R. Madzaev, E.V. Maryasova, E.B.Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk regional blood center number 1, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; National Medical Surgical Center of N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
There were evaluated reactions after transfusion of 49331 quarantinesed FFP units and 25492 pathogen-anactivated FFP units issued to Krasnoyarsk region hospitals in 2011 and 2012. The incidence of transfusion reactions after the PI-FFP transfusions of is 50.8% less than after Q-FFP transfusions. Rejection of the need to store 180 days of the firsttime donors plasma for the benefit of its pathogen inactivation will reduce the expenses the blood service.
Key words: blood, plasma, donor, transfusion, quarantine, virus inactivation, methylene blue, complication, transfusion reaction, prevention.
E.B. Zhiburt, M.N. Gubanova, S.V. Skorikova, Z.K. Burkitbaev, E.A. Shestakov, D.M. Mamadaliev, S.R Madzaev.
Blood Transfusion Department, National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Contents of the reports at the XXXII Global an XXIV Regional Congresses of the International Society of Blood Transfusion are summarized in the article.
The content of the second issue 2014
Efficiency estimation of blood service establishments activity on platelet concentrate collection
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article results of activity of blood service of Russian Federation on platelet concentrate collection in 2012 are submitted. Indicators of efficiency of its collection are offered, the settlement data according to labour productivity of employees and medical establishments availability of platelets are submitted.
blood service, platelet concentrate, donor of platelets, plateletapheresis, indicators of efficiency.
Evolution of blood donations in Kabardino-Balkaria
F.M. Lyauzheva, R.S. Tlenkopachev, E.B. Zhiburt
Kabardino-Balkaria Republic Blood Transfusion Station; National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center
Patterns of development of blood donation in Kabardino-Balkaria have been identified. There were found that the number of donors in the population is stable and 0.8%. Modernization of technical equipment in 2010 gave way to automatic plasmapheresis, platelet apheresis. Similar to the all-Russian modern trends – increasing the number of primary donor and the emergence of donor blood cells, increase in the average single dose of blood from volunteer donors.
Key words: blood service, blood donor, blood, plasma, cells, donation.
A.V. Chechetkin, N.N. Popova, V.V. Danilchenko
Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg; Military medical academy named of S.M. Kirov, St.-Petersburg
In article materials about scientific-organizational and practical activities of professor S.V. Ryzhkov in area transfusiology and blood service are submitted. Data on his scientific achievements, the biographic data and the basic directions of professional work are stated.
Key words:S.V. Ryzhkov, blood service, transfusiology, blood donation
The content of the first issue 2014
Improvement of the plasma preparation efficiency monitoring in blood service
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article results of activity of blood service in Russian Federation for the preparation of plasma of blood in 2012 are submitted. Indicators of efficiency of preparation of plasma by a method of plasmapheresis, parameters of labour productivity of employees and operation of the equipment are determined.
Key words: plasma donor, preparation of plasma of blood, plasmapheresis, monitoring of efficiency.
Blood donation in blockade Leningrad
V.E. Soldatenkov, A.V. Chechetkin
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article materials about the organization of blood donation are submitted during blockade of Leningrad in 1941–1944. Data about recruitment and results of examination of donors, the organizations of preparation of blood at donors in blockade Leningrad are stated.
Key words: blood donor, blockade of Leningrad, the Leningrad institute of blood transfusion.
The content of the fourth issue 2013
A.V. Chechetkin, V.V. Danilchenko, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgIn article results of blood transfusion department in medical establishments in Russia for the organization of a blood donation, preparation of blood and its= components, in 2010- 2012 are submitted. The quantity and structure of the donor, donation of blood components are stated.
Key words: blood transfusion department, donation, blood donor components.
Residual risk of infections transmission by blood transfusion
M.N. Gubanova, S.R. Madzaev, K.S. Avetisyan, A.V. Bakhmetiev, M.V. Zarubin, A.V. Karavaev, E.A. Klyueva, A.V., Kodenev, K.V. Kuznetsov, A.R. Maksimov, U.S. Sultanbaev, N.G. Filina, K.V. Khalzov, L.M. Yakovleva, E.B. Zhiburtt
Russian Transfusionists Association.
The prevalence and incidence of infections among Russian blood donors in 2010-2012 has been determined. Estimated residual risk of transfusion infection was as follows: for HIV - 162, HCV - 337; HBV - 971 per 1 million donations. In the information system of the blood service AIST data should be divided based on positive results of screening and confirmatory tests for markers of infection. High risk of transfusion infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C stimulates the active implementation of the measures for increasing the safety of blood: the selection of donors, increasing the sensitivity of infections screening methods, inactivation of pathogens in blood components and transfusion management appointment at the clinic.
Key words: blood, donor, transfusion, risk, infections, HIV, hepatitis, prevalence, incidence.
Blood donorship and life. Correlations.
S.V.Skorikova (1), Zh.K.Burkitbayev (1), E.B. Zhiburt (2).
(1) Republican state enterprise on the right of business "Research and Production Center Transfusion" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana. (2) Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia
For effective grant voluntary donation development it is necessary to create a favorable social, legal, economic, and healthcare conditions conducive to the exercise by citizens of their donor functions. To date, the definition of evidence-based methods and forms of voluntary, unpaid donation increasing requires, in addition to international experience, the creation of a program for the donation development, which should be focused on the various social strata and age groups. It is necessary to take regional characteristics into account.
Key words: blood, donor, transfusion, donation, finance, population, economics.
O.A.Mayorova, V.M.Potapsky, E.I.Neminushchaya
Health care state budgetary institution “Station of blood transfusion of Department of health care cities of Moscow”This article presents the basic principles and direction for the organization and promotion of blood donation (components) in the population structure of outpatient clinics of Moscow Health Department, represented the realization of such activities by medical and nursing staff.
Key words: Donation of blood and blood components related donation, donor outreach campaign, Days of donor autodonorstvo, Transfusion, GBUZ SEC DMD, Department of Health of the city of Moscow, health, medical and nursing staff, the organization of work.
I.R. Gilmutdinova, A.A. Vergopulo, N.S. Kuzmin., L.I. Kayumova, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Тhe review examined the structure of the Denmark blood service, the organization of blood donation, promotion of blood donation. A report on the activities of the Denmark Blood Center and the analysis of this report.
Key words: blood, blood donor, blood transfusion.
Herpesvirus infections in clinical practice
S.D.Volkova, E.I.Kaitandjhan, V.V.Burilev, G.U.Kirianova, M.V.Bercos, V.N.Chebotkevich.
Russian Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology, St.-Petersburg
The aim of the study was analyse Herpesvirus infection frequency and activity at patients with hematological malignancies (n=170) and children with somatic disease (n=22). Nat-tests of blood discovered the rate of CMV-positive – 5.8%, EBV–15.2% and HHV-6 –8.0%.
Serological tests (IFA) discovered the frequency of CMV-seronegative patients (4.4% adults and 28.6 – 54.5% children), for whom the seronegative haemocomponents were necessary.
Key words: herpesviruses, immunosuppressed patients, haemocomponents, seronegative, CMV, EBV.
Three problems of blood service efficiency. The Delphi method
Madzaev S.R., Bel'skaya T.E., Vafin I.A., Galimov M.L., Gurieva S.A, Zarubin M.N., Solomaha A.A., Tarasov A.N., Telunts A.A., Zhiburt E.B.
Russian Transfusionist AssociationWith Delphi method - in 2 stages, with the participation of 62 experts and 48, respectively, there were searched solutions of three topical problems of Russian blood services: 1. Prolonged quarantine storage of plasma with frequent utilization of plasma donors who did not return for re-examination. 2. Withdrawal of donors because of false-positive screening results for infections. 3. Based on the evaluation of the possibility of introducing indicators of the incidence and prevalence of markers of blood-borne infections identified: 1) the current system of accounting blood waste does not assess the residual risk of transmission of blood-borne infections for recipient, and 2) the current system of examination and infection control population and blood donors are in need of improvement for the reliable determination of the prevalence of and the incidence of markers of blood-borne infections. The study stratified solutions, the implementation of which will increase the efficiency of the blood service as an organization / region and nationwide.
Key words: blood, donor, donation, inspection, quarantine, blood transfusion, prevalence, incidence, screening.
Quality control of blood components: current state and future prospects in the Moscow blood service
I.R. V. Zinkin, M. Appalup, K. Momotyuk, O. Mayorova
Moscow Blood Bank, Russia
The paper gives the main prerequisites for establishment of the Center for organization and quality assurance of the Moscow transfusion service, its main activities and the principles of the structural organization. Also given the spectrum of standard problems and disorders of "Technical Regulations" requirements during preparation, processing, storage and safety of donor blood and its components.
Key words: Center for organization and quality assurance of the Moscow transfusion service, quality control of blood components.
O.S. Samovolnikova
SBHI "Perm Regional Blood Transfusion", Perm
Developed and applied by Perm blood transfusion station (BTS) information technology system to provide the rapid donor reception and distribution of donor flows was studied. It was established that these measures to optimize blood bank services, interaction with the donor contingent contribute to the rational use of limited donor resources. The article describes a set of management decisions to optimize donor contingent.
Key words: donor flows, interaction with donors, information system, terminal.
The content of the third issue 2013
Blood service in Russian Federation in 2012
A.V. Chechetkin, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey, V.V. Danilchenko
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgThe article presents the results of Blood service activity in Russia concerning organization of blood donation, preparation of blood and its components, and blood substitutes manufacturing in 2012. The quantity and structure of donor society, donation of blood components, frequency of donor deferrals due to revealing of transfusion-transmitted infection markers are specified. Data on blood substitutes’ production and structure of blood wastage is stated.
Key words: donation, donor, whole blood, blood donor components, transfusion-transmitted infections.
P.V. Reisman, A.I. Grandson, S.V. Tkhay
Federal state institution of public health «Blood Center of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency».
The article summes up the experience of the Blood Center of FMBA Russia on organization of donors admission at weekends. The six-day operation of Blood service provides an opportunity to engage new people in donation, raise the profile of blood donation among people, demonstrates the state’s interest in the further development of donor movement .
The work algorithm of FMBA Blood Center may be used by other agencies for the organization of admitting donors at the weekend.
Key words: the opportunity to donate blood at the weekend, the admission of working donors, sixdays working mode for blood service institutions, social portrait of «sabbatical» donor.
Automation of whole blood processing
S.R.Madzaev, Z.Z.Bibekov, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center Russian Transfusionist Association.
The results of research “Ways to automate processing of whole blood» were evaluated. Blood service organizations of Russia and Kazakhstan showed high variability in process of separation of whole blood into components. The need to automate processes of donor blood components has been identified. The standard for separation of blood into components, which was developed over 26 years ago, has to be freshened with the capabilities of modern equipment.
Key words: blood, blood components, blood processing, automation.
Blood service in Russian Federation in 2012
A.V. Chechetkin, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey, V.V. Danilchenko
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-PetersburgThe article presents the results of Blood service activity in Russia concerning organization of blood donation, preparation of blood and its components, and blood substitutes manufacturing in 2012. The quantity and structure of donor society, donation of blood components, frequency of donor deferrals due to revealing of transfusion-transmitted infection markers are specified. Data on blood substitutes’ production and structure of blood wastage is stated.
Key words: donation, donor, whole blood, blood donor components, transfusion-transmitted infections.
Guideline for red blood cells transfusion: new evidence
S.R.Madzaev, E.A.Shestakov, A.V.Karavaev, M.E.Ospanova, E.B.Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia.
American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) developed a guideline to provide clinical recommendations about hemoglobin concentration thresholds and other clinical variables that trigger RBC transfusions in hemodynamically stable adults and children. The AABB recommends adhering to a restrictive transfusion strategy (7 to 8 g/dL) in hospitalized, stable patients. The AABB suggests adhering to a restrictive strategy in hospitalized patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease and considering transfusion for patients with symptoms or a hemoglobin level of 8 g/dL or less.
Key words: blood transfusion, evidence-based medicine, red blood cells, guideline.
The opening of "The Donorship Planet" exhibition in Blood Center of FMBA of Russia
А.I. Vnuk (1), N.А. Leonova (2).
(1) Federal State Budgetary Health-care Agency «Blood Center of the Federal Medical Biological Agency». (2) Kompass Grupp Rus, Ltd., Moscow.
The article describes the experience of FMBA Blood Center in the opening of exhibition devoted to donation in different countries. For now there are no analogues of such an exhibition in the territory of Russian Federation.
Key words: Blood donor, blood donation exhibition, international blood donor community, world blood donor day.
A.M. Orlov1, M.V. Kozlova (1), O.A.Serikova (2)
(1) Blood bank №2 «Sanguis», Yekaterinburg, Russia. (2) «Delrus» inc., Yekaterinburg, RussiaThis article focuses an overview and comparison of different methods for obtaining platelets concentrates which were implemented in blood-donation centers from 2009 to 2012. Particular part of the article is dedicated to poolling platelets concentrate from Buffy Coat (BC). During development of the technology various stages of the procedure were improved and automated. Application of TAB Blood Bags, Automatic Blood Component Extractor Systems and specialized centrifuge TACSI made it possible to obtain standardized leukoreduced poolled platelet concentrate with more than 270 x 10(9) platelets from 4 single Buffy Coats.
Key words: Platelet concentrate, Buffy coat, Pooling, TACSI centrifuge.
Guidelines for blood platelets transfusion: new evidence
S.R. Madzaev, Z.K. Burkitbayev, M.N. Gubanova, A.A. Vergopulo, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia.
The TOPPS trial did not show equivalence of platelet prevention transfusions and rejecting them. Patients, who did not receive prophylaxis, had longer 2 degree bleeding according to WHO or higher, and a shorter time to first bleeding. Prophylactic platelet transfusion strategy reduces the incidence of bleeding by 7%.
Key words: platelet, transfusion, bleeding, evidence.
The content of the second issue 2013
Blood components donation in Russian Federation
Chechetkin A.V., Makeev A.B., Soldatenkov V.E., Grigoryan M.S., Vorobey L.G.
FSBI «Russian research institute of hematology and transfusiology», St.-Petersburg.
In article the analysis of parameters of plasma and blood cells donation in Russian Federation in 2002-2011 is carried out. It is established, that number of plasma donors in structure of all donors has increased more than in 1,9 , blood cells donors – more than in 5, immune plasma donors – more than in 1,6. The significant contribution to increase of number of blood components donors was brought with realization of actions of Governmental program of development of blood service in country.
Key words: blood service, blood components, donor of plasma, donor of platelets.
Organizational aspects of viral safety of donated blood and blood products in Kazakhstan.
Zh. Burkitbaev, S. Skorikova, R. Magzumova, Zh. Kalzhanova
Research and production center transfusion, Astana, Kazakhstan.
The paper presents the problem of ensuring viral safety of blood donations in Kazakhstan, studied experience of donation in other countries and conducted a comparative analysis of donation and donor evaluation capacity in Kazakhstan.
Key words: donation.
Zh. Burkitbaev, R. Meirbekova, E. Kurganskaya, L. Karp, R. Magzumova
Research and production center transfusion, Astana, Kazakhstan
The study found a wide variety of phenotypes in the Rh system, and relatively high degree of sensitization in recipients and a high index of sensitization of the population of the city of Astana.
Key words: antigenic composition of red blood cells.
Transfusion-related immunomodulation. Clinical effects and mechanisms of action
M.P. Potapnev (1), S.P. Liashchuk (2)
(1) Belarusian State Medical University, (2) 9th City Clinical Hospital, Minsk, Belarus
Impact of allogeneic blood transfusion upon clinical outcome, length of stay in hospital or intensive care units, infectious complications, deep vein thrombosis, multiple organ failure in recipients was discussed. Possible mechanisms of transfusion- related immunomodulation (TRIM), of allogeneic blood product (red blood cells/RBCs, platelet concentrate/PLTs, fresh frozen plasma/FFP) transfusion to patients were analyzed. The role of leukocyte contamination, apoptotic cells and microparticles, lipids, HLA-molecules, sFas or sFasL and cytokines was underlined as mediators of TRIM. Special attention was paid to factors, releasing from RBCs and PLTs during storage period prior to transfusion to recipients. The authors concluded that TRIM is emerging a real hazard of blood transfusion and analyzed known measures to prevent detrimental effects of TRIM in patients.
Key words: allogeneic blood, transfusion-related immunomodulation, mediators, leukodepletion, term of blood component storage period, restrictive blood transfusion.
L.V.Slepneva, G.A. Khmylova
FSBI Russian research institute of haematology and transfusion, St.-Petersburg.
The article deals with the mechanism of action of drugs that affect the processes of energy production in the body. The ways of the correction of energy metabolism and the benefits fumaratecontaining infusion solutions.
Key words: hypoxia, cycle Krebs, succinate, fumarate, fumaratecontaining solutions, mafusol, polyoxifumarin, konfumin.
Liposomal nanosistems from soy-bean phospholipids as container for drugs
A. Shanskaya, S. Puchkova
Russuan Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology FMBA of Russia. St-Petersburg.
Universal liposomal container for encapsulating of different intravenous pharmaceuticals on the basis of nano phospholipids system is developed. Results of this study can be used both in scientific purposes and in producing of new liposomal drug forms.
Key words: soy phospholipids, liposomes, nano particles, alpha-tocopherols.
Transfusion-related immunomodulation. Clinical effects and mechanisms of action
L.P. Astahova1, S.A. Ponomarev (1), V.I. Rabinovich (2), A.A. Stepanov(1), E.V. Korotaev(1)
(1) Ugra cell technology research institute with stem cell bank, Khanty-Mansiysk. (2) St. Petersburg city center for disease control and prevention AIDS and infectious diseases, St. PetersburgThe authors of the publication provides information about the history institution «Ugra cell technology research Institute with stem cell bank.» Show the direction of the institution and particularly its organizational structure, the results of clinical and research institutions.
Key words: Ugra cell technology Research Institute, autologous transplantation, clinical, scientific work.
The content of the first issue 2013
Quarantine of fresh frozen plasma in blood service in Russian Federation
E.A. Selivanov, A.V. Chechetkin, A.B. Makeev, V/E/ Soldatenkov, M.S. Grigoryan
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article the analysis of parameters of application of quarantine of fresh frozen plasma in blood service in Russian Federation in 2007–2011 is carried out. It is established, that the volume of preparation of quarantined fresh frozen plasma in establishments of blood service has increased in 1,7 times. Use of a method quarantine of fresh frozen plasma is accompanied unfitness up to 3,6% of a blood component by results of repeated inspection of donors, thus because of absence of donors is removed from quarantine up to 14,8% of stored donor plasma.
Key words: blood service, donor, fresh frozen plasma,q uarantine, markers of transfusion transmitted infections.
V.M. Potapsky, E.I. Neminuschaya
Official body of Moscow Health «Blood transfusion station Moscow Health Department«
We studied the views and needs of the target audience of donors of blood and blood components (primary, human, potential) to find the most effective ways to organize and develop donor movement within a large metropolis on the example of the blood service DZ Moscow.
The analysis showed that the effective organization of work according to the identified needs and wishes of the respondents increased the total number of voluntary blood donors in Moscow can be predicted at least three times, which will ensure the components of blood and drugs bring to the required level.
Key words: components and blood products, blood transfusion services DZ Moscow, donors, the government, the respondents, the respondents, equity, social status, blood donation, the students, the Days of the donor, a shortage of donated blood.
Research of the donor functional condition after Automatic plateletpheresis
V.N. Semelev(1), A.V. Chechetkin(2), S.V. Gusev(1), O.V. Luchnikova(1), T.V. Sambukova(1), L.V.Jakovleva(1), J.P. Nikiforov(1)
(1) Military medical academy named of S.M. Kirov, St.-Petersburg; (2) Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
A complex study of psychophysiological indicators and functional state of the autonomic nervous system in donors after donation of two therapeutic doses of platelet concentrate by automatic apheresis is carried out. It is established that after the automatic plateletpheresis show changes and psychophysiological indicators marked activation of the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system.
Key words: automatic plateletpheresis, donor, psychophysiological indicators, functional state of the autonomic nervous system, variability of heart rhythm.
Technology capabilities of meeting the requirements of a cold chain in the central regional hospital
Gubanova M.N., Kopchenko T.G., Umanskaya E.F.
SFHI BS «The Stavropol Territorial blood transfusion station«
Demonstrating the technological components for the organizing and conducting of hemotransfusions in the central regional hospital. Establishing a defined list of equipment to fulfill the requirements of a cold chain between a donor’s vein and patient’s vein.
Key words: storage, transportation, plasma, erythrocyte-containing components, defrosting, warming up.
Zh.K.Burkitbaev , T.N.Savchuk
Scientific-Production Center of transfusion, Astana
The study established, both positive and negative factors are used in laboratory automation systems and shows the advantage of closed laboratory automation. This study formed the basis for the introduction of closed systems for screening blood donors for blood borne infection in the Scientific and Production Center Transfusion of Astana.
Key words: open laboratory automation systems, closed circuit system of laboratory.
From standards of blood for the profiled bed to the patient blood
G.N. Baranova, S.R. Madzaev, E.A. Shestakov, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
There were compared two concepts: 1) standards of blood transfusion calculated per profiled bed, and 2) patient blood management. In modern medicine: 1) beds, 2) traditions, 3) standards, and 4) physicians – are not the same. Initiation a set of research has been proposed to:
- clarify the current situation with the consumption of blood components,
- search for best practices in clinical transfusion,
- introduction of patient blood management programs in hospitals in the region.
Key words: blood service, blood transfusion, bed, standard, patient blood management.
Guideline for red blood cells transfusion: new evidence
S.R. Madzaev(1), E.A. Shestakov(1), M.E. Ospanova(1), E.B. Zhiburt(1), A.V. Karavaev(2)
(1) Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow; (2) Tula regional blood transfusion, Tula
American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) developed a guideline to provide clinical recommendations about hemoglobin concentration thresholds and other clinical variables that trigger RBC transfusions in hemodynamically stable adults and children. The AABB recommends adhering to a restrictive transfusion strategy (7 to 8 g/dL) in hospitalized, stable patients. The AABB suggests adhering to a restrictive strategy in hospitalized patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease and considering transfusion for patients with symptoms or a hemoglobin level of 8 g/dL or less.
Key words: blood transfusion, evidence-based medicine, red blood cells, guideline.
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, I.I. Tchakalova
SFHI «The Stavropol Territorial blood transfusion station», Stavropol
Volumes and the reasons of write-off of eritrotsitsoderzhashchy components in the central regional hospital are determined. Extension of the nomenclature of applied eritrotsitsoderzhashchy production is established, for 2005-2009 the percent (from 0 to 49%) a poured eritrotsitny suspension increased. The tendency of increase in number of patients with the chronic anemias, needing hemotransfusions is reflected.
Key words: eritrotsitsoderzhashchy components, write-off, chronic anemia.
Plasma transfusion in Nevinnomyssk municipal hospital
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, I.I. Tchakalova
SFHI «The Stavropol Territorial blood transfusion station», Stavropol
The analysis of application of plasma in city hospital is carried out. 3 offices with high transfuziologichesky activity are established; diseases at which pour plasma more often; average dose of plasma for one patient; types of applied plasma.
Key words: plasma, transfusion, types of poured plasma.
Blood service: regulation and development
The content of the fourth issue 2012
Blood and plasma donations in Tula region
A.V. Karavaev, D.A. Vaisman, S.R. Madzaev, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Based on the evaluation of quantitative indicators of the blood and plasma donations in Tula region have determined that 85% reduction in low-power organizations of blood collections led to an improvement of medical and economical effectiveness of blood service.
Key words: blood service, blood donor, red blood cells, plasma.
Blood collection in healthcare system of Tula region
A.V. Karavaev, D.A. Vaisman, A.V. Vergopulo, S.R. Madzaev, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Based on the evaluation of quantitative indicators of the blood service in Tula region have determined that it provides measures to develop the healthcare system, leading to improved health status and demographic characteristics of the population of the region.
Key words:blood service, healthcare, blood donor, red blood cells, plasma.
Development of non-remunerated blood donors activities
A.V. Karavaev1, M.N. Gubanova2, E.B. Zhiburt3
1 Tula Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Tula, 2 Stavropol Regional Blood Transfusion Station, Stavropol, 3 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Guidelines for blood services of Russia, Council of Europe and European Union have been evaluated. Ways for Russian guidelines improvement have been determined.
Key words:blood, blood donor, non-remunerated blood donation.
Express protocol use in the plasma obtaining procedure at the unit of automatic plasmapheresis PCS2
S.V.Aleksandrov1, Е.B. Prozherina2, А.А. Davydov2
1 BTS «Sanguis», Yekaterinburg, 2 Delrus Inc., Yekaterinburg
This article represents performance comparison of standard and Express protocols used on PCS2. Found that the average speed required to perform the plasmapheresis procedure has increased with the new protocol. At the same time, the subjective donors’ assessment of comfort increased..
Key words: plasma, plasmapheresis procedure rate, software for PCS2, subjective donors’ assessment.
I.V. Vysochin, E.N. Kobzeva
1Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Care, Moscow
A growing need for concentrated platelet media, used for treatment of cancer patients and patients with massive hemorrhage, is increasing worldwide. Harvest of platelets by apheresis methods and pooled platelets does not cover the current demand. An alternative method, that has already proven itself effective, is saving platelets by means of cryopreservation. The related literature describes modern methods of cryopreservation and storage of platelets. The most common cryoprotectant that is recognized as a «gold standard» has been and remains DMSO solution. In spite of the great success in the cryopreservation of platelets, losses after de-conservation are large - up to 40- 50% from baseline. Together with cryopreservation techniques, new methods are being actively implemented – such as quality control of platelets using modern equipment: free flow cytometers, aggregometers, thrombelastographs. To improve the efficiency of cryopreservation one needs to change the recipe of cryoprotectants by means of combination of existing products. Establishing the influence of osmotic stress, chemical toxicity of cryoprotectants, the search for combinations of cryoprotectants that is aimed at reduction of their side effects and at the same time influencing the processes of crystal formation, calculation and optimization of the cooling rates and thawing of the cells – all this research can help find new ways to develop more effective methods of cryopreservation of platelets.
Key words:hrombocytopenia, cryopreservation of platelets, cryoprotectant, dimethylsulfoxide,glycerol, hydroxyethylstarch.
On the issue of the blood component additional marking for the case history
A.I. Bolotov1, M.N. Larina2, A. H. Levashova3, E.A. Stradymova4
1 GetCRM, Ltd., 2 Moscow Blood Bank, 3 Moscow City Clinical Hospital №12, 4 Moscow City Clinical Hospital №15
The article shows the necessity and possibility of automatic printing of additional label on the component of blood to the history of the disease, given a description of the fields and examples of printed forms.
Key words: transfusion of blood, medical card of the patient, the label, the automated information system, AIST.
Features hla-antigens in patients with acute and chronic leukemia in Astana city
Zh.K.Burkitbaev , A.A.Turganbekova , I.R Ramileva
Research and Production Center transfusion, Astana
Studying of a role of products of the HLA I, II complex of a class at patients with a sharp and chronic leukosis with use of PTsR of a method. Results of research allow to expand diagnostics and forecasting possibilities in clinical practice of the therapist and гематолога as gives the chance to assume contributing and protecting HLA антигенов at recipients.
Key words:complex products HLA I, II class.
O.V. Klimovich, B.M. Goldinberg
Republican Research Centre for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Minsk
The main issues that was presented at the sientific and practical conference are highlighted in the article.
Key words:The Scientific, practical conference.
The content of the third issue 2012
Current status of the blood and blood components donorship in Russian federation
E.A. Selivanov, A.V. Chechetkin, M.S. Grigorjan, A.B. Makeev, L.G. Vorobey
FSBI Russian research institute of haematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
Parameters of a blood donation and preparation of blood components in the medical organizations of Russia in 2011 are investigated. Data on amount and structure of the donors, preparation of blood and its components, frequency of transfusion-transmitted infections markers at donors are stated. Features of development of a non-remunerated blood donation are established, tendencies of blood components preparations and plasma products manufacture are determined, prevalence of transfusion-transmitted infections markers at donors is revealed.
Key words: donation, donor, whole blood, blood components, transfusion-transmitted infections.
Red cell antibody testing requirements for blood donor
N.V. Mineeva
FSBI Russian research institute of haematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
Survey of current practice in procedure for red blood cell antibody detection was made. We found that in Russian requirements for red cell antibody testing for recipients and blood donors are the same. Blood cells that contain alloantibodies are unused resource. Evaluation of antibody activity and clinical significance are useful for impact transfusion red blood cells that contains alloantibody in another countries. Analysis revealed that in Russian blood centers the frequency alloantibodies among blood donor is 3,4%, while in other countries it is much less. We discuss the causes of high frequency of antibody detection and proposed the requirements for antibody testing among donors to reduce amount of nonspecific reaction.
Key words: red cell antigen, antibody testing requirements, antibody clinical significance.
The content of the second issue 2012
E.A. Selivanov, A.V. Chechetkin, M.S. Grigoryan, A.B. Makeev
FSBI Russian research institute of hematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article the analysis of indicators of preparation cryopreservated red blood cells and their uses for the clinical purposes in the medical organisations of Russia is carried out. Development tendencies of red blood cell cryopreservation at stations and blood transfusion departments (the blood centres) in federal districts of the Russian Federation are revealed. Ways of the decision of problem questions of red cells cryopreservation in blood service of Russia are of fered.
Key words: blood service, frozen red blood cells, red cells cr yopreservation.
Blood transfusion in liver or heart transplantation in Belarus
S.P. Liashchuk 1, M.P. Potapnev 1, O.V. Levandovskaya 2, I.M. Dergacheva 3
1 RSPC of Transfusiology and Medical BioTechnology, Minsk 2 RSPC of Organ and Tissue Transplantation, Minsk 3 RSPC of Cardiology, Minsk
The blood component supply of liver transplantation (49 pts) and heart transplantation (32 pts) was analyzed. Organ transplantations were performed in 2008–2010 in Republican Center for Tissue and Organ Transplantation and Republican Center of Cardiology in Minsk, Belarus. Mean values of blood components were depicted for liver transplantation as 5.1 units of erythrocyte concentrate; 14.5 units of fresh frozen plasma; 6.1 (whole blood) units of platelet concentrate; 13.1 units of cr yoprecipitate and for heart transplantation as 5.5 units of erythrocyte concentrate; 6.2 units of fresh frozen plasma; 6.9 (whole blood) units of platelet concentrate, 10.7 units of cryoprecipitate. It was defined the over transfusion of fresh frozen plasma in patients underwent a liver transplantation. There was no significant difference in term of hospital stay the patients with heart transplantation, provided with massive and restricted blood component transfusion.
Key words: liver transplantation, heart transplantation, blood components.
Regional approach to the problem of providing for the donation safety
N.G. Filina1, E.P.Panikarovskaya 1, I.V.Pokhabova 1, E.B.Zhiburt 2
1 Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center № 1, 2 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
It has undertaken a review of donor’s activity in Krasnoyarsk region for the last 13 years. The number of first time blood donors has been growing significantly thanks to the promotion Program of blood donation. The importance of increasing the amount of repeat donors as a main source of safe blood products is underlined by adopted sanitar y rules No. The main aim of Blood Service is to promote safe blood donation using modern medical technology and new methods. The programme of long-term cooperation with donors has been proposed as “Quarantine. Donor yourselves”.
Key words: donor’s activity , repeat blood donor, the program of long-term cooperation with donors, safe blood products.
Medical-technical features of carrying out automated platelet apheresis at donors
A.V. Chechetkin, V.N. Semelev, S.V. Gusev, V.N. Viljaninov
Military medical academy, Saint-Petersburg
Medico-technical indicators automated plateletpheresis at donors and cellular structure received platelet concentrate have been investigated. It is established, that introduction in practice of work of station of blood transfusion automated apheresis allows to carry out preparation of two therapeutic doses platelet concentrate from single donor with collection efficiency not less than 82,1% and collection rate 8,2х109 platelets per minute.
Key words: automated plateletpheresis, medico-technical indicators, the donor, platelet concentrate.
Blood service: quantity and quality
S.К. Sidorov, A.V. Karavaev, E.A. Shestakov, S.R. Madzaev
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center Russian Transfusionist Association
It has been shown the information about seminar in blood service and transfusion medicine.
Key words: blood, blood collection, blood transfusion.
News in evidence-based transfusion medicine
E.B. Zhiburt , A.V. Karavaev, S.R Madzaev, E.A. Shestakov
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
The review presents data about trial evaluated effectiveness of red blood cells and plasma transfusions.
Key words: evidence-based transfusion medicine, blood transfusion, red blood cells, plasma.
How many times is it necessary to determinate patient’s blood type?
E.A. Shestakov, A.V. Karavaev, K.N. Glazov , E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
41,151 blood samples of patients have been ABO phenotyped. The error rate of the primary determination of ABO blood groups in the medical wards was about 0.41 - 1.16%. Most often physicians do not determine the phenotype AB (4.6 times more likely than other phenotypes, χ2 = 209,0; p <0,01). Highest rate of (in 1.86% of cases) false result is stated at the conclusion of the at tending physician of the phenotype of B. As additional measures to prevent ABO-incompatible transfusion in an emergency situation can be offered: - to determine the phenotype of red blood cells with special cards that allow to fix the results of the study; - to account the results of research by two staf f members; - to transfuse only O type red blood cells.
Key words: blood type, phenotype, red blood cell.
To the 60 anniversary of Station of blood transfusion of the city of Moscow
O.A. Mayorova, V.M. Potapsky, E.I. Neminushchaya, V.Ya. Grigorenko, P.V. Pavlov
Health care state budgetary institution «Station of blood transfusion of Moscow Department of Health»
«Station of blood transfusion of Moscow Department of Health» (SBT MDH) in 60 years passed the way from hospital office on blood preparation to the largest establishment of the blood service in Russia, meeting the requirements of a modern production transfusiology. SBT MDH is the most important object of blood service of Moscow Department of Health. Work of the Station was organized at highly professional level both in development, and in recession of donor movement. The main task of the Station of blood transfusion of MDH is preparation, processing and releasing to a medical network of the city of the main amount of tinned blood and blood preparations for capital health care (more than 60 %).
Article purpose: To open history of development of Station of blood transfusion of Moscow, and also its main divisions from the moment of the organization in separate establishment of service of blood of the capital so far.
Key words: donorship of blood and its components, donor movement, blood transfusion Station, 1952, lead agency of service of blood of the city of Moscow, the Uniform donor center, department of preparation of donor blood and its components in exit conditions, youth, the capital, Moscow Department of Health, blood service, donors, structure of SBT MDH, division of Station of blood transfusion.
The content of the first issue 2012
O.A. Majorova, V.M. Potapsky, V.Ja. Grigorenko, E.I. Neminushchaja.
State public health organization «Blood transfusion Station of the Moscow Public Health Department»
The primary goal of the Department on the organization and propagation of donor movement organized by State public health organization «Blood transfusion Station of the Moscow Public Health Department» is organizational-methodical maintenance and coordination of activity of all participants of the donor movement institution in the city of Moscow.
Article purpose:To open experience of information-propaganda work on propagation of a gratuitous donor service of blood for 2009–2010 forces of experts of establishments of service of blood in Moscow.
Key words: The organization and propagation of a donor service of blood, realization of the target program, Day of the donor, donor actions, Station of blood transfusion of the Moscow public health Department, development of a donor service of blood and its components.
M.P. Potapnev, S.A. Lyakh, T.S. Korzhel, O.V. Kovaleva
Belarusian Research & Production Center for Transfusiology & Medical BioTechnologies, Minsk, Belarus
The data on blood donation wastage due to results of infectious markers’ serological testing in Belarus in 2007–2010 are presented. It was determined the trend of blood donation wastage to decrease as the result of implementation the three-level system of provision the blood safety including two stages of serological testing and additional testing using polymerase chain reaction for infectious agents’ detection. It was proposed new algorithm of laboratory assessment of blood donors based on ALT discrete level for saving of blood donation and prevention of e xceeded donor’s deferral.
Key words: blood collection, wastage, prevention of donors’ deferral, markers of infections, ALT, laboratory assessment.
V.N. Chebotkevich, E. I. Kaitandjhan, S.D. Volkova, G.Y. Kirianova, V.V. Burilev, I.Y. Carapkin
FSI Russian research Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology, St.-Petersburg
Review literary and authors data. Herpesviruses and especially Cytomegalovirus (CMV) are the important infectious pathogens in transplant recipients, including those receiving bone marrow or stem grafts as well as in other immunosuppressed patients. In the review the properties of herpesviruses (Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2, Varicella-zoster virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Human herpesvirus type 6, 7 and 8 and their role in the safety of haemotransfusions are analysed. The newly identified viruses: herpesvirus type 6, 7 are not so pathogenic as CMV but herpesvirus type 6 at least can cause infectious complications and bone marrow suppression. The methods of prevention of herpesvirus haemotransfused infections (screening, leukofiltration and other) are discussed.
Key words: herpesviruses, immunosuppressed patients, haemocomponent therapy, haemotransfused infections.
Increasing of red blood cells transfusions effectiveness on regular audit basement
E.A. Shestakov, A.V. Karavaev, E.B. Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center
Forth annual cycle of red blood cells transfusions audit has been made in Pirogov Center. Part falled short to the Guidelines in 2010 году was 6,4%, in 2008 and 2009 – 9,4%, in 2007 – 29,3%. There is determined that regular audit is conducive to: - reduction in non-appropriate transfusions; - reduction in donor exposure per patient; - implementation of modern blood components; - disclose of wrong medical report design af ter medical technologies changing; - disclose of departments where current CME in transfusion medicine is not ef fective.
Key words: blood, red blood cells, transfusion, audit.
Hemopure – blood substitute with gas transportation function. New word in transfusiology
W.R. Light 1, G.P. Dube 1, C.F. Mackenzie 2, A. Pitman 1, E.B. Zhiburt 3
1 OPK Biotech, Cambridge, USA 2 University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA 3 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia
Hemopure, a new blood substitute with gas transport function has been registered in Russia. This is a high molecular weight polymerized isooncotic (250 kDa) oxygen carrier based on bovine hemoglobin. The review presents data on the Hemopure properties, history of the drug, preclinical and clinical trials, data on clinical e xperience.
Key words: Hemopure, HBOC-201, hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier, hemoglobin, anemia, hypoxia, ischemia, trials, red blood cell.
Shanskaya A.I., Papayan L.P., Staritsyna N.N.
Blood Transfusion Department, National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Contents of the reports at the XXI Regional Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion are summarized in the article.
The content of the fourth issue 2011
Activity of blood banking in Russia in 2010
E.A. Selivanov, A.V. Chechetkin, T.N. Danilova, M.S. Grigoryan
FSI Russian research institute of haematology and blood transfusion, St.-Petersburg
In article the analysis of activity of blood banking in Russia for 2010 is carried out. Data about changes of regular structure of stations and blood transfusion departments, quantity and structure of donors, volume of preparation of donor blood and its components, manufacture of blood preparations are presented. Positive trends in development of blood banking in Russia, consisting in increase of number of donors of blood cells, increase in volumes of the plasma, received automatic apheresis, red cells in additive solution, immune plasma, introduction of the modern methods raising safety blood transfusion are revealed.
Key words: blood banking, donor, blood, blood components, organization of donor’s blood and its components.
E.B. Zhiburt, А.V. Karavaev, S.R. Madzaev, A.A. Vergopulo, Е.А. Shestakov
Blood Transfusion Department, National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Contents of the reports at the XXI Regional Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion are summarized in the article.
Evolution of evidence-based plasma transfusions
A.V. Karavaev, E.A. Shestakov, E.B.Zhiburt
Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Results of four steps of annual audit of plasma transfusions in Pirogov Center. Part of transfusions conformed to guidelines has been increased from 48 to 68%. INR target level has been increased from с 1,5 to 1,6.
Key words: blood, blood plasma, blood transfusion, audit.
N.P. Sivakova, L.P. Papajan, R.P. Ivanova, I.E. Molokovskya, I.S. Golovanova, I.M. Belousova, T.D. Muravyeva, A.M. Starodubtsev
Federal Public Institution «the Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusion» Federal Medical Biological Agency, «Research-and-production corporation» State optical institute named after S.I.Vavilov», St.-Petersburg, Russia
Change coagulologic and biochemical properties of plasma of donor blood is studied at photodynamic influence on it for working out of a method of an inactivation of activators hemotransmission infections by means of photosensitizers on a basis fullerenes. Optimum conditions of carrying out of process of the photodynamic influence providing minimum changes coagulation properties of donor plasma are defined.
Key words: plasma of donor blood, hemotransmission infections, fullerenes, coagulation properties of plasma, photodynamic influence.
About quality of platelet concentrates
N.G. Filina, V. A. Ivanchin, N.Y. Trofina, T. E. Goncharenko, E.B. Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center № 1, Krasnoyarsk National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Platelet concentrates isolated from whole blood in the investigated PVC containers are not suitable for storage for three days. Platelet concentrates, apheresis, maintain proper quality parameters within five days of storage.
Key words: platelet concentrates, metbods of production.
Regional registry of blood recipients
N.G. Filina, E.V. Maryasova, N.A. Doropey, E.B. Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk Region Blood Center № 1 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Russian hospitals have no mandatory system to account and report about blood transfusions. Krasnoyarsk region has “Registry of blood components recipients” for traceability of blood components from donor to recipient. Hospital registries allow to organize account and reporting about blood transfusions, to define real blood demand and to decrease outdated blood wastage.
Key words: blood, blood transfusion, outdating, registry of blood components recipients.
Shchanin V.A., Lotts G.A, Tyugin A.V.
Kemerovo Regional Clinical Hospital, gravitational separation surgery of blood department
This article describes the experience of autotransfusion in the surgical treatment of patients with vascular disease.
Key words: autohemotransfusion.
Thrombelastography as a basis of transfusion inacute traumatic coagulopathy
A.Yu. Bulanov
Federal State Budget Institution Haematological scientific centre of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Acute traumatic coagulopathy is a frequent and severe complication of trauma. Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma is a first line of treatment of this coagulopathy. The present article reviews pathomechanisms of coagulopathy in trauma, as well as viscoelastic point-of-care hemostasis monitoring as the diagnostic basis for therapeutic interventions.
Key words:trauma, coagulopathy, thrombelastography, fresh frozen plasm.
The content of the third issue 2011
V.M. Potapsky, E.I. Neminushchajа
Public health services official body «Blood transfusion Station Department of public health services of a city of Moscow»
65% from total number of donors of blood (components) now make youth and students. The youth is the socially-demographic group which attraction is an effective remedy of realization of problems of service of blood of Moscow. The correct organization of work of algorithm of activization of donor movement among students and cadets of educational institutions assumes substantial growth of total of donors ~ in 20 times. Thus, in Moscow it will be possible to declare with confidence high-grade maintenance of the city with such strategically important medical product, as components and preparations of donor blood. Article purpose – to open algorithm of general attraction of youth and students to participation in donor movement of Moscow for the purpose of effective development of a donor service of blood.
Key words: donor service of blood and its components, donor movement, youth, students, capital, blood transfusion Station, Department of public health services of a city of Moscow, blood service, donors, Council about a donor service of blood (components) (donor council), HIGH SCHOOL, Susa, the higher military educational institution.
Documents for blood center quality system
N.G. Filina, I.D. Kuzmenkova, N.A. Deeva, E.B. Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center №1, Krasnoyarsk National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Results of development of documents for Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center quality in 2002–2011 have been evaluated. Developed 24 standards of establishment and 158 standard operational procedures (SOP) is enough for blood center processes quality management. New SOPs are necessary in change of technological processes (e.g. new guidelines, new equipment purchasing etc.).
Key words: blood center, quality, quality system, quality management, documents
New tool for blood center quality management
N.G. Filina, I.V. Pokhabova, I.D. Kuzmenkova, E.B. Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center № 1, Krasnoyarsk Russian Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Satisfaction of request for blood components from hospitals is effective tool for blood center quality management.
Key words: blood, donor, request, red blood cells, plasma, platelets
Blood transfusion programme for Crymean hemorragic fever
M.N. Gubanova, T.G. Kopchenko, E.B. Zhiburt
Stavropol Regional blood transfusion Station Russian Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Transfusion therapy was evaluated among 35 patients with Crymean hemorragic fever (CHF) in Stavropol region in 2008 year.Delayed entering to hospital leads to increasing of mortality and length of staying in hospital. Four blood components were transfused for CHF patients. 9 (25,7%) patients received red blood cells, 31 (88,5%) – platelets, 29 (82,9%) – plasma, 11 (31,4%) – cryoprecipitate. Blood order schedule for CHF patients should include 6 units of red blood cells, 30 equivalent units of platelets, 6 liters of plasma, and 15 units of cryoprecipitate. For transfusion safety pathogen-inactivated plasma and cryoprecipitate have to be reserved. Platelet apheresis and cryopreservation technologies have to be in supplying blood center.
Key words: Crymean hemorragic fever, blood transfusion, blood donor.
B.B. Zaydulloev, B.B. Bakhovadinov, F.M. Abdurakhmanov, R.M Khakberdyev
Republican Research Center of blood, TREI of obstetric, gynecology and perinatology, Dushanbe
The studies are dedicated to estimation of qualitative and quantitative provision in undertaking of the infusion-transfusion therapy of sharp loss of blood beside sick with obstetric bleedings. Our experience shows that the correlation between crystalloidal and colloidal faction forms 2:1 with the following using components of blood. The applicable tactics beside 20 sick with using transfusion facilities successfully run at postoperative period. Beside 12 sick in process of the undertaking infusion-transfusion therapy by methods of infusional haemodilution developed hypocoagulation in system of haemostasis. The following undertaking haemostatical therapy with component of blood, these phenomenas passed after filling volume of circulating blood level Hb – 104,2± 2,5, Ht – 36,1± 3,0. Thus in the program of the infusion-transfusional therapy of the bleeding in obstetric practical person is necessary to produce the calculations of infusion and transfusion facilities depending on haemostasis conditions and the parameters of blood coagulation.
Key words: infusion-transfusion therapy, obstetric bleedings
Breach of state system haemostasis with obstetrics bleedings and their correction
B.B. Zaydulloev, B.B. Bakhovadinov, F.M. Abdurakhmanov, R.M. Khakberdyev
Republican Research Center of blood, TREI of obstetric, gynecology and perinatology, Dushanbe
Work is dedicated to study of the condition coagulational haemostasis in process of the undertaking infusional and transfusional therapy with obstetric bleedings. In considered event under comparative estimation given sick with haemorrhagical shock in process them infusional and transfusional therapy (of the colloids and of crystalloids) in more general volume infusional and transfusional therapy formed 80%, which negative influenced upon system of haemostasis, as not contained factors of blood. In composition infusional and transfusional therapy III group of sicks was an evident deficit component of blood. For transfusional facilities wich containing factors of the rolling up the blood, in general volume infusional and transfusional therapy very low, considering factors of the coagulogram, particularly III group of sicks. These circumstances require undertaking additional haemostatical therapy with transfusional facility, having factors of rolling up the blood. Infusional and transfusional therapy must be conducted in optimal correlation of infusional and transfusional facilities. One of the reasons of the frustration of haemostasis is the overweening while undertaking infusional therapy and the undue correction of haemostasis with components of blood. Using colloidal and crystalloidal facilities with high voletical effect, degree of haemodilution increases at the hypocoagulation, which promotes the development of hypocoagulation that requires undertaking additional haemostatical therapy, enlarging the transfusional facilities needs of sicks containing factors of the rolling up the blood.
Key words: infusion-transfusion therapy, obstetric bleedings.
L.P. Rybakova
Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg
The content of a malondialdehyde had been appraised as an indicator of lipid peroxidation. The antioxidative system’s condition was estimated on the enzyme activity (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase). Threshold correlation between blood/blood substitutes was found, which exceeding lead to an imbalance of the condition of the oxidative-antioxidative system. The comparison of the optimal correlation between blood/ blood substitutes (standard dosages used in clinic) received from the “in vitro” experiment was made.
Key words: blood/blood substitutes solutions, oxidative-antioxidative system, malondialdehyde, catalase.
H. Arsamakova, Y. Kozel, E. Zlatnik, S. Kyznecov, T. Fadeeva, E. Kudinova, E. Bineeva
FSI "Research and Development Oncological Institute of Rostov" of Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation Rostov Regional blood transfusion station
The article presents results of serologic typing of HLA antigens of the I class of children with neuroblastoma, nefroblastoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, osteosarcoma or germ cell tumors. According to the research there is significant increase of HLA antigens А26 (χ2 – 6,85, р<0,05) for nefroblastoma, HLA В13 (χ2 – 6,02, р<0,05) for neuroblastoma and HLA А26 (χ2 – 3,98, р<0,05) for germ cell tumors.
Key words: children, solid malignant tumors, major histocompatibility complex.
N.G. Filina, T.B. Kolotvina, S.A. Titova, E.B. Zhiburt
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center № 1 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
Economical efficacy of preliminary screening of blood donor alaninaminotransferase activity to prevent blood wastage due to specific hepatitis markers has been evaluated. Results of blood donors screening in 2006–2010 in Krasnoyarsk were studied. Since 2011 ALT is deleted from mandatory tests for donor blood screening исключен из перечня обязательных исследований при заготовке крови. In these conditions initiatory implementation of preliminary ALT screening in 90% of the cases will lead to healthy donors deferral. Costs for preliminary ALT screening will be at 2,2 times more than possible economy from АЛТ preliminary deferral of persons with specific hepatitis markers.
Key words: donor, alaninaminotransferase, economical effectiveness.
The content of the second issue 2011
V.N. Vilyaninov, A.V. Chechetkin, N.N. Popova
Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg
The article gives the analysis of the research work carried out by the Blood and Tissue Research Department of the Military Medical Academy over the first 50 years of its existence. Described are the department’s research priorities, such as the development of the organizational and personnel structure of the military blood transfusion service in peace and war times, blood, its components and bone marrow donation issues, mass provision, storage and transportation of transfusion products, the efficiency of blood components and new blood substitutes in the treatment of battle wounds. Given is the analysis of the scientific conferences held and the transfusion service documents developed by the department.
Key words: transfusion, donor, blood and its components provision, transfusion therapy, military wound.
Anent the quality control of leukodepleted blood components containing RBC
А.I. Kostin, О.А. Mayorova, А.V. Lozhkin3, М.Е. Pochtar, M.I. Demicheva, V.А. Kuzmichev, S.А. Lugovskaya, Е.V. Naumova, D.G. Kisilichina, E.V. Andreytseva, V.V. Dolgov
FSI Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Moscow SI Botkin Clinical Hospital of the Health Department, Moscow SI: «Blood Transfusion Station of the Health Department, Moscow» Clinical laboratory diagnostics department of RMAPO, Moscow
The Organized comparison parameter quality control of the red cell concentrates WBCreduced after using the systems for leucoreduction russian production: «Leykosep» Interoko and PC 02-01 «Viroban». Сounting of residual white blood cells (WBCs) in blood products realized by flow cytometric method. Used the set Kit Flow-Count Fluorospheres and monoclonale of the antibody against CD45. Using the system «Viroban» at observance of the warm-up mode (cooling before filtering before +4 С), has provided identical leucoreduction red cell concentrates corresponding to standard quality ES in 90% observations.
Key words:quality control in blood products, low-level white blood cell counting; red cell concentrates , leucoreduction, flow cytometer
The content of the first issue 2011
Effect of the ozone-oxygen mixture on the coagulogram parameters of donor plasma
А.V. Маrchenko, А.S. Sutotsky, S.V. Vereshagina
Transfusiology and hematology department, St-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies Affiliate of Federal State Institute of Healthcare «Siberian Clinical Centre» Clinical Hospital №42, Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Effect of an ozone-oxygen mixture on the hemostatic properties of donor plasma has been studied. Ozone-oxygen mixture of various concentrations was injected into unfrozen plasma. Ozonization of plasma in doses from 1500 to 8000 microgram/ liter does not effect on hemostatic properties of plasma procoagulants. Ozonization of plasma improves the infectious safety for the patient and can be used in cases of hemostasis abnormalities without any limitations.
Key words: ozone-oxygen mixture, hemostasis, donor plasma, sterilization, plasma procoagulants, coagulogram.
Diagnostic significance of alaninaminotransferase detection in donors blood
Filina N.G., Kolotvina T.B., Titova S.A., Zhiburt E.B.
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center №1 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
170 blood donors with high level of alaninaminotransferase activity were again evaluated after 6 months. In 115 sera alaninaminotransferase activity became normal. No specific markers of viral hepatitis B and C were found. Modern approach to blood donor selection and evaluation allow to decease detection of alaninaminotransferase activity.
Key words: blood, donor, alaninaminotransferase.
The influence of leukocyte filtration on haemostatic properties of donor’s plasma
A.V. Chechetkin, S.N. Kononenko, L.P. Papajan, V.A. Kobiljanskaja, V.I. Vashchenko
Military medical academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia Russian scientific research institute of hematology and transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The haemostasis parameters of donor’s plasma after leukocyte depletion with use of three types filters were investigated. It is established, that depending on type of filters leukocyte filtration resulted in reduction in donor’s plasma of activity of factor V, VIII, protein C and plasminogen level. The changes observed did not fall outside the limits maximum deviations and did not reduce biological value of donor’s plasma
Key words: donor’s plasma, leukocyte filtration, haemostasis
G.A. Shishko1, T.A. Serzhan, M.V. Artyushevskaya, A.V. Sapotnitskiy, O.V. Kozlyakova, O.I. Kamalova
Byelorussian Medical Academy of Post-diploma Education, neonatology and medical genetics department (Minsk) Health-care Agency «Maternity Hospital of Minsk region» Sole Proprietorship «Central Medical Company»
Phenotyping of red blood cells with the Rhesus system as well as the establishment of a titer and the specificity of antibodies against red blood cell antigens gives more opportunities to assess the risk of immunization in a newborn child as well as timely and adequate treatment.
Key words: newborn hemolytic disease, gel technology, rhesus-immunization, red blood cell antigens, Rhesus system, antiglobulin test, red blood cell typing.
State of art in blood service and transfusion medicine
Sidorov S.К., Karavaev A.V., Shestakov E.A., Gubanova M.N.
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center Russian Transfusionist Association
Data about seminar in blood service and transfusion medicine have been shown.
Key words: blood, blood collection, blood transfusion
Shestakov E.A., Karavaev A.V., Zhiburt E.B.
Russian Pirogov National Medical Centre, Moscow
The were showed that both in Russia and in other developed countries donor red blood cells are mostly transfused to older patients. According medium variant of demographic prognosis to 2030 year part of Russian population older than 50 years will increase at 19,0%, older than 60 years – at 39,2%, older than 65 years – at 55,6%. Respectively blood service has to be ready to double increase red blood cells transfusion. Evidence-based blood transfusion and blood saving technologies development will decrease blood products consumption.
Key words: demographic prognosis, blood products requirement
Blood bag quality has an influence on effectiveness of blood center
Filina N.G., Trofina N.Yu., Zhiburt E.B.
Krasnoyarsk Regional Blood Center № 1 Russian Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
During 151654 blood and blood components donation quality of blood bags has been evaluated. The worst blood bag use leads to repeat centrifugation in 7,2% of the cases and leaks in 5,1% of the cases. Selection of the best systems increases effectiveness of blood center.
Key words: blood, donor, blood bag, wastage
The assurance of the infectious safety in Lipetsk Region Blood Service
Solomentseva M.L.
Lipetsk Regional blood transfusion station
The organization of Lipetsk Regional blood transfusion station work for the assurance of the infectious safety of blood components and blood preparations is described. This work includes the regional features of donor selection procedure and the work of the United Donor Center. The efficiency of it's work can be estimated by the lower "absolute" waste rates (0.2%), the increasing volumes of plasma quarantine, the realization of NAT screening as the additional method for laboratory diagnosctics, and the realization of safety algorithms in work with the donors and the blood products.
Key words: blood service, infectious safety, hemotransmissible infectious diseases, donor selection, United Donor Center, plasma quarantine, leukocyte filtration.
Transfusion World Convergention
Zhiburt E.B., Karavaev A.V., Shestakov E.A., Filina N.G., Klyueva E.A.
National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center, Moscow Russian Transfusionist Association
Data about meeting of WHO Expert committee on biological standardization have been shown. Proposed WHO Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices for Blood Establishment and projects of WHO standards for laboratory diagnostics in blood service have been discussed. Positive result is conditional on clear, transparent, democratic and professional system for WHO dockets development.
Key words: blood, blood collection, blood transfusion, standardization, WHO.
The content of the fourth issue 2010
Blood banking in Russia: the present state and prospects
FSI Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, St. Petersburg
Analytical data on the activities of institutions and units of blood banking in recent years show positive trends: the number of institutions and units of blood bankinghas stabilized, the number of donors, blood donations and plasma donations has increased as did the volume of stored blood and blood components. In addition, the increase in the volume of an average single dose, the increase in the number of plasma donors and the increase in the volume of plasma obtained by plasmapheresis are positive trends as well. The introduction of new technologies (plasma quarantine leukofiltration, inactivation of viruses) can increase the safety level of blood transfusions.
Those shifts in the domain of production transfusion favorably affect the supply of health facilities with safe transfusion media they need. On the ground of conducted analysis, we can conclude that the prognosis of further development of production and clinical transfusion in Russia is favorable.
Key words: blood banking, transfusiology, blood transfusion.
The use of the test of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in the laboratory practice
Shanskaya A.I., Papayan L.P., Staritsyna N.N.
Russian Research Institutr of Hematology and Transfusiology FMBA of Russia, St.- Petersburg
The authors review the use of the test the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in the laboratory practice. The test has played an important role in basic research and clinical trials in the field of blood coagulation.
Key words: the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), coagulation factors, blood coagulation.
Modernization of bacterial safety in transfusion medicine
Zhiburt E.B., Karavaev A.V., Filina N.G., Gubanova M.N. Russian Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow
There were evaluated efficacy of blood components bacterial control and possibilities for its improvement. Annually in Russia more than 1,5 mlns litres of donor blood are collected. More than 10000 litres of the blood are directed to bacterial screening. Wastage after the screening in no more than 10 litres. Existed «Instructions for sterility control of conserved blood, blood components, preparations, conserved bone marrow, blood substitutes and conservating solutions» (1995) orders to selective control plastic bags with blood and blood components. Platelets are not needed in the control. There are necessary to implement: a) blood donation system with first blood diversion pouch; b) total platelets bacterial screening; c) pathogen reduction technologies.
Key words: blood, platelets, bacterial contamination, bacterial detection, pathogen reduction.
Historical aspects of development of donor movement
V.M.Potapsky, E.I.Neminushchaja Public health services official body "Blood transfusion Station Department of public health services of a city of Moscow"
Bringing up a question of chronological development of a donor service, having glanced in depth of centuries, it is possible to tell with confidence that it is the historical question which studying has defining value in process formation of approaches and search of ways of effective development of donor movement at the present stage. Article purpose – to open ways of development of a donor service of blood and formation of donor movement to a historical foreshortening.
Key words: donor service of blood and its components, donor movement, Station of blood transfusion ДЗМ, blood service, donors, трансфузиология, blood transfusion.
Evolution of blood component transfusions in Krasnoyarsk region
Filina N.G., Maryasova E.V., Zhiburt E.B. Krasnoyarsk Region Blood Center №1 National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center
Data about evolution of blood component transfusions in Krasnoyarsk region in 2003-2009 years have been shown. Quantity of transfused red blood cells and plasma have been decreased, but volume of red blood cells and plasma transfused per one patient have been increased. Cryoprecipitate usage has been decreased at 2,5 times. Albumin usage has been decreased at 2,8 times. Platelets usage has been increased at 6,4 times.
Key words: blood, blood collection, blood transfusion, blood components.
The content of the third issue 2010
The method of preparation of leukodepleted washed red blood cells
Some aspects of safety when performing automated thrombocytapheresis of donors
Special considerations of the preparation of RBC suspension from filtered preserved blood
Benchmarking of outdated red blood cells wastage in hospitals
Effectiveness of different methods of autotransfusion in patients with total hip replacement
Yu.A. Krasnokutskiy., S.A. Malakhov
State Healthcare Agency “Stavropol Regional Clinical Center for specialized types of medical aid”, the city of Stavropol
50 patients with severe impairment of walking associated with severe coxarthrosis underwent the primary total hip replacement. For 27 of these, autologous blood obtained by preoperative stocking, autologous red blood cells filtered by the “Cell Saver 5” device and the “drain” blood after surgery were used for correction of the intraoperative blood loss; for the remaining patients, only components of donor blood were used. It was established a close correlation between the use of autologous blood in all variants with a more safe and satisfactory course of wound healing after surgery and a shorter hospital stay. In addition, the use of autologous blood has obvious economic benefits as against the donor blood.
Key words: stocking, blood components, allogeneic blood, autologous blood, autohemotransfusion, reinfusion, normovolemic hemodilution, exfusion, reamberine, polioxifumarin, Voluven, Refortan, essentiale, vacuum drainage system, cascade microfilter.