Abdulkadyrov Kudrat Mugutdinovich – M.D., professor, RF Honored Doctor, RF Honored Scientist, Head of hemoblastosis chemotherapy, hematodepressions and bone-marrow transplantation clinical unit of the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.
Baryshev Boris Aleksandrovich – Candidate of Medical Science, A.P., Head of blood transfusion unit of the First St.-Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg.
Bubnova Lyudmila Nikolaevna – M.D., professor, Head of immunohematology laboratory of the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.
Danilchenko Vladimir Vasilyevich - M.D., professor, Head of scientific-organizational section at the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.
Dutkevich Igor Georgievich – M.D., RF Honored Doctor, professor of Transfusion department at the North-west State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg.
Koloskov Andrey Viktorovich – M.D., acting Head of Transfusion department at North-west State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg.
Levchenko Leonid Borisovich – Candidate of Medical Science, Deputy Chief Doctor of the Leningrad region Blood centre, Tosno, Leningrad region.
Mineeva Natalya Vitalyevna – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Head of isoserology laboratory of the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.
Onufrievich Aleksandr Dmitrievich – Head of Blood Centre of The Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow.
Soldatenkov Vitaliy Evgenyevich – Candidate of Medical Science, Head of surgical hematology clinical unit at the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.
Chebotkevich Vitaliy Nikolaevich – M.D., professor, Head of bacteriology laboratory of the Russian hematology and transfusion research institute of Federal Medical and Biological Agency, St. Petersburg.